Interweave Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build United Kingdom flag

Interweave Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the STU3 profiles here.

CodeSystem: InterweaveNICIPcodes

Official URL: Version: 0.0.1
Draft as of 2024-07-15 Computable Name: InterweaveNICIPcodes

National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure codes

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem Interweave-NICIP

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes:

CABDO CT Abdomen
CABDOB CT Guided biopsy abdomen
CABDOD CT Guided drainage abdomen
CABPE CT Abdomen and pelvis
CACDB CT Angio aortic arch and carotid Both
CACRY CT Cardiac angiogram coronary
CADRB CT Adrenal Both
CAICN CT Angiogram intracranial
CALLB CT Angiogram lower limb Both
CAPUG CT Angiogram pulmonary
CAULB CT Angiogram upper limb Both
CBILI CT Cholangiogram
CBPLX CT Brachial plexus
CCABD CT Thorax and abdomen
CCALB CT Calcaneus Both
CCHAP CT Thorax abdomen and pelvis
CCSPN CT Spine cervical
CCSPNT CT Spine cervical myelogram
CDEXA CT Bone densitometry
CELBB CT Elbow Both
CFACE CT Facial bones
CFARB CT Forearm Both
CFLMO CT Floor of mouth
CFOOB CT Foot Both
CHANB CT Hand Both
CIAMB CT Internal auditory meatus Both
CJSHB CT Arthrogram shoulder Both
CJSHL CT Arthrogram shoulder Lt
CJSHR CT Arthrogram shoulder Rt
CKIDB CT Renal Both
CKNEB CT Knee Both
CLIVEB CT Guided biopsy liver
CLOLB CT Lower leg Both
CLOLL CT Lower leg Lt
CLOLR CT Lower leg Rt
CLSPN CT Spine lumbar
CLSPNT CT Spine lumbar myelogram
CMAND CT Mandible
CMEDM CT Mediastinum
CMSTB CT Mastoid Both
CNECKB CT Guided biopsy neck
CORBB CT Orbit Both
CPANCB CT Guided biopsy pancreas
CPANS CT Pancreas
CPELVB CT Guided biopsy pelvis
CPITF CT Pituitary
CPNAS CT Post nasal space
CPOSF CT Posterior fossa
CPTRS CT Petrous bones
CPVMY CT Pelvimetry
CSACM CT Spine sacral
CSAPA CT Parotid
CSIAW CT Salivary glands
CSINU CT Sinuses
CTHIB CT Upper leg Both
CTHIL CT Upper leg Lt
CTHIR CT Upper leg Rt
CTHSPT CT Spine thoracic myelogram
CTSPN CT Spine thoracic
CUPAB CT Upper arm Both
CUPAL CT Upper arm Lt
CUPAR CT Upper arm Rt
CVBRY CT Bronchoscopy virtual
CWRIB CT Wrist Both
FABDO Fluoroscopy abdomen
FABRN Angio bronchial
FACAB Angio carotid Both
FACAL Angio carotid Lt
FACAR Angio carotid Rt
FACEG Angio cerebral
FACLV Cardiac Angio Lt heart study
FACOE Angio coeliac
FACRH Cardiac Angio Rt heart study
FAHEP Angio hepatic
FAIMA Angio inferior mesenteric artery
FANPB Antegrade pyelogram Both
FANPL Antegrade pyelogram Lt
FANPR Antegrade pyelogram Rt
FAOVA Angio ovarian
FAPUG Angio pulmonary
FAREN Angio renal
FARTK Angio renal transplant
FASLN Angio splenic
FASMA Angio superior mesenteric artery
FASPN Angio spinal
FATES Angio testicular
FATHAS Arterial stent thoracic aorta
FAULB Angio upper limb Both
FAULL Angio upper limb Lt
FAULR Angio upper limb Rt
FAVTB Angio vertebral Both
FAVTL Angio vertebral Lt
FAVTR Angio vertebral Rt
FBAEN Barium enema
FBAME Barium meal
FBASM Barium swallow and meal
FBASW Barium swallow
FBRON Bronchogram
FCARD Cardiac Angio coronaries
FCSMGT Myelogram cervical
FCVSG Venogram cavernogram
FDISC Discogram
FDUOD Duodenogram
FFIST Fistulogram
FHART Fluoroscopy heart
FHERN Herniogram
FHIPB Fluoroscopy hip Both
FHIPL Fluoroscopy hip Lt
FHIPR Fluoroscopy hip Rt
FHYSG Hysterosalpingogram
FICVG Inferior vena cavogram
FJIBB Bursogram iliopsoas Both
FJIBL Bursogram iliopsoas Lt
FJIBR Bursogram iliopsoas Rt
FLARY Laryngogram
FLLVB Venogram leg Both
FLLVL Venogram leg Lt
FLLVR Venogram leg Rt
FLOLB Fluoroscopy lower limb Both
FLOOG Loopogram gastrointestinal tract
FLSMGT Myelogram lumbar
FLSPN Fluoroscopy lumbar spine
FMCYS Micturating cystourethrogram
FNPGB Nephrostogram Both
FNPGL Nephrostogram Lt
FNPGR Nephrostogram Rt
FPECV Penile cavernosogram
FPELV Fluoroscopy pelvis
FPELVV Venogram pelvic
FPOCHM Operative cholangiogram
FPOUC Pouchogram
FPTCH Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram
FSBEN Barium small bowel enema
FSBME Barium small bowel meal
FSINO Sinogram
FSPLV Venogram splenic
FSVCG Superior vena cavogram
FTEVB Venogram testicular Both
FTHMGT Myelogram thoracic
FTHOX Fluoroscopy thorax
FTTCH T-tube cholangiogram
FULVB Venogram arm Both
FULVL Venogram arm Lt
FULVR Venogram arm Rt
FUPLB Fluoroscopy upper limb Both
FURECC Urethrocystogram
FUREH Urethrogram
FVASO Vasogram
FVENG Ventriculogram cerebral
FVENH Venogram hepatic
FVIDS Video swallow
FVSBW Venous sampling whole body
FWASW Water soluble contrast swallow
FWSEN Water soluble contrast enema
FWSMF Water Sol Cont meal and follow through
IAAFMP Angioplasty aortofemoral
IAAPSE Embolisation aortic arch
IAATTJ Thrombolysis aortofemoral
IABROE Embolisation bronchial artery
IACABS Arterial stent carotid Both
IACALS Arterial stent carotid Lt
IACARS Arterial stent carotid Rt
IACCBP Angioplasty common carotid Both
IACCLP Angioplasty common carotid Lt
IACCRP Angioplasty common carotid Rt
IACEGE Embolisation cerebral artery
IACOAS Cardiac Angio coronary stent
IACOEE Embolisation coeliac artery
IACOEP Angioplasty coeliac
IACOES Arterial stent coeliac
IAFEBS Arterial stent femoral Both
IAFELS Arterial stent femoral Lt
IAFERS Arterial stent femoral Rt
IAHEPE Embolisation hepatic artery
IAILBP Angioplasty iliac Both
IAILLP Angioplasty iliac Lt
IAILRP Angioplasty iliac Rt
IAIMAP Angioplasty inferior mesenteric artery
IAIPBP Angioplasty infrapopliteal Both
IAIPLP Angioplasty infrapopliteal Lt
IAIPRP Angioplasty infrapopliteal Rt
IAORAP Angioplasty aorta
IAPFBP Angioplasty profunda femoris Both
IAPFLP Angioplasty profunda femoris Lt
IAPFRP Angioplasty profunda femoris Rt
IAREBE Pc embolisation renal artery Both
IAREBP Angioplasty renal Both
IARELP Angioplasty renal Lt
IARERP Angioplasty renal Rt
IARTKP Angioplasty renal transplant
IASCBP Angioplasty subclavian Both
IASCLP Angioplasty subclavian Lt
IASCRP Angioplasty subclavian Rt
IASFBP Angioplasty superficial femoral Both
IASFLP Angioplasty superficial femoral Lt
IASFRP Angioplasty superficial femoral Rt
IASIBS Arterial stent iliac Both
IASILS Arterial stent iliac Lt
IASIRS Arterial stent iliac Rt
IASMAP Angioplasty superior mesenteric
IASPNP Angioplasty splenic
IAXCBP Angioplasty external carotid Both
IAXCLP Angioplasty external carotid Lt
IAXCRP Angioplasty external carotid Rt
IBILIS Biliary bile duct stent
IBRONS Bronchial stent
ICARDN Cardiac Angio aspiration
IDUOSS Duodenal stent insertion
IMESAE Embolisation mesenteric artery
IOESDP Oesophageal dilatation
IOESSS Oesophageal stent insertion
ITLLBJ Thrombolysis lower limb Both
ITLLLJ Thrombolysis lower limb Lt
ITLLRJ Thrombolysis lower limb Rt
ITULBJ Thrombolysis upper limb Both
ITULLJ Thrombolysis upper limb Lt
ITULRJ Thrombolysis upper limb Rt
IURTHS Urethral stent
IVTESE Embolisation of testicular vein
MABPA MRI Pancreas
MACOA MRA Cardiac coronary arteries
MADRB MRI Adrenal Both
MAGUT MRA Visceral
MALLB MRA Lower limb Both
MAPUA MRA Pulmonary arteries
MAREV MRA Renal and visceral
MAULB MRA Upper limb Both
MAULL MRA Upper limb Lt
MAULR MRA Upper limb Rt
MAXIB MRI Axilla Both
MBRPX MRI Brachial plexus
MCORP MRI Cardiac perfusion
MCSPN MRI Spine cervical
MELBB MRI Elbow Both
MFARB MRI Forearm Both
MFINB MRI Fingers Both
MFINL MRI Fingers Lt
MFINR MRI Fingers Rt
MIAMB MRI Internal auditory meatus Both
MJANB MRI Arthrogram ankle Both
MJELB MRI Arthrogram elbow Both
MJKNB MRI Arthrogram knee Both
MJSHB MRI Arthrogram shoulder Both
MJWRB MRI Arthrogram wrist Both
MKIDB MRI Renal Both
MLOLB MRI Lower leg Both
MLOLL MRI Lower leg Lt
MLOLR MRI Lower leg Rt
MLULB MRI Lower limb Both
MLYMP MRI Lymphogram
MMAMB MRI Breast Both
MORBB MRI Orbit Both
MPITF MRI Pituitary
MPLVY MRI Pelvimetry
MSHRB MRI Shoulder Both
MSKPE MRI Head brain perfusion study
MTMJB MRI Temporomandibular joint Both
MTSPN MRI Spine thoracic
MUPAB MRI Upper arm Both
MVIVC MRV Inferior vena cava
MVLLB MRV Lower limb Both
MVSKU MRV Cerebral veins
MVSVC MRV Superior vena cava
MVULB MRV Upper limb Both
MVULL MRV Upper limb Lt
MVULR MRV Upper limb Rt
MWRIB MRI Wrist Both
NBOMA NM Bone marrow scan
NBONE NM Bone localised
NBONW NM Bone whole body
NCHEQ NM Lung perfusion scan Q
NCHEV NM Lung ventilation scan V
NCMPS NM Cardiac myocardial perfusion scan
NCOLO NM Colon transit study
NDCGM NM Lacrimal scintidacrocystogram
NGERS NM Gastrooesphageal reflux scan
NGIBS NM Gastrointestinal bleed scan
NINFI NM Infection scan
NLIVS NM Liver and spleen
NLYMP NM Lymphoscintigram
NPNSC NM Peritoneoscrotography
NSHUN NM CSF shuntogram
NSIND NM Sacroiliac scan
NSMAB NM Breast scintimammogram Both
NSMAL NM Breast scintimammogram Lt
NSMAR NM Breast scintimammogram Rt
NSPLN NM Spleen scan
NTHLO NM Thrombus localisation
NVLLL NM Venogram lower limb Lt
NVLLR NM Venogram lower limb Rt
NVULL NM Venogram upper limb Lt
UABDO US Abdomen
UABPE US Abdomen and pelvis
UACTB US Achilles tendon Both
UACTL US Achilles tendon Lt
UACTR US Achilles tendon Rt
UAILB US Doppler iliac and femoral artery Both
UALLB US Doppler femoropopliteal artery Both
UALLL US Doppler femoropopliteal artery Lt
UALLR US Doppler femoropopliteal artery Rt
UANKB US Ankle Both
UAORT US Abdominal aorta
UDCAB US Doppler carotid artery Both
UDCAL US Doppler carotid artery Lt
UDCAR US Doppler carotid artery Rt
UDIAL US Doppler iliac and femoral artery Lt
UDIAR US Doppler iliac and femoral artery Rt
UDRNB US Doppler renal Both
UDRNL US Doppler renal Lt
UDRNR US Doppler renal Rt
UEXT US Extremity
UHANB US Hand Both
UHYSTC US Hysterosalpingogram
UKIDB US Kidney Both
UKIDL US Kidney Lt
UKIDR US Kidney Rt
UKNEB US Knee Both
ULABD US Lower abdomen
UMAML US Breast Lt
UMAMR US Breast Rt
UPEND US Doppler penis
UPROS US Prostate
UPTHY US Parathyroid
USGPA US Salivary glands parotid
USGSM US Salivary glands submandibular
USHRB US Shoulder Both
USHRL US Shoulder Lt
USHRR US Shoulder Rt
UTHYD US Thyroid
UTRRE US Transplant kidney
UUTR US Urinary tract
UVTAB US Doppler vertebral artery Both
UVTAL US Doppler vertebral artery Lt
UVTAR US Doppler vertebral artery Rt
UWRIB US Wrist Both
XABDO XR Abdomen
XACJB XR Acromioclavicular joint Both
XACJL XR Acromioclavicular joint Lt
XACJR XR Acromioclavicular joint Rt
XCALB XR Calcaneus Both
XCALL XR Calcaneus Lt
XCALR XR Calcaneus Rt
XCHAB XR Chest and abdomen
XCLAB XR Clavicle Both
XCLAL XR Clavicle Lt
XCLAR XR Clavicle Rt
XCOLT XR Colonic transit study
XCSPN XR Cervical spine
XCTJN XR Cervicothoracic junction
XDEXA Bone densitometry DXA
XDLO XR Dental mandibular occlusal
XDPA XR Dental periapical 5
XDPB XR Dental periapical 10
XDPC XR Dental periapical 10 plus
XDPF XR Dental periapical full
XDUO XR Dental maxillary occlusal
XELBB XR Elbow Both
XFACI XR Facial bones
XFARB XR Radius and ulna Both
XFARL XR Radius and ulna Lt
XFARR XR Radius and ulna Rt
XFEMB XR Femur Both
XFIIL XR Finger index Lt
XFIIR XR Finger index Rt
XFILL XR Finger little Lt
XFILR XR Finger little Rt
XFIML XR Finger middle Lt
XFIMR XR Finger middle Rt
XFINL XR Fingers Lt
XFINR XR Fingers Rt
XFIRL XR Finger ring Lt
XFIRR XR Finger ring Rt
XHANB XR Hand Both
XIVC XR Intravenous cholangiogram
XIVU XR Intravenous urogram
XLSPN XR Lumbar spine
XMAND XR Mandible
XMASB XR Mastoid Both
XMCGL Breast pneumocystogram Lt
XMCGR Breast pneumocystogram Rt
XNASA XR Nasal bones
XNEST XR Neck soft tissue
XOCHG Oral cholecystogram
XOPTBO XR Orthopantomogram full
XOPTLO XR Orthopantomogram Lt
XOPTRO XR Orthopantomogram Rt
XORBB XR Orbit Both
XPATB XR Patella Both
XPATH XR Pathological specimen
XPATL XR Patella Lt
XPATR XR Patella Rt
XPNSP XR Post nasal space
XPSIN XR Paranasal sinuses
XSALI XR Salivary glands
XSCAB XR Scaphoid Both
XSCAL XR Scaphoid Lt
XSCAR XR Scaphoid Rt
XSCJB XR Sternoclavicular joint Both
XSCPB XR Scapula Both
XSCPL XR Scapula Lt
XSCPR XR Scapula Rt
XSGMB Sialogram submandibular Both
XSGML Sialogram submandibular Lt
XSGMR Sialogram submandibular Rt
XSHRB XR Shoulder Both
XSHRL XR Shoulder Lt
XSHRR XR Shoulder Rt
XSIJB XR Sacroiliac joint Both
XSKPF XR Skull pituitary fossa
XSTJB XR Subtalar joint Both
XSTJL XR Subtalar joint Lt
XSTJR XR Subtalar joint Rt
XSTRM XR Sternum
XTHIN XR Thoracic inlet
XTHUB XR Thumb Both
XTLSP XR Thoracolumbar spine
XTMJB XR Temporomandibular joint Both
XTMJL XR Temporomandibular joint Lt
XTMJR XR Temporomandibular joint Rt
XTOGL XR Toe great Lt
XTOGR XR Toe great Rt
XTSPN XR Thoracic spine
XUPAB XR Humerus Both
XUPAL XR Humerus Lt
XUPAR XR Humerus Rt
XWRIB XR Wrist Both
NC13U NM C13 urea breath test
NVULR NM Venogram upper limb Rt
XFANKR XR Foot and ankle Right
XFANKL XR Foot and ankle Left
XFANKB XR Foot and ankle Both
OTORS Medical photography torso
OPELG Medical photography pelvis and genitalia
OUPLR Medical photography upper limbs Right
OUPLL Medical photography upper limbs Left
OUPLB Medical photography upper limbs Both
OLOLR Medical photography lower limbs Right
OLOLL Medical photography lower limbs Left
OLOLB Medical photography lower limbs Both
OSPEC Medical photography specimen
XLTDD Direct thoracic lymphangiography
XLLEB Lower extremity lymphangiography Both
FAIMR Angio internal mammary artery Right
FAIML Angio internal mammary artery Left
FAIMB Angio internal mammary artery Both
FAMES Angio mesenteric arteries
FARER Angio renal artery Right
FAREL Angio renal artery Left
FAREB Angio renal artery Both
FALLR Angio lower limbs Right
FALLL Angio lower limbs Left
FALLB Angio lower limbs Both
FAIIR Angio internal iliac artery Right
FAIIL Angio internal iliac artery Left
FAIIB Angio internal iliac artery Both
FAABA Angio abdominal aorta
FCYSM Fluoroscopic cystometrogram
FAOFB Angio aortofemoral lower limb Both
CCISTT CT Cisternography
CCSPDC CT Spine cervical discogram
CCSPNC CT Spine cervical with contrast
CAAAG CT Angiogram aorta
CABDOC CT Abdomen with contrast
CACJB CT Acromioclavicular joint Both
CACJL CT Acromioclavicular joint Lt
CACJR CT Acromioclavicular joint Rt
CART CT Angiogram
CBIOPB CT Guided biopsy
CCASC CT Cardiac Cor artery calcium scoring
CCHESC CT Thorax with contrast
CHRC CT Chest high resolution
CLSPDC CT Spine lumbar discogram
CLSPNC CT Spine lumbar with contrast
CMFOB CT Midfoot Both
CMFOL CT Midfoot Lt
CMFOR CT Midfoot Rt
CPELVC CT Pelvis with contrast
CPELVD CT Guided drainage pelvis
CPOSFC CT Posterior fossa with contrast
CSCAN CT Scanogram for leg length
CSCJB CT Sternoclavicular joint Both
CSIAWC CT Salivary glands with contrast
CSKUHC CT Head with contrast
CTMJB CT Temporomandibular joint Both
CTSPNC CT Spine thoracic with contrast
EUPAN Endoscopic US pancreas
FACCB Angio common carotid Both
FACCL Angio common carotid Lt
FACCR Angio common carotid Rt
FADVB Venogram adrenal Both
FADVL Venogram adrenal Lt
FADVR Venogram adrenal Rt
FAICB Angio internal carotid Both
FAICL Angio internal carotid Lt
FAICR Angio internal carotid Rt
FAILA Angio iliac
FAXCB Angio external carotid Both
FAXCL Angio external carotid Lt
FAXCR Angio external carotid Rt
FBACE Colostomy barium enema
FCARC Cardiac Angio congenital anomaly study
FCARDB Fluoroscopic guided cardiac biopsy
FCDISC Discogram cervical
FCEPS Cardiac electrophysiology study
FCSPN Fluoroscopy cervical spine
FDCGB Dacrocystogram Both
FDCGL Dacrocystogram Lt
FDCGR Dacrocystogram Rt
FDIAP Fluoroscopy diaphragm
FJOIN Fluoroscopy joint
FKNEB Fluoroscopy knee Both
FKNEL Fluoroscopy knee Lt
FKNER Fluoroscopy knee Rt
FPCAN Pc diagnostic angiography
FPTCP PTC Catheter patency check
FRICD Cardiac defibrillator revision
FRPPM Cardiac permanent pacemaker revision
FSHUN Shuntogram
FSKUH Fluoroscopy skull
FVAGG Fluoroscopic vaginogram
FVENJU Venogram jugular
FVLPH Fluoroscopy velopharynx
FVSUV Venogram subclavian
FWADA Wada study
IATHAX Atherectomy laser
IATHCX Atherectomy cutting balloon
IATHOX Atherectomy rotor
IFEMAI Femoral line insertion
ITRACS Tracheal stent fluoroscopic guided
MAAOA MRA Aorta abdominal
MAAOT MRA Aorta thoracic
MBIOPB MRI Guided biopsy
MCCMS MRI Cardiac complex congenital
MCSPNC MRI Spine cervical with contrast
MCTSP MRI Spine cervicothoracic
MFUNC MRI Functional imaging
MJDIP MRI Arthrogram interphalangeal joint
MJTMB MRI Arthrogram temporomandibular Jt Both
MJTML MRI Arthrogram temporomandibular Jt Lt
MJTMR MRI Arthrogram temporomandibular Jt Rt
MPERF MRI Perfusion weighted
MPEST MRI Pelvis prostate
MRECT MRI Pelvis rectum
MSIAG MRI Salivary glands
MSKUS MRI Head spectroscopy
MSPEC MRI Spectroscopy
MTHIB MRI Femur Both
MTHIN MRI Thoracic inlet and outlet
MTLSP MRI Spine thoracolumbar
MTSPNC MRI Spine thoracic with contrast
MVENO MRV Venogram
MWBOD MRI Whole body
N123W NM Iodine 123 whole body
NAMYS NM Amyloid study
NBLDP NM Blood pool scan
NC14G NM C14 glychocholic breath test
NC14U NM C14 urea breath test
NCEAW NM CEA scan whole body
NCHVQ NM Lung ventilation and perfusion
NCNRNO NM Cardiac rest PET NH3
NCSFD NM CSF leak detection and localisation
NEITS NM Oesophageal isotope transit study
NFEKS NM Iron metabolism study
NFOCC NM Faecal occult blood loss
NLUMU NM Lung mucociliary clearance
NLUPS NM Lung permeability study
NMCUI NM MCUG indirect
NMETSO NM Methionine tumour imaging local PET
NMIBGY NM Iodine 131 MIBG therapy
NOCT NM Octreotide scan
NOCTW NM Octreotide scan whole body
NPROT NM Protein losing enteropathy study
NPRRE NM Probe renogram
NRCSQ NM Red cell sequestration study
NRCVI NM Red cell survival study
NSCHI NM Schilling test B12 malabsorption
NSIAM NM Salivary glands scintisialogram
NSKUD NM Brain scan first pass
NSR89Y NM Strontium 89 therapy
NTU12 NM Thyroid uptake Iodine 123 no images
NTU13 NM Thyroid uptake Iodine 131 no images
NTUIP NM Tumour imaging planar
NTUIW NM Tumour imaging whole body
NY90TY NM Y90 antibody therapy
UABPI US Ankle and brachial pressure index
UADRB US Adrenal Both
UAMNI US Guided amniocentesis
UANOM US Obstetric fetal anatomy scan
UBIOPB US Guided biopsy
UBUTL US Buttock Lt
UBUTR US Buttock Rt
UCALB US Calcaneus Both
UCALL US Calcaneus Lt
UCALR US Calcaneus Rt
UCARDN US Guided pericardiocentesis
UDIAP US Diaphragmatic region
UDOPP US Doppler
UFARB US Forearm Both
UFARL US Forearm Lt
UFARR US Forearm Rt
UFBLC US Foreign body localisation
UFETD US Guided foeticide
UFINL US Finger Lt
UFINR US Finger Rt
UFOTA US Follicular tracking transabdominal
UGAPY US Gastric pylorus
UGBLD US Gallbladder
UIART US Intrarterial
UINGU US Groin and inguinal region
ULLDL US Lower leg Lt
UMAMB US Breast Both
UOBPP US Obstetric biophysical profile
UODAT US Obstetric dating scan
UODNU US Obstetric nuchal dating scan
UODOP US Obstetric doppler study
UOFG US Obstetric fetal growth
UOLR US Liquor reduction
UPANC US Pancreas
UPANCB US Guided biopsy pancreas
UPANCD US Guided drainage pancreas
UPELVB US Guided biopsy pelvis
UPELVD US Guided drainage pelvis
UPLAC US Obstetric placental localisation
UTHYDD US Guided drainage thyroid
UTOEG US Transoesophageal echocardiogram
UTRPT US Transrectal prostate
UUPAL US Upper arm Lt
UUPAR US Upper arm Rt
XBLAD XR Bladder
XCATB XR Carpal tunnel Both
XCATL XR Carpal tunnel Lt
XCATR XR Carpal tunnel Rt
XFBOB XR Orbit foreign body demonstration Both
XFFOB XR Forefoot Both
XFFOL XR Forefoot Lt
XFFOR XR Forefoot Rt
XHDXB Bone mineral densitometry hip Both
XHDXL Bone mineral densitometry hip Lt
XHDXR Bone mineral densitometry hip Rt
XHFOB XR Hindfoot Both
XHFOL XR Hindfoot Lt
XHFOR XR Hindfoot Rt
XHWBA XR Hand and wrist for bone age
XKIDB XR Kidney Both
XKIDL XR Kidney Lt
XKIDR XR Kidney Rt
XLDEX Bone mineral densitometry lumbar spine
XLMAB XR Mammogram lateral view Both
XLMAL XR Mammogram lateral view Lt
XLMAR XR Mammogram lateral view Rt
XLOLB XR Tibia and fibula Both
XLOLL XR Tibia and fibula Lt
XLOLR XR Tibia and fibula Rt
XLSSJ XR Lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint
XLYMP Lymphangiogram
XMACBB XR Mammo guided core biopsy breast Both
XMACLB XR Mammo guided core biopsy breast Lt
XMACRB XR Mammo guided core biopsy breast Rt
XMAEB XR Mammogram extended view Both
XMAEL XR Mammogram extended view Lt
XMAER XR Mammogram extended view Rt
XMAFBN XR Mammogram guided FNA breast Both
XMAFLN XR Mammogram guided FNA breast Lt
XMAFRN XR Mammogram guided FNA breast Rt
XMALB XR Mammo guided guidewire Loc breast B
XMALL XR Mammo guided guidewire Loc breast Lt
XMALR XR Mammo guided guidewire Loc breast Rt
XMAMBN XR Mammo guided aspiration breast Both
XMAMLN XR Mammo guided aspiration breast Lt
XMAMRN XR Mammo guided aspiration breast Rt
XMCGB Breast pneumocystogram Both
XMDEX Bone mineral densitometry mandible
XMFCBB XR Guided FNA and core Bx breast B
XMFCLB XR Guided FNA and core Bx breast Lt
XMFCRB XR Guided FNA and core Bx breast Rt
XMMAB XR Mammogram magnification view Both
XMMAL XR Mammogram magnification view Lt
XMMAR XR Mammogram magnification view Rt
XMPABB Prone Stereo Mammo FNA and core Bx Both
XMPALB Prone Stereo Mammo FNA and core Bx Lt
XMPARB Prone Stereo Mammo FNA and core Bx Rt
XMPBBB Prone Stereo mammogram and core Bx Both
XMPBLB Prone Stereo Mammo and core biopsy Lt
XMPBRB Prone Stereo Mammo and core biopsy Rt
XMPLB Prone Stereo Mammo and guidewire Loc B
XMPLL Prone Stereo Mammo and guidewire Loc Lt
XMPLR Prone Stereo Mammo and guidewire Loc Rt
XMPSBA Prone stereotactic mammogram and FNA B
XMPSLA Prone stereotactic mammogram and FNA Lt
XMPSRA Prone stereotactic mammogram and FNA Rt
XMUABB Upright Stereo Mammo FNA and core Bx B
XMUALB Upright Stereo Mammo FNA and core Bx Lt
XMUARB Upright Stereo Mammo FNA and core Bx Rt
XMUBBB Upright Stereo mammogram and core Bx B
XMUBLB Upright stereo mammogram and core Bx Lt
XMUBRB Upright stereo mammogram and core Bx Rt
XMULB Upright Stereo Mammo and guidewire Loc B
XMULL Upright Stereo Mammo guidewire Loc Lt
XMULR Upright Stereo Mammo guidewire Loc Rt
XMUSBA Upright stereo mammogram and FNA Both
XMUSLA Upright stereo mammogram and FNA Lt
XMUSRA Upright stereo mammogram and FNA Rt
XMUVBB Upright Stereo Mammo and Vac Ass Bx Both
XMUVLB Upright Stereo Mammo and Vac Ass Bx Lt
XMUVRB Upright Stereo Mammo and Vac Ass Bx Rt
XPDEX Bone mineral densitometry peripheral
XPVMY XR Pelvimetry
XSACX XR Sacrum and coccyx
XSGPB Sialogram parotid Both
XSGPL Sialogram parotid Lt
XSGPR Sialogram parotid Rt
XWRSB XR Carpometacarpal Jt with stress Both
XWRSL XR Carpometacarpal joint with stress Lt
XWRSR XR Carpometacarpal joint with stress Rt
XWSPN XR Whole spine
XZYGB XR Zygoma Both
XZYGL XR Zygoma Lt
XZYGR XR Zygoma Rt
UGANGN US Guided aspiration ganglion cyst
FDYCV Dynamic cavernosography
FVDPU Direct puncture venography
FAIUS Intravascular ultrasound
UAUTB US Doppler uterine artery Both
UAUTL US Doppler uterine artery Left
UAUTR US Doppler uterine artery Right
CABAO CT Aorta abdominal
CAOTH CT Aorta thoracic
ECOLOY Colonoscopy
ESIGMY Flexible fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy
EGASTY Gastroscopy
IBAABP Pc balloon test Occl basilic artery
FCESIY Venography cerebral venous sinus
FCEREY Venography cerebral
CURIT CT Urinary tract
NTS131 NM I131 thyroid Radioth planning scan
EUGIE Upper GI endoscopy
ELGIE Lower GI endoscopy
MAREB MRA Renal Both
MPNAS MRI Post nasal space
EFOBR Bronchoscopy
MPOFO MRI Posterior fossa
NCASH NM Scan cardiac shunt study
NCASMC NM Cardiac iodine 123 MIBG SPECT
CAREA CT Angiogram renal and abdominal
EENTSS Endoscopic guided enteric stent
ERCSP ERCP and sphincterotomy
NMREN NM Renogram
NREND NM Renogram with diuretic
UABRE US Abdomen and renal tract
ULLDR US Lower leg Rt
USKFA US Craniofacial soft tissues
XFBD XR Foreign body demonstration
XMADB XR Mammary ductogram Both
XMADL XR Mammary ductogram Lt
XMADR XR Mammary ductogram Rt
IPICRP Pc angioplasty internal carotid artery R
IPICLP Pc angioplasty internal carotid artery L
IPICBP Pc angioplasty internal carotid artery B
XLUER Upper extremity lymphangiography Right
FVPOT Portal venography
IVTIP TIPSS venography
CAOWH CT Aorta whole
CHRCHC CT Chest high resolution with contrast
FSPINY Venography spinal
ISTVJE Pc transjugular Emb stomal varices
MDEFP MRI Defaecating proctogram
MBRASR MRI Head stereotactic planning
NPH32Y NM Phosphorus 32 therapy
NSKUS NM Brain scan static
EIRDMS ERCP Biliary stent metal
EIRDPS ERCP Biliary stent plastic
EOESDP Endoscopic guided oesophageal dilatation
EOESSS Endoscopic guided oesophageal stent
EOESSX Endoscopic oesophageal stent removal
EPYSTP Endoscopic guided pyloric dilatation
ETRACP Endoscopic guided tracheal dilatation
IAEIIS Pc SG Ext to internal iliac artery
IHPOTS Pc stentgraft portal vein
IHCFBS Pc stentgraft common femoral vein B
CCLAB CT Clavicle Both
CCPP CT Cranioplasty planning
CCSFJJ CT Facet joint injection cervical
CDCGB CT Dacrocystogram Both
CDCGL CT Dacrocystogram Lt
CDCGR CT Dacrocystogram Rt
CDRAID CT Guided drainage
CEARP CT Planning endovascular aneurysm repair
CELYS CT Enteroclysis
CEMBOE CT Guided embolisation
CABLTA CT Guided ablation
CABPEC CT Abdomen and pelvis with contrast
CADRBC CT Adrenal with contrast Both
CASPNN CT Guided aspiration
CBONEB CT Guided biopsy bone
CBPLXC CT Brachial plexus with contrast
CBSSK CT Base of skull
CBSSKC CT Base of skull with contrast
CCABDC CT Thorax and abdomen with contrast
CCHAPC CT Thorax abdomen pelvis with contrast
CENEM CT Contrast enema
CEPIDJ CT Guided epidural injection
CFACIC CT Face with contrast
CFARBC CT Forearm with contrast Both
CFFOB CT Forefoot Both
CFFOL CT Forefoot Lt
CFFOR CT Forefoot Rt
CFINB CT Fingers Both
CFINL CT Fingers Lt
CFINR CT Fingers Rt
CFLMOC CT Floor of mouth with contrast
CIAMBC CT IAM with contrast
CIAMBT CT IAM with intrathecal contrast
CKIDBC CT Renal with contrast Both
CLARYC CT Larynx with contrast
CLIVEC CT Liver with contrast
CLIVP CT Liver portogram
CLMAAA CT Liver lesion ablation
CLMAEA CT Liver lesion ablation ethanol
CLMAFA CT Liver lesion ablation RF
CLMASA CT Liver lesion ablation laser
CLOLBC CT Lower leg with contrast Both
CLOLLC CT Lower leg with contrast Lt
CLOLRC CT Lower leg with contrast Rt
CLSFJJ CT Facet joint injection lumbar
CLUNGB CT Guided biopsy lung
CMEDIC CT Mediastinum with contrast
CMIDE CT Middle ear
CMIPY CT Maximum intensity projection study
CMUGA CT Cardiac multiple gated acquisition
CNECH CT Neck and thorax
CNECHC CT Neck and thorax with contrast
CNECKC CT Neck with contrast
CNEPBD CT Guided nephrostomy Both
CNEPLD CT Guided nephrostomy Lt
CNEPRD CT Guided nephrostomy Rt
COOAAA CT Osteoid osteoma ablation
COOAEA CT Osteoid osteoma ablation ethanol
COOAFA CT Osteoid osteoma ablation RF
CORBBC CT Orbit with contrast Both
CPANSC CT Pancreas with contrast
CPITFC CT Pituitary with contrast
CPNASC CT Post nasal space with contrast
CRRFBA CT Guided RF ablation kidney Both
CRRFLA CT Guided RF ablation kidney Lt
CRRFRA CT Guided RF ablation kidney Rt
CRTBDR CT Radiotherapy planning scan bladder
CRTCHR CT Radiotherapy planning scan thorax
CRTMAR CT Radiotherapy planning scan breast
CRTNER CT Radiotherapy planning scan neck
CRTOBR CT Radiotherapy planning scan orbit Both
CRTPER CT Radiotherapy planning scan pelvis
CRTPOR CT Radiotherapy planning scan prostate
CRTSKR CT Radiotherapy planning scan head
CRTSMR CT Radiotherapy planning scan SMART
CRTSPR CT Radiotherapy planning scan spine
CRTXPR CT Radiotherapy planning scan
CSACMC CT Spine sacral with contrast
CSAPAC CT Parotids with contrast
CSHRBC CT Shoulder with contrast Both
CSINJJ CT Guided injection
CSINO CT Sinogram
CSINUC CT Sinuses with contrast
CSKMA CT Guided skin marking
CSKPE CT Brain perfusion study
CSKUHB CT Guided biopsy brain
CSTENS CT Guided stent insertion
CSTRM CT Sternum
CTEMP CT Temporal bones
CTHIBC CT Upper leg with contrast Both
CTHILC CT Upper leg with contrast Lt
CTHIRC CT Upper leg with contrast Rt
CTHUB CT Thumb Both
CTOEB CT Toes Both
CTSFJJ CT Facet joint injection thoracic
CUPABC CT Upper arm with contrast Both
CUPALC CT Upper arm with contrast Lt
CUPARC CT Upper arm with contrast Rt
CVECE CT Venogram cerebral
CVEIC CT Venogram Intracranial
CVENO CT Venogram
CWSPN CT Whole spine
CWSPNC CT Spine C T L S with contrast
EPANCN Endo US Guided aspiration pancreas
EUGAS Endoscopic US stomach
EUOES Endoscopic US oesophagus
FABDG Angio abdominal vessel with CO2 contrast
FABDOM Mobile image intensifier abdomen
FPHIRM Orthopaedic pinning hip Rt
FPLLBM Orthopaedic pinning lower limb Both
FPLLLM Orthopaedic pinning lower limb Lt
FPLLRM Orthopaedic pinning lower limb Rt
FPLUBM Orthopaedic pinning upper limb Both
FPLULM Orthopaedic pinning upper limb Lt
FPNEU Per oral pneumocolon
FPULRM Orthopaedic pinning upper limb Rt
FRETB Retrograde ureteropyelogram Both
FRETL Retrograde ureteropyelogram Lt
FRETR Retrograde ureteropyelogram Rt
FSACM Fluoroscopy sacrum
FSACMM Mobile image intensifier sacrum
FSBMF Ba small bowel meal and follow through
FSHRBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy shoulder Both
FSHRBN Fluoro guided aspiration shoulder Both
FSHRLB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy shoulder Lt
FSHRLN Fluoro guided aspiration shoulder Lt
FSHRRB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy shoulder Rt
FSHRRN Fluoro guided aspiration shoulder Rt
FSKMA Fluoroscopic guided skin marking
FSMBOB Fluoroscopic guided small bowel biopsy
FACOG Cardiac Angio grafts
FADVS Adrenal vein sampling
FAGUT Angio coeliac SMA hepatic and IMA
FANKB Fluoroscopy ankle Both
FANKL Fluoroscopy ankle Lt
FANKR Fluoroscopy ankle Rt
FAPAN Angio pancreatic
FAPUP Angio pulmonary with pressures
FBAIY Ileostomy barium enema
FBONEB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy bone
FBRYPY Fluoro guided brachytherapy prostate
FCAB Fluoro guided coeliac plexus block
FCARDN Fluoroscopic guided pericardiocentesis
FCHSYJ Chemical sympathectomy
FCOBTY Intracoronary brachytherapy
FCPLEX Cardiac pacing lead extraction
FCPLN Cardiac pressure line
FCRHS Cardiac Angio Rt heart and saturations
FCSPNM Mobile image intensifier cervical spine
FDCEE IV DSA Intracerebral
FDIVC IV DSA Inferior vena cavogram
FDSVC IV DSA Superior vena cavogram
FDTAA IV DSA Arch aorta
FDULB IV DSA Upper limb Both
FDVIIF IV DSA Iliofemoral
FDVIS IV DSA Aortosubclavian
FDVRT IV DSA Vertebral
FELBBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy elbow Both
FELBBN Fluoro guided aspiration elbow Both
FELBLB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy elbow Lt
FELBLN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration elbow Lt
FELBRB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy elbow Rt
FELBRN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration elbow Rt
FEPIDJ Fluoroscopic guided epidural injection
FFARBB Fluoro guided biopsy radius and ulna B
FFARLB Fluoroscopic guided Bx radius ulna Lt
FFARRB Fluoroscopic guided Bx radius ulna Rt
FFLLB Fistulogram lower limb Both
FFLLL Fistulogram lower limb Lt
FFLLR Fistulogram lower limb Rt
FFOOBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy foot Both
FFOOBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection foot Both
FFOOBN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration foot Both
FFOOLB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy foot Lt
FFOOLJ Fluoroscopic guided injection foot Lt
FFOOLN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration foot Lt
FFOORB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy foot Rt
FFOORJ Fluoroscopic guided injection foot Rt
FFOORN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration foot Rt
FFULB Fistulogram upper limb Both
FFULL Fistulogram upper limb Lt
FFULR Fistulogram upper limb Rt
FGASTX Gastrostomy tube removal
FGBA Fluoro guided adjustment gastric band
FGLLB Angio lower leg with CO2 contrast Both
FGLLL Angio lower leg with CO2 contrast Lt
FGLLR Angio lower leg with CO2 contrast Rt
FHANBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy hand Both
FHANBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection hand Both
FHANBN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration hand Both
FHANLB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy hand Lt
FHANLJ Fluoroscopic guided injection hand Lt
FHANLN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration hand Lt
FHANRB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy hand Rt
FHANRJ Fluoroscopic guided injection hand Rt
FHANRN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration hand Rt
FHIPBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy hip Both
FHIPBM Mobile image intensifier hip Both
FHIPBN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration hip Both
FHIPLB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy hip Lt
FHIPLM Mobile image intensifier hip Lt
FHIPLN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration hip Lt
FHIPRB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy hip Rt
FHIPRM Mobile image intensifier hip Rt
FHIPRN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration hip Rt
FINJTJ Fluoroscopic guided injection
FIRTTI Iridium wire insertion via T-tube
FISRN Fluoroscopic intussusception reduction
FJDSL Arthrogram shoulder and distention Lt
FJDSR Arthrogram shoulder and distention Rt
FJEJUB Fluoroscopic guided jejunal biopsy
FJOINJ Fluoroscopic joint injection
FJSTJ Arthrogram steroid injection
FKNEBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy knee Both
FKNEBN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration knee Both
FKNELB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy knee Lt
FKNELN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration knee Lt
FKNERB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy knee Rt
FKNERN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration knee Rt
FKYPHJ Kyphoplasty
FLDISC Discogram lumbar
FLITHP Percutaneous litholapaxy
FLOLBB Fluoro guided biopsy tibia and fibula B
FLOLBM Mobile image intensifier lower limb Both
FLOLLB Fluoro guided biopsy tibia and fibula Lt
FLOLLM Mobile image intensifier lower limb Lt
FLOLRB Fluoro guided biopsy tibia and fibula Rt
FLOLRM Mobile image intensifier lower limb Rt
FLSPNM Mobile image intensifier lumbar spine
FLUNGB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy lung
FNABID Nasobiliary drain insertion
FNECK Fluoroscopy neck
FNERBX Nephrostomy tube removal Both
FNERLX Nephrostomy tube removal Lt
FNERRX Nephrostomy tube removal Rt
FNGFT Nasogastric feeding tube
FNJFT Nasojejunal feeding tube
FNRBK Fluoroscopic guided nerve root block
FOSMA Fluoroscopy spinal motion assessment
FPACCG Pulmonary artery catheter exchange
FPACCI Pulmonary artery catheter insertion
FPACCX Pulmonary artery catheter removal
FPACE Cardiac pacing wire screening
FPASC Cardiac permanent pacemaker check
FPCBSX Percutaneous biliary stone extraction
FPELVM Mobile image intensifier pelvis
FPERC Percutaneous cholecystogram
FPERP Fluoroscopic percutaneous pancreatogram
FPHIBM Orthopaedic pinning hip Both
FPHILM Orthopaedic pinning hip Lt
FSOFTB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy soft tissue
FSTENS Fluoroscopic guided stent insertion
FTHIBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy femur Both
FTHILB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy femur Lt
FTHIRB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy femur Rt
FTHOXM Mobile image intensifier thorax
FTSPN Fluoroscopy thoracic spine
FTSPNM Mobile image intensifier thoracic spine
FUPABB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy humerus Both
FUPALB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy humerus Lt
FUPARB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy humerus Rt
FUPLBM Mobile image intensifier upper limb Both
FUPLLM Mobile image intensifier upper limb Lt
FUPLRM Mobile image intensifier upper limb Rt
FVEHF Venogram hepatic transfemoral
FVEHJ Venogram hepatic transjugular
FVEHP Venogram hepatic percutaneous
FVOVB Venogram ovarian Both
FVOVL Venogram ovarian Lt
FVOVR Venogram ovarian Rt
FVSAM Fluoroscopic guided venous sampling
FVSHE Venous sampling hepatic
FVSOV Venous sampling ovarian
FVSPT Venous sampling parathyroid
FWRIBB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy wrist Both
FWRIBN Fluoro guided aspiration wrist Both
FWRILB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy wrist Lt
FWRILN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration wrist Lt
FWRIRB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy wrist Rt
FWRIRN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration wrist Rt
FWSCY Colostomy water soluble contrast enema
FWSIY Ileostomy water soluble contrast enema
FWSPN Fluoroscopy whole spine
FWSSM Water soluble contrast swallow and meal
FWSTE Enema therapeutic water soluble
IAASGS Stent graft abdominal aorta
IABDON Fluoroscopic guided aspiration abdomen
IACLY Acolysis
IACOAP Cardiac Angio PTCA
IAFBOX Intravascular foreign body retrieval
IALCOJ Percutaneous alcohol injection
IAPHCI Apheresis catheter insertion
IASDC Cardiac atrial septal closure
IASPNN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration
IAVGTP Angioplasty vein graft
IBIIXD Biliary internal external drainage
IBILDD Fluoroscopic guided biliary drainage
IBILDG Biliary drain change
IBILDP Biliary bile duct dilatation
IBILXD Biliary external drainage
IBIOPB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy
ICAECD Caecostomy
ICARDA Cardiac ablation
ICARV Cardioversion
ICDBVI Cardiac biventricular ICD insertion
ICDEFI Cardiac defibrillator implant
ICDEXG Cardiac defibrillator change
ICHOSD Cholecystostomy
ICMVAP Cardiac mitral valvuloplasty
ICORD Intracoronary doppler
ICOREP Colorectal dilatation
ICVAPP Cardiac valvuloplasty
ICXIXG Biliary Ext to Int Ext drain conversion
IDCGBP Dacrocystoplasty Both
IDCGBS Dacrocystogram stent Both
IDCGLP Dacrocystoplasty Lt
IDCGLS Dacrocystogram stent Lt
IDCGRP Dacrocystoplasty Rt
IDCGRS Dacrocystogram stent Rt
IDISCJ Discolysis
IECBDD PTC and endoscopic biliary drainage
IECPVA Cardiac endocardial pulmonary vein Abl
IEMBOE Fluoroscopic guided embolisation
IEXCHG Drainage catheter exchange
IEXDYG Dialysis catheter exchange
IFALTP Fallopian tube tuboplasty
IGAJYD Gastrojejunostomy
IGPEGG Gastrostomy catheter replacement
IGPEGI Gastrostomy insertion
IGSJXG Gastrojejunostomy catheter replacement
IGSREX Biliary bile duct calculus removal
IGYJC Gastrostomy to gastrojejunostomy conv
IIABPI Intra aortic balloon pump insertion
IIVFPI Inferior vena cava filter permanent
IIVFTI Inferior vena cava filter temporary
IIVFTX Inferior vena cava filter removal
IJPEGI Jejunostomy
IJYCXG Jejunostomy catheter exchange
ILITJB Liver biopsy transjugular
IMETCS Internal metallic stent
INEPBD Nephrostomy Both
INEPLD Nephrostomy Lt
INEPRD Nephrostomy Rt
INEPXG Nephrostomy catheter exchange
INEPYX Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
IPACEI Cardiac permanent pacemaker insertion
IPACGG Cardiac permanent pacemaker change
IPACN Cardiac permanent pacemaker reposition
IPATEI Cardiac pacemaker temporary
IPATEX Cardiac removal temporary wire
IPEDCI Peritoneal dialysis catheter insertion
IPEG Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
IPELVN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration pelvis
IPFOC Cardiac patent foramen ovale closure
IPIG Per oral image guided gastrostomy
IPMBVI Cardiac biventricular PPM insertion
IPPPBP Pyeloplasty percutaneous Both
IPPPLP Pyeloplasty percutaneous Lt
IPPPRP Pyeloplasty percutaneous Rt
IPWCAI Cardiac pressure wire and Cath insertion
IPWPCI Cardiac pressure wire and PCI
IPYSTP Dilatation of pyloric stenosis
IRPPBP Pyeloplasty retrograde Both
IRPPLP Pyeloplasty retrograde Lt
IRPPRP Pyeloplasty retrograde Rt
ISEPT Cardiac septostomy
ISIACX Sialogram stone removal
ISIAOP Sialoplasty
ISVFPI Superior vena cava filter permanent
ISVFTI Superior vena cava filter temporary
ISVFTX Superior vena cava filter removal
ITASPN Fluoroscopic guided thromboaspiration
ITCVCG Tunnelled central venous line exchange
ITCVCI Tunnelled central venous line insertion
ITCVCX Tunnelled central venous line removal
ITHBNJ Percutaneous thrombin injection
ITIPDP TIPS Stent redilatation
ITIPP TIPS Stent reduction
ITRACP Tracheal dilatation
ITUNDI Tunnelled dialysis catheter placement
ITUNPS Ureteric stent tunnelled bypass
IURABS Ureteric stent antegrade Both
IURALS Ureteric stent antegrade Lt
IURARS Ureteric stent antegrade Rt
IURRBS Ureteric stent retrograde Both
IURRLS Ureteric stent retrograde Lt
IURRRS Ureteric stent retrograde Rt
IURSLX Ureteric stent removal Lt
IURSRX Ureteric stent removal Rt
IUTFDE Embolisation of uterine fibroid
IVBCLS Venous stent brachiocephalic vein Lt
IVBCRS Venous stent brachiocephalic vein Rt
IVENOP Venoplasty
IVHEPS Venous stent hepatic vein
IVOVAE Embolisation of ovarian vein
IVPLAJ Vertebroplasty
IVPRTS Venous stent portal vein
IVRES Renal vein sampling
IVSCLS Venous stent subclavian vein Lt
IVSCRS Venous stent subclavian vein Rt
IVTST Cardiac ventricular tachycardia Stim
MAAOW MRA Aorta whole
MABDOC MRI Abdomen with contrast
MACJB MRI Acromioclavicular joint Both
MADRBC MRI Adrenal with contrast Both
MANKBC MRI Ankle with contrast Both
MAWBW MRA Whole body
MAXIBC MRI Axilla with contrast Both
MAXILC MRI Axilla with contrast Lt
MAXIRC MRI Axilla with contrast Rt
MBRMA MRI Guided brain marking
MBRPXC MRI Brachial plexus with contrast
MBUTB MRI Buttock Both
MBUTL MRI Buttock Lt
MBUTR MRI Buttock Rt
MCALB MRI Calcaneus Both
MCALL MRI Calcaneus Lt
MCALR MRI Calcaneus Rt
MCARB MRA Carotid Both
MCHEQ MRI Pulmonary perfusion scan
MCHESC MRI Thorax with contrast
MCOCX MRI Spine coccyx
MCRPS MRI Cardiac rest perfusion
MCSFF MRI Cerebrospinal fluid flow
MCSFS MRI Cardiac stress function study
MCSPNT MRI Spine cervical myelogram
MCSPS MRI Cardiac stress perfusion
MCVFS MRI Cardiac valvular function study
MCVVS MRI Cardiac ventricular volume study
MELBBC MRI Elbow with contrast Both
MFARBC MRI Forearm with contrast Both
MFFOB MRI Forefoot Both
MFFOL MRI Forefoot Lt
MFFOR MRI Forefoot Rt
MFLMO MRI Floor of mouth
MFLMOC MRI Floor of mouth with contrast
MFOOBC MRI Foot with contrast Both
MHANBC MRI Hand with contrast Both
MHFOB MRI Hindfoot Both
MHFOL MRI Hindfoot Lt
MHFOR MRI Hindfoot Rt
MHIPBC MRI Hip with contrast Both
MIAMBC MRI IAM with contrast Both
MJFAC MRI Arthrogram facet joint
MJMCP MRI Arthrogram metacarpophalangeal joint
MJMTB MRI Arthrogram mid tarsal Both
MJMTL MRI Arthrogram mid tarsal Lt
MJMTP MRI Arthrogram metatarsophalangeal joint
MJMTR MRI Arthrogram mid tarsal Rt
MJSTB MRI Arthrogram subtalar Both
MJSTL MRI Arthrogram subtalar Lt
MJSTR MRI Arthrogram subtalar Rt
MKNEBC MRI Knee with contrast Both
MLARYC MRI Larynx with contrast
MLIVE MRI Liver and spleen
MLIVEC MRI Liver with contrast
MLIVHC MRI Liver with hepatobiliary contrast
MLOLBC MRI Lower leg with contrast Both
MLOLLC MRI Lower leg with contrast Lt
MLOLRC MRI Lower leg with contrast Rt
MLSPN MRI Spine lumbar and sacral
MLSPNC MRI Spine lumbar sacral with contrast
MLSPNT MRI Spine lumbar myelogram
MMAABN MRI Guided FNA breast Both
MMAALN MRI Guided FNA breast Lt
MMAARN MRI Guided FNA breast Rt
MMABBB MRI Guided FNA and core Bx breast Both
MMABLB MRI Guided FNA and core Bx breast Lt
MMABRB MRI Guided FNA and core Bx breast Rt
MMAND MRI Mandible
MMCBBB MRI Guided core biopsy breast Both
MMCBLB MRI Guided core biopsy breast Lt
MMCBRB MRI Guided core biopsy breast Rt
MMFOB MRI Midfoot Both
MMFOL MRI Midfoot Lt
MMFOR MRI Midfoot Rt
MMRCPC MRCP with contrast
MNECKC MRI Neck with contrast
MORBBC MRI Orbit with contrast Both
MORCA MRI Oral cavity
MPATT MRI Patella tracking
MPEEC MRI Pelvis endocavity
MPEHB MRI Pelvis and hip Both
MPELVC MRI Pelvis with contrast
MPITFC MRI Pituitary with contrast
MRASPN MRI Guided aspiration
MRCPS MRCP and secretin study
MRTBDR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan bladder
MRTCHR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan thorax
MRTMAR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan breast
MRTNER MRI Radiotherapy planning scan neck
MRTOBR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan orbits
MRTPER MRI Radiotherapy planning scan pelvis
MRTPOR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan prostate
MRTSKR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan head
MRTSMR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan SMART
MSACM MRI Spine sacrum
MSCJB MRI Sternoclavicular joint Both
MSCPB MRI Scapula Both
MSHRBC MRI Shoulder with contrast Both
MSIAGC MRI Salivary glands with contrast
MSINUC MRI Sinuses with contrast
MSKES MRI Skeletal survey
MSKMA MRI Guided skin marking
MSKUHC MRI Head with contrast
MSMBO MRI Small bowel study
MSPMA MRI Guided spine marking
MTHIBC MRI Femur with contrast Both
MTHUB MRI Thumb Both
MTSPNT MRI Spine thoracic myelogram
MUPABC MRI Upper arm with contrast Both
N123D NM Thyroid I123 perchlorate discharge
N123WO NM Iodine 123 whole body SPECT
NADIO NM Iodocholesterol adrenal study
NBDOP NM Brain dopaminergic system imaging
NBHIP NM Bone local pelvis and hips
NBHIPO NM Bone local pelvis and hips SPECT
NBLSP NM Bone local lumbar spine
NBLSPO NM Bone local lumbar spine SPECT
NBONWO NM Bone whole body with SPECT
NBPI NM Brain perfusion imaging
NBPIMO NM Brain perfusion imaging SPECT
NBSKN NM Bone local skull and neck
NBSKNO NM Bone local skull and neck SPECT
NBTHX NM Bone local thorax
NBTHXO NM Bone local thorax SPECT
NC11SO NM Choline local view PET C11
NC131Y NM Thyroid I131 Carcinoma thyroid Abl
NCARDO NM Cardiac rest PET FDG
NCARGO NM Cardiac rest gated PET FDG
NCARSO NM Cardiac stress PET Rb81
NCARVO NM Cardiac viability scan PET FDG
NCASP NM Radionuclide pulmonary Asp study
NCFPS NM Cardiac first pass angiogram
NCGRTO NM MPS Thallium rest gated
NCNRGO NM Cardiac rest gated PET NH3
NCRRNO NM Cardiac rest PET Rb81
NDEFP NM Defaecating proctogram
NDEPIO NM Thorax depreotide scan
NDYBW NM Bone dynamic
NGALIO NM Gallium scan SPECT
NGALW NM Gallium scan whole body
NGBFS NM Hepatobiliary function scan and Stim
NGI51 NM GI permeability oral Cr 51 EDTA
NGUTA NM Gut absorption study
NHEHAO NM Hepatic haemangioma imaging SPECT
NI131Y NM Iodine 131 antibody therapy
NICPS NM Indium 111 capromab pendetide scan
NINDIY NM Indium 111 antibody therapy
NLIPOY NM Iodine 131 Lipiodol therapy
NLIVSO NM Liver and spleen SPECT
NM123O NM MIBG Iodine 123 with SPECT
NM131O NM MIBG Iodine 131 with SPECT
NMECK NM Meckels scan
NMTLSO NM MPS Thallium stress
NMTSGO NM MPS Thallium stress gated
NOCTIO NM Octreotide scan with SPECT
NPCHPO NM Choline local PET F18
NPLAW NM Platelet localisation whole body
NPTHYO NM Parathyroid scan SPECT
NR186Y NM Rhenium-186 HEDP therapy
NRCPV NM Red cell mass and plasma volume
NRVEN NM Cardiac ventriculography rest
NRVENO NM Cardiac ventriculography rest SPECT
NSBTS NM Small bowel transit study
NSEHC NM Bile acid absorption study
NSENT NM Sentinel node Loc and imaging
NSKTHO NM Brain scan Thallium SPECT
NSMALO NM Breast scintimammogram SPECT Lt
NSMARO NM Breast scintimammogram SPECT Rt
NSRNVO NM Cardiac ventriculography stress SPECT
NSVEN NM Cardiac ventriculography stress
UMAABB US Guided FNA and core Bx of breast Both
UMAALB US Guided FNA and core Bx of breast Lt
UMAARB US Guided FNA and core Bx of breast Rt
UMACBB US Guided core biopsy of breast Both
UMACLB US Guided core biopsy breast Lt
UMACRB US Guided core biopsy breast Rt
UMADBJ US Guided dye injection breast Both
UMADLJ US Guided dye injection breast Lt
UMADRJ US Guided dye injection breast Rt
UMAFBB US Guided FNA biopsy breast Both
UMAFLB US Guided FNA biopsy breast Lt
UMAFRB US Guided FNA biopsy breast Rt
UMAMBI US Guided marker insertion breast Both
UMAMLI US Guided marker insertion breast Lt
UMAMRI US Guided marker insertion breast Rt
UMARBJ US Guided radiotracer Inj breast Both
UMARLJ US Guided radiotracer Inj breast Lt
UMARRJ US Guided radiotracer Inj breast Rt
UMAVBB US Guided Vac Ass biopsy of breast Both
UMAVLB US Guided Vac Ass biopsy of breast Lt
UMAVRB US Guided Vac Ass biopsy of breast Rt
UMAWB US Guided guidewire Loc breast Both
UMAWL US Guided guidewire Loc breast Lt
UMAWR US Guided guidewire Loc breast Rt
UMAXB US Guided skin marking breast Both
UMAXL US Guided skin marking breast Lt
UMAXR US Guided skin marking breast Rt
UMLSL US Marking long saphenous vein Lt
UMLSR US Marking long saphenous vein Rt
UNECKB US Guided biopsy neck
NT131Y NM Thyroid I131 thyrotoxicosis therapy
NTUIWO NM Tumour imaging SPECT
NVAR NM Varicocele
NWCHW NM White cell HMPAO whole body
NWINDO NM White cell Indium 111 scan SPECT
NY90AY NM Y90 Somatostatin analogue therapy
UAAMB US Doppler artery map upper limb Both
UAAML US Doppler artery map upper limb Lt
UAAMR US Doppler artery map upper limb Rt
UABDA US Anterior Abdominal Wall
UABDOD US Guided drainage abdomen
UABDON US Guided aspiration abdomen
UABLTA US Guided ablation
UABRFA US Guided cardiac RF ablation
UACJB US Acromioclavicular joint Both
UACJL US Acromioclavicular joint Lt
UACJR US Acromioclavicular joint Rt
UANKBJ US Guided injection ankle Both
UANKLJ US Guided injection ankle Lt
UANKRJ US Guided injection ankle Rt
UAORI US Doppler aortoiliac
UAOTD US Doppler aorta
UARTE US Arterial
UASPNN US Guided aspiration
UAVMB US Doppler vein map upper limb Both
UAVML US Doppler vein map upper limb Lt
UAVMR US Doppler vein map upper limb Rt
UAXIBB US Guided core biopsy axilla Both
UAXIBN US Guided FNA axilla Both
UAXILB US Guided core biopsy axilla Lt
UAXILN US Guided FNA axilla Lt
UAXIRB US Guided core biopsy axilla Rt
UAXIRN US Guided FNA axilla Rt
UBAJTJ US Guided barbotage of joint
UBCTL US Biceps tendon Lt
UBCTR US Biceps tendon Rt
UBICBP US Biceps tendon Both
UBONEB US Guided biopsy bone
UCAB US Guided coeliac plexus block
UCAFB US Calf Both
UCASE US Guided cardiac septostomy
UCHES US Thorax and pleural cavity
UCHESD US Guided drainage thorax
UCHESN US Guided aspiration thorax
UCLAB US Clavicle Both
UCLAL US Clavicle Lt
UCLAR US Clavicle Rt
UCORA US Intracoronary
UCRAN US Cranial contents
UCRSY US Resynchronisation echocardiogram
UCSPN US Spine cervical
UDCVA US Doppler for central venous access
UEACD US Intraoperative epiaortic scan
UEASS US Endoanal sphincter scan
UELBBB US Guided biopsy elbow Both
UELBBJ US Guided injection elbow Both
UELBBN US Guided aspiration elbow Both
UELBLB US Guided biopsy elbow Lt
UELBLJ US Guided injection elbow Lt
UELBLN US Guided aspiration elbow Lt
UELBRB US Guided biopsy elbow Rt
UELBRJ US Guided injection elbow Rt
UELBRN US Guided aspiration elbow Rt
UEMBOE US Guided embolisation
UEREC US Endorectal scan
UFARBB US Guided biopsy radius and ulna Both
UFARLB US Guided biopsy radius and ulna Lt
UFARRB US Guided biopsy radius and ulna Rt
UFFOB US Forefoot Both
UFFOL US Forefoot Lt
UFFOR US Forefoot Rt
UFOOBB US Guided biopsy foot Both
UFOOBJ US Guided injection foot Both
UFOOBN US Guided aspiration foot Both
UFOOLB US Guided biopsy foot Lt
UFOOLJ US Guided injection foot Lt
UFOOLN US Guided aspiration foot Lt
UFOORB US Guided biopsy foot Rt
UFOORJ US Guided injection foot Rt
UFOORN US Guided aspiration foot Rt
UFOTV US Follicular tracking transvaginal
UGRAF US Graft surveillance
UHANBB US Guided biopsy hand Both
UHANBJ US Guided injection hand Both
UHANBN US Guided aspiration hand Both
UHANLB US Guided biopsy hand Lt
UHANLJ US Guided injection hand Lt
UHANLN US Guided aspiration hand Lt
UHANRB US Guided biopsy hand Rt
UHANRJ US Guided injection hand Rt
UHANRN US Guided aspiration hand Rt
UHAWB US Hand and wrist Both
UHAWL US Hand and wrist Lt
UHAWR US Hand and wrist Rt
UHFOB US Subtalar joint Both
UHFOL US Subtalar joint Lt
UHFOR US Subtalar joint Rt
UHIPBB US Guided biopsy hip Both
UHIPBJ US Guided injection hip Both
UHIPBN US Guided aspiration hip Both
UHIPLB US Guided biopsy hip Lt
UHIPLJ US Guided injection hip Lt
UHIPLN US Guided aspiration hip Lt
UHIPRB US Guided biopsy hip Rt
UHIPRJ US Guided injection hip Rt
UHIPRN US Guided aspiration hip Rt
UICEG US Intracardiac
UINJTJ US Guided injection
UISRN Intussusception reduction US
UKNEBB US Guided biopsy knee Both
UKNEBJ US Guided injection knee Both
UKNEBN US Guided aspiration knee Both
UKNELB US Guided biopsy knee Lt
UKNELJ US Guided injection knee Lt
UKNELN US Guided aspiration knee Lt
UKNERB US Guided biopsy knee Rt
UKNERJ US Guided injection knee Rt
UKNERN US Guided aspiration knee Rt
ULAMB US Doppler artery map lower limb Both
ULAML US Doppler artery map lower limb Lt
ULAMR US Doppler artery map lower limb Rt
ULLAB US Doppler lower limb arteries Both
ULLAL US Doppler lower limb arteries Lt
ULLAR US Doppler lower limb arteries Rt
ULLCB US Compression venography lower limb B
ULLCL US Compression venography lower limb Lt
ULLCR US Compression venography lower limb Rt
ULLVB US Doppler lower limb veins Both
ULLVL US Doppler lower limb veins Lt
ULLVR US Doppler lower limb veins Rt
ULOLBB US Guided biopsy tibia and fibula Both
ULOLLB US Guided biopsy tibia and fibula Lt
ULOLRB US Guided biopsy tibia and fibula Rt
ULSPN US Spine lumbar
ULUNGB US Guided biopsy lung
ULVMB US Doppler vein map lower limb Both
ULVML US Doppler vein map lower limb Lt
ULVMR US Doppler vein map lower limb Rt
UNECKD US Guided drainage neck
UNECKN US Guided aspiration neck
UNERS US Nerve sciatic
UOCLE US Obstetric cervical length TA
UOCLT US Obstetric cervical length TV
UOCVS US Obstetric chorionic villus sampling
UODNT US Obstetric nuchal dating scan TV
UODTV US Obstetric doppler TV
UOTV US Obstetric TV
UOVCYD US Guided drainage ovarian cyst
UPATH US Pathological Specimen
UPETV US Pelvis transvaginal
UPLFB US Plantar fascia Both
UPLFL US Plantar fascia Lt
UPLFR US Plantar fascia Rt
UPOPB US Popliteal fossa Both
UPORT US Doppler liver and portal system
URAFGA US Guided radiofrequency ablation
URCYBA US Guided renal cyst ablation Both
URCYBD US Guided renal cyst drainage Both
URCYLA US Guided renal cyst ablation Lt
URCYLD US Guided renal cyst drainage Lt
URCYRA US Guided renal cyst ablation Rt
URCYRD US Guided renal cyst drainage Rt
URENT US Doppler kidney transplant
URIBB US Ribs Both
USCAB US Scapula Both
USCFB US Supraclavicular fossa Both
USCFL US Scan supraclavicular fossa Lt
USCFR US Scan supraclavicular fossa Rt
USCJB US Sternoclavicular joint Both
USCPL US Scapula Lt
USCPR US Scapula Rt
USEVE US Seminal vesicles
USHRBB US Guided biopsy shoulder Both
USHRBJ US Guided injection shoulder Both
USHRBN US Guided aspiration shoulder Both
USHRLB US Guided biopsy shoulder Lt
USHRLJ US Guided injection shoulder Lt
USHRLN US Guided aspiration shoulder Lt
USHRRB US Guided biopsy shoulder Rt
USHRRJ US Guided injection shoulder Rt
USHRRN US Guided aspiration shoulder Rt
USIJB US Sacroiliac joint Both
USKMA US Guided skin marking
USMAD US Doppler superior mesenteric artery
USMVD US Doppler superior mesenteric vein
USOFTB US Guided biopsy soft tissue
USPUCI US Guided suprapubic catheter insertion
USTENS US Guided stent insertion
USTRM US Sternum
USYMP US Symphysis pubis
UTCRA US Doppler transcranial
UTE3D US Transthoracic echocardiogram 3D
UTECGC US TTE with Contrast
UTESDC US Stress echocardiogram with contrast
UTHIBB US Guided biopsy femur Both
UTHILB US Guided biopsy femur Lt
UTHIRB US Guided biopsy femur Rt
UTHPY US Thyroid and parathyroid
UTHRNJ US Guided thrombin injection
UTIES US Tissue strain rate echocardiogram
UTMJB US Temporomandibular joint Both
UTMJL US Temporomandibular joint Lt
UTMJR US Temporomandibular joint Rt
UTOEB US Toes Both
UTRPTB US Guided biopsy prostate transrectal
UTSPN US Spine thoracic
UUDYN US Bladder with flow rate
UULAB US Doppler upper limb arteries Both
UULAL US Doppler upper limb arteries Lt
UULAR US Doppler upper limb arteries Rt
UULCB US Compression venography upper limb B
UULCL US Compression venography upper limb Lt
UULCR US Compression venography upper limb Rt
UULVB US Doppler upper limb veins Both
UULVL US Doppler upper limb veins Lt
UULVR US Doppler upper limb veins Rt
UUPABB US Guided biopsy humerus Both
UUPALB US Guided biopsy humerus Lt
UUPARB US Guided biopsy humerus Rt
UVMAP US Vein map
UWRIBB US Guided biopsy wrist Both
UWRIBJ US Guided injection wrist Both
UWRIBN US Guided aspiration wrist Both
UWRILB US Guided biopsy wrist Lt
UWRILJ US Guided injection wrist Lt
UWRILN US Guided aspiration wrist Lt
UWRIRB US Guided biopsy wrist Rt
UWRIRJ US Guided injection wrist Rt
UWRIRN US Guided aspiration wrist Rt
UXAABB US Guided FNA and core Bx of axilla Both
UXAALB US Guided FNA and core biopsy axilla Lt
UXAARB US Guided FNA and core biopsy axilla Rt
UXCBDL Lithotripsy bile duct
IGSCBS Pc stentgraft subclavian artery B
IGBRCS Pc stentgraft brachiocephalic artery
IGBRRS Pc stentgraft brachial artery Rt
IGBRLS Pc stentgraft brachial artery Lt
IGBRBS Pc stentgraft brachial artery B
IGRARS Pc stentgraft radial artery Rt
IGRALS Pc stentgraft radial artery Lt
IGRABS Pc stentgraft radial artery B
IGUNRS Pc stentgraft ulnar artery Rt
IGUNLS Pc stentgraft ulnar artery Lt
IGUNBS Pc stentgraft ulnar artery B
IGCOES Pc stentgraft coeliac axis
IGHEPS Pc stentgraft hepatic artery
IGSPLS Pc stentgraft splenic artery
IGSMAS Pc SG superior mesenteric artery
IGIMAS Pc SG inferior mesenteric artery
IGRERS Pc stentgraft renal artery Rt
IGRELS Pc stentgraft renal artery Lt
IGREBS Pc stentgraft renal artery B
IGCIRS Pc stentgraft common iliac artery Rt
IGCILS Pc stentgraft common iliac artery Lt
IGCIBS Pc stentgraft common iliac artery B
IGXIRS Pc stentgraft external iliac artery Rt
IGXILS Pc stentgraft external iliac artery Lt
IGXIBS Pc stentgraft external iliac artery B
IGIIRS Pc stentgraft internal iliac artery Rt
IGIILS Pc stentgraft internal iliac artery Lt
IGIIBS Pc stentgraft internal iliac artery B
IGCFRS Pc stentgraft common femoral artery Rt
IGCFLS Pc stentgraft common femoral artery Lt
IGCFBS Pc stentgraft common femoral artery B
IGPFRS Pc stentgraft profunda femoris A Rt
IGPFLS Pc stentgraft profunda femoris A Lt
IGPFBS Pc stentgraft profunda femoris A B
IGSFRS Pc SG superficial femoral artery Rt
IGSFLS Pc SG superficial femoral artery Lt
IGSFBS Pc SG superficial femoral artery B
IGPORS Pc stentgraft popliteal artery Rt
IGPOLS Pc stentgraft popliteal artery Lt
IGPOBS Pc stentgraft popliteal artery B
IGTIRS Pc stentgraft tibial artery Rt
IGTILS Pc stentgraft tibial artery Lt
IGTIBS Pc stentgraft tibial artery B
UXGBAL Lithotripsy gall bladder
UXORTL Extracorporeal lithotripsy orthopaedic
UXPANL Lithotripsy pancreas
UXPENL Lithotripsy penis
UXREBL Extracorporeal lithotripsy renal Both
UXRELL Extracorporeal lithotripsy renal Lt
UXRERL Extracorporeal lithotripsy renal Rt
UXSAGL Lithotripsy salivary glands
XACEB XR Acetabulum Both
XACEL XR Acetabulum Lt
XACER XR Acetabulum Rt
NSYNYY NM Radionuclide synovectomy
XLSPE XR Lumbar spine and pelvis
FLFORJ Foraminal epidural injection lumbar
FGENI Genitogram
XCYST XR Cystometrogram
IVVTCP Vertebroplasty cervical
IVVTTP Vertebroplasty thoracic
IVVTLP Vertebroplasty lumbar
IVVTSP Vertebroplasty sacral
IKVTCP Kyphoplasty cervical
IKVTTP Kyphoplasty thoracic
IKVTLP Kyphoplasty lumbar
CVVTCP CT Vertebroplasty cervical
CVVTTP CT Vertebroplasty thoracic
CVVTLP CT Vertebroplasty lumbar
CVVTSP CT Vertebroplasty sacral
CKVTCP CT Kyphoplasty cervical
CKVTTP CT Kyphoplasty thoracic
CKVTLP CT Kyphoplasty lumbar
FBONEJ Fluoroscopic cementoplasty
FCGLRJ Cementoplasty glenoid Rt
FCGLLJ Cementoplasty glenoid Lt
FCGLBJ Cementoplasty glenoid B
FCACRJ Cementoplasty acetabulum Rt
FCACLJ Cementoplasty acetabulum Lt
FCACBJ Cementoplasty acetabulum B
CCGLRJ CT Cementoplasty glenoid Rt
CCGLLJ CT Cementoplasty glenoid Lt
CCACRJ CT Cementoplasty acetabulum Rt
CCACLJ CT Cementoplasty acetabulum Lt
COOALA CT Osteoid osteoma ablation laser
CEABLA CT Guided ablation ethanol
CLABLA CT Guided ablation laser
UTENEL US Guided ESWL of tendon
UTENMJ US Guided barbotage of tendon
UTENDN US Guided aspiration of tendon
UHGLRJ US Hydrodistension glenohumeral joint Rt
UHGLLJ US Hydrodistension glenohumeral joint Lt
UHGLBJ US Hydrodistension glenohumeral joint B
UJOINJ US Guided injection intraarticular
UTESHJ US Guided injection tendon sheath
UBURSJ US Guided injection bursa
USABRJ US Guided injection subacromial bursa Rt
USABLJ US Guided injection subacromial bursa Lt
USABBJ US Guided injection subacromial bursa B
USDBRJ US Guided injection subdeltoid bursa Rt
USDBLJ US Guided injection subdeltoid bursa Lt
USDBBJ US Guided injection subdeltoid bursa B
UTRBRJ US Guided Inj trochanteric bursa Rt
UTRBLJ US Guided Inj trochanteric bursa Lt
UTRBBJ US Guided Inj trochanteric bursa B
UPABRJ US Guided Inj pes anserine bursa Rt
UPABLJ US Guided Inj pes anserine bursa Lt
UPABBJ US Guided Inj pes anserine bursa B
USMBRJ US Guided Inj semimembranosis bursa Rt
USMBLJ US Guided Inj semimembranosis bursa Lt
USMBBJ US Guided Inj semimembranosis bursa B
UMCBRJ US Guided Inj Med Coll ligament bursa Rt
UMCBLJ US Guided Inj Med Coll ligament bursa Lt
UMCBBJ US Guided Inj Med Coll ligament bursa B
UIMBRJ US Guided Inj intermetatarsal bursa Rt
UIMBLJ US Guided Inj intermetatarsal bursa Lt
UIMBBJ US Guided Inj intermetatarsal bursa B
FECERJ Fluoro guided epidural Inj cervical
FETHOJ Fluoro guided epidural Inj thoracic
FELUMJ Fluoro guided epidural injection lumbar
FESACJ Fluoro guided epidural injection sacral
FECAUJ Fluoro guided epidural injection caudal
CECERJ CT Guided epidural injection cervical
CETHOJ CT Guided epidural injection thoracic
CELUMJ CT Guided epidural injection lumbar
CESACJ CT Guided epidural injection sacral
CECAUJ CT Guided epidural injection caudal
CCNRTJ CT Guided nerve root injection cervical
CTNRTJ CT Guided nerve root injection thoracic
CLNRTJ CT Guided nerve root injection lumbar
CSNRTJ CT Guided nerve root injection sacral
FTNRTJ Fluoro guided nerve root Inj thoracic
FLNRTJ Fluoro guided nerve injection lumbar
FSNRTJ Fluoro guided nerve root Inj sacral
FIDETP Intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty
CLADDA CT Laser assisted decompression disc
NBPMSO NM Stress cerebral perfusion study
IOTATS Operative tapered SG thoracic aorta
IOTASS Operative tube stentgraft thoracic aorta
IOAASS Op tube stentgraft abdominal aorta
IOAAYS Operative bifurcated SG abdominal aorta
IOTAFS Op fenestrated tube SG thoracic aorta
IOATFS Op fenestrated tapered SG thoracic aorta
IOAAFS Op fenestrated tube SG abdominal aorta
IOAYFS Op fenestrated bifurcated SG abdo aorta
IOAUFS Op fenestrated AUI SG abdominal aorta
IOABTS Op branched tapered SG thoracic aorta
IOTABS Op branched tube SG thoracic aorta
IOAYBS Op branched bifurcated SG abdo aorta
IOAUBS Op branched AUI SG abdominal aorta
IAORHS Hybrid stentgraft aorta
ITAOTS Pc tapered stentgraft thoracic aorta
ITAOSS Pc tube stentgraft thoracic aorta
IAAOSS Pc tube stentgraft abdominal aorta
IAAOYS Pc bifurcated SG abdominal aorta
IAAUIS Pc AUI SG Abdo aorta iliac arteries
ITAOFS Pc fenestrated tube SG thoracic aorta
IAAYFS Pc Fen bifurcated SG abdominal aorta
IAAUFS Pc fenestrated AUI SG abdominal aorta
IAABBS Pc branched tapered SG thoracic aorta
ITAOBS Pc branched tube SG thoracic aorta
IAAYBS Pc branched bifurcated SG Abdo aorta
IAAUBS Pc branched AUI SG abdominal aorta
IGICRS Pc stentgraft internal carotid A Rt
IGICLS Pc stentgraft internal carotid A Lt
IGICBS Pc stentgraft internal carotid A B
IGXCRS Pc stentgraft external carotid A Rt
IGXCLS Pc stentgraft external carotid A Lt
IGXCBS Pc stentgraft external carotid A B
IGCCRS Pc stentgraft common carotid A Rt
IGCCLS Pc stentgraft common carotid A Lt
IGCCBS Pc stentgraft common carotid A B
IGSCRS Pc stentgraft subclavian artery Rt
IGSCLS Pc stentgraft subclavian artery Lt
IGGFTS Pc stentgraft graft
IGDFIS Pc stentgraft dialysis fistula
IPBRCP PTA Brachiocephalic artery
IPAXRP PTA Axillary artery Right
IPAXLP PTA Axillary artery Left
IPAXBP PTA Axillary artery Both
IPBRRP PTA Brachial artery Right
IPBRLP PTA Brachial artery Left
IPBRBP PTA Brachial artery Both
IPRARP PTA Radial artery Right
IPRALP PTA Radial artery Left
IPRABP PTA Radial artery Both
IPUNRP PTA Ulnar artery Right
IPUNLP PTA Ulnar artery Left
IPUNBP PTA Ulnar artery Both
IPTAOP PTA Thoracic aorta
IPAAOP PTA Abdominal aorta
IPCIRP PTA Common iliac artery Right
IPCILP PTA Common iliac artery Left
IPCIBP PTA Common iliac artery Both
IPXIRP PTA External iliac artery Right
IPXILP PTA External iliac artery Left
IPXIBP PTA External iliac artery Both
IPIIRP PTA Internal iliac artery Right
IPIILP PTA Internal iliac artery Left
IPIIBP PTA Internal iliac artery Both
IPCFRP PTA Common femoral artery Right
IPCFLP PTA Common femoral artery Left
IPCFBP PTA Common femoral artery Both
IPDFIP PTA Dialysis fistula
ICICRP Pc cutting balloon Int carotid A Rt
ICICLP Pc cutting balloon Int carotid A Lt
ICICBP Pc cutting balloon Int carotid A B
ICXCRP Pc cutting balloon Ext carotid A Rt
ICXCLP Pc cutting balloon Ext carotid A Lt
ICXCBP Pc cutting balloon Ext carotid A B
ICCCRP Pc cutting balloon common carotid A Rt
ICCCLP Pc cutting balloon common carotid A Lt
ICCCBP Pc cutting balloon common carotid A B
ICSCRP Pc cutting balloon subclavian A Rt
ICSCLP Pc cutting balloon subclavian A Lt
ICSCBP Pc cutting balloon subclavian A B
ICBRCP Pc cutting balloon brachiocephalic A
ICAXRP Pc cutting balloon axillary artery Rt
ICAXLP Pc cutting balloon axillary artery Lt
ICAXBP Pc cutting balloon axillary artery B
ICBRRP Pc cutting balloon brachial artery Rt
ICBRLP Pc cutting balloon brachial artery Lt
ICBRBP Pc cutting balloon brachial artery B
ICRARP Pc cutting balloon radial artery Right
ICRALP Pc cutting balloon radial artery Left
ICRABP Pc cutting balloon radial artery Both
ICUNRP Pc cutting balloon ulnar artery Right
ICUNLP Pc cutting balloon ulnar artery Left
ICUNBP Pc cutting balloon ulnar artery Both
ICTAOP Pc cutting balloon thoracic aorta
ICAAOP Pc cutting balloon abdominal aorta
ICCOEP Pc cutting balloon coeliac axis
ICHEPP Pc cutting balloon hepatic artery
ICSPLP Pc cutting balloon splenic artery
ICSMAP Pc cutting balloon SMA
ICIMAP Pc cutting balloon IMA
ICRERP Pc cutting balloon renal artery Right
ICRELP Pc cutting balloon renal artery Left
ICREBP Pc cutting balloon renal artery Both
ICRTRP Pc cutting balloon Transp renal A Rt
ICRTLP Pc cutting balloon Transp renal A Lt
ICCIRP Pc cutting balloon common iliac A Rt
ICCILP Pc cutting balloon common iliac A Lt
ICCIBP Pc cutting balloon common iliac A B
ICXIRP Pc cutting balloon Ext iliac artery Rt
ICXILP Pc cutting balloon Ext iliac artery Lt
ICXIBP Pc cutting balloon Ext iliac artery B
ICIIRP Pc cutting balloon Int iliac artery Rt
ICIILP Pc cutting balloon Int iliac artery Lt
ICIIRB Pc cutting balloon Int iliac artery B
ICCFRP Pc cutting balloon common femoral A Rt
ICCFLP Pc cutting balloon common femoral A Lt
ICCFBP Pc cutting balloon common femoral A B
ICPFRP Pc cutting balloon PFA Right
ICPFLP Pc cutting balloon PFA Left
ICPFBP Pc cutting balloon PFA Both
ICSFRP Pc cutting balloon SFA Right
ICSFLP Pc cutting balloon SFA Left
ICSFBP Pc cutting balloon SFA Both
ICPORP Pc cutting balloon popliteal A Rt
ICPOLP Pc cutting balloon popliteal A Lt
ICPOBP Pc cutting balloon popliteal A B
ICTIRP Pc cutting balloon tibial artery Rt
ICTILP Pc cutting balloon tibial artery Lt
ICTIBP Pc cutting balloon tibial artery B
ICGFTP Pc cutting balloon graft
ICDFIP Pc cutting balloon dialysis fistula
IAICRS Pc stent internal carotid artery Rt
IAICLS Pc stent internal carotid artery Lt
IAXCRS Pc stent external carotid artery Rt
IAXCLS Pc stent external carotid artery Lt
IAXCBS Pc stent external carotid artery B
IACCRS Pc stent common carotid artery Rt
IACCLS Pc stent common carotid artery Lt
IACCBS Pc stent common carotid artery B
IABRCS Pc stent brachiocephalic artery
IAAXRS Pc stent axillary artery Right
IAAXLS Pc stent axillary artery Left
IAAXBS Pc stent axillary artery Both
IABRRS Pc stent brachial artery Right
IABRLS Pc stent brachial artery Left
IABRBS Pc stent brachial artery Both
IARARS Pc stent radial artery Right
IARALS Pc stent radial artery Left
IARABS Pc stent radial artery Both
IAUNRS Pc stent ulnar artery Right
IAUNLS Pc stent ulnar artery Left
IAUNBS Pc stent ulnar artery Both
IAHEPS Pc stent hepatic artery
IASPLS Pc stent splenic artery
IARTRS Pc stent transplant renal artery Right
IARTLS Pc stent transplant renal artery Left
IAXIRS Pc stent external iliac artery Right
IAXILS Pc stent external iliac artery Left
IAXIBS Pc stent external iliac artery Both
IACFRS Pc stent common femoral artery Right
IACFLS Pc stent common femoral artery Left
IAPFRS Pc stent profunda femoris artery Right
IAPFLS Pc stent profunda femoris artery Left
IAPFBS Pc stent profunda femoris artery Both
IASFRS Pc stent superficial femoral artery Rt
IASFLS Pc stent superficial femoral artery Left
IASFBS Pc stent superficial femoral artery Both
IAPORS Pc stent popliteal artery Right
IAPOLS Pc stent popliteal artery Left
IAPOBS Pc stent popliteal artery Both
IATIRS Pc stent tibial artery Right
IATILS Pc stent tibial artery Left
IATIBS Pc stent tibial artery Both
IAGFTS Pc stent of graft
IADFIS Pc stent dialysis fistula
IDICRS Pc drug eluting stent Int carotid A Rt
IDICLS Pc drug eluting stent Int carotid A Lt
IDICBS Pc drug eluting stent Int carotid A B
IDXCRS Pc drug eluting stent Ext carotid A Rt
IDXCLS Pc drug eluting stent Ext carotid A Lt
IDXCBS Pc drug eluting stent Ext carotid A B
IDCCRS Pc drug eluting stent CCA Right
IDCCLS Pc drug eluting stent CCA Left
IDCCBS Pc drug eluting stent CCA Both
IDSCRS Pc drug eluting stent subclavian A Rt
IDSCLS Pc drug eluting stent subclavian A Lt
IDSCBS Pc drug eluting stent subclavian A B
IDBRCS Pc drug eluting stent brachiocephalic A
IDAXRS Pc drug eluting stent axillary A Rt
IDAXLS Pc drug eluting stent axillary A Lt
IDAXBS Pc drug eluting stent axillary A B
IDBRRS Pc drug eluting stent brachial A Rt
IDBRLS Pc drug eluting stent brachial A Lt
IDBRBS Pc drug eluting stent brachial A B
IDRARS Pc drug eluting stent radial artery Rt
IDRALS Pc drug eluting stent radial artery Lt
IDRABS Pc drug eluting stent radial artery B
IDUNRS Pc drug eluting stent ulnar artery Rt
IDUNLS Pc drug eluting stent ulnar artery Lt
IDUNBS Pc drug eluting stent ulnar artery B
IDTAOS Pc drug eluting stent thoracic aorta
IDAAOS Pc drug eluting stent abdominal aorta
IDCOES Pc drug eluting stent coeliac axis
IDHEPS Pc drug eluting stent hepatic artery
IDSPLS Pc drug eluting stent splenic artery
IDSMAS Pc drug eluting stent SMA
IDIMAS Pc drug eluting stent IMA
IDRERS Pc drug eluting stent renal artery Rt
IDRELS Pc drug eluting stent renal artery Lt
IDREBS Pc drug eluting stent renal artery B
IDCIRS Pc drug eluting stent CIA Right
IDCILS Pc drug eluting stent CIA Left
IDCIBS Pc drug eluting stent CIA Both
IDXIRS Pc drug eluting stent Ext iliac A Rt
IDXILS Pc drug eluting stent Ext iliac A Lt
IDXIBS Pc drug eluting stent Ext iliac A B
IDIIRS Pc drug eluting stent Int iliac A Rt
IDIILS Pc drug eluting stent Int iliac A Lt
IDIIBS Pc drug eluting stent Int iliac A B
IDCFRS Pc drug eluting stent CFA Right
IDCFLS Pc drug eluting stent CFA Left
IDCFBS Pc drug eluting stent CFA Both
IDPFRS Pc drug eluting stent PFA Right
IDPFLS Pc drug eluting stent PFA Left
IDPFBS Pc drug eluting stent PFA Both
IDSFRS Pc drug eluting stent SFA Right
IDSFLS Pc drug eluting stent SFA Left
IDSFBS Pc drug eluting stent SFA Both
IDPORS Pc drug eluting stent popliteal A Rt
IDPOLS Pc drug eluting stent popliteal A Lt
IDPOBS Pc drug eluting stent popliteal A B
IDTIRS Pc drug eluting stent tibial artery Rt
IDTILS Pc drug eluting stent tibial artery Lt
IDTIBS Pc drug eluting stent tibial artery B
IDGFTS Pc drug eluting stent of graft
IDDFIS Pc drug eluting stent dialysis fistula
IAICRE Pc embolisation Int carotid artery Rt
IAICLE Pc embolisation Int carotid artery Lt
IAICBE Pc embolisation Int carotid artery B
IAXCRE Pc embolisation Ext carotid artery Rt
IAXCLE Pc embolisation Ext carotid artery Lt
IAXCBE Pc embolisation Ext carotid artery B
IACCRE Pc embolisation common carotid A Rt
IACCLE Pc embolisation common carotid A Lt
IACCBE Pc embolisation common carotid A B
IAPTHE Pc embolisation parathyroid artery
IASCRE Pc embolisation subclavian artery Rt
IASCLE Pc embolisation subclavian artery Lt
IASCBE Pc embolisation subclavian artery B
IABRCE Pc embolisation brachiocephalic artery
IAAXRE Pc embolisation axillary artery Rt
IAAXLE Pc embolisation axillary artery Lt
IAAXBE Pc embolisation axillary artery B
IABRRE Pc embolisation brachial artery Rt
IARARE Pc embolisation radial artery Right
IARALE Pc embolisation radial artery Left
IARABE Pc embolisation radial artery Both
IAUNRE Pc embolisation ulnar artery Right
IAUNLE Pc embolisation ulnar artery Left
IAUNBE Pc embolisation ulnar artery Both
IABNRE Pc embolisation bronchial artery Right
IABNLE Pc embolisation bronchial artery Left
IABNBE Pc embolisation bronchial artery Both
IALUME Pc embolisation lumbar artery
IAICOE Pc embolisation intercostal artery
IAGARE Pc embolisation gastric artery Rt
IAGALE Pc embolisation gastric artery Lt
IAGABE Pc embolisation gastric artery B
IAGDUE Pc embolisation gastro-duodenal artery
IABHEE Pc embolisation hepatic artery branches
IASPLE Pc embolisation splenic artery
IASMAE Pc embolisation SMA
IAIMAE Pc embolisation IMA
IAXIRE Pc embolisation external iliac A Rt
IAXILE Pc embolisation external iliac A Lt
IAXIBE Pc embolisation external iliac A B
IAGORE Pc embolisation gonadal artery Right
IAGOLE Pc embolisation gonadal artery Left
IAGOBE Pc embolisation gonadal artery Both
IAPENE Pc embolisation penile artery
IACFRE Pc embolisation common femoral A Rt
IACFLE Pc embolisation common femoral A Lt
IACFBE Pc embolisation common femoral A B
IAPFRE Pc Emb profunda femoris artery Right
IAPFLE Pc Emb profunda femoris artery Left
IAPFBE Pc Emb profunda femoris artery Both
IASFRE Pc Emb superficial femoral artery Right
IASFLE Pc Emb superficial femoral artery Left
IASFBE Pc Emb superficial femoral artery Both
IAPORE Pc embolisation popliteal artery Right
IAPOLE Pc embolisation popliteal artery Left
IAPOBE Pc embolisation popliteal artery Both
IATIRE Pc embolisation tibial artery Right
IATILE Pc embolisation tibial artery Left
IATIBE Pc embolisation tibial artery Both
IAGFTE Pc embolisation graft
IADFIE Pc embolisation dialysis fistula
IAPURE Pc embolisation pulmonary artery Right
IAPULE Pc embolisation pulmonary artery Left
IAPUBE Pc embolisation pulmonary artery Both
IADPCE Pc arterial Emboli direct puncture
IACHEE Percutaneous arterial chemo-embolisation
FHEBRY Pc hepatic arterial brachytherapy
IGULRJ Pc thrombolysis graft upper limb Right
IGULLJ Pc thrombolysis graft upper limb Left
IGULBJ Pc thrombolysis graft upper limb Both
IGLLRJ Pc thrombolysis graft lower limb Right
IGLLLJ Pc thrombolysis graft lower limb Left
IGLLBJ Pc thrombolysis graft lower limb Both
IAMESJ Pc thrombolysis mesenteric artery
IADFIJ Pc thrombolysis dialysis fistula
IARERJ Pc thrombolysis renal artery Right
IARELJ Pc thrombolysis renal artery Left
IAREBJ Pc thrombolysis renal artery Both
IARTRJ Pc thrombolysis transplant renal A Rt
IARTLJ Pc thrombolysis transplant renal A Lt
IAULRX Pc Mech thrombectomy native A UL Rt
IAULLX Pc Mech thrombectomy native A UL Lt
IAULBX Pc Mech thrombectomy native A UL B
IALLRX Pc Mech thrombectomy native A LL Rt
IALLLX Pc Mech thrombectomy native A LL Lt
IALLBX Pc Mech thrombectomy native A LL B
IGULRX Pc mechanical thrombectomy graft UL Rt
IGULLX Pc mechanical thrombectomy graft UL Lt
IGULBX Pc mechanical thrombectomy graft UL B
IGLLRX Pc mechanical thrombectomy graft LL Rt
IGLLLX Pc mechanical thrombectomy graft LL Lt
IGLLBX Pc mechanical thrombectomy graft LL B
IAMESX Pc Mech thrombectomy mesenteric artery
IADFIX Pc Mech thrombectomy dialysis fistula
IAULRN Pc Asp thrombectomy native A UL Rt
IAULLN Pc Asp thrombectomy native A UL Lt
IAULBN Pc Asp thrombectomy native A UL B
IALLRN Pc Asp thrombectomy native A LL Rt
IALLLN Pc Asp thrombectomy native A LL Lt
IALLBN Pc Asp thrombectomy native A LL B
IGULRN Pc aspiration thrombectomy graft UL Rt
IGULLN Pc aspiration thrombectomy graft UL Lt
IGULBN Pc aspiration thrombectomy graft UL B
IGLLR Pc Asp thrombectomy graft LL Rt
IGLLLN Pc Asp thrombectomy graft LL Lt
IGLLBN Pc Asp thrombectomy graft LL B
IAMESN Pc Asp thrombectomy mesenteric artery
IADFIN Pc Asp thrombectomy dialysis fistula
IAORFP Percutaneous fenestration aorta
IAPURS Pc stent pulmonary artery Rt
IAPULS Pc stent pulmonary artery Lt
IAPUBS Pc stent pulmonary artery B
IGPURS Pc stentgraft pulmonary artery Rt
IGPULS Pc stentgraft pulmonary artery Lt
IGPUBS Pc stentgraft pulmonary artery B
ICPURP Pc cutting balloon Angio Pul A Rt
ICPULP Pc cutting balloon Angio Pul A Lt
ICPUBP Pc cutting balloon Angio Pul A B
IAPURJ Pc thrombolysis pulmonary artery Rt
IAPULJ Pc thrombolysis pulmonary artery Lt
IAPUBJ Pc thrombolysis pulmonary artery B
IAPURX Pc mechanical thrombectomy Pul A Rt
IAPULX Pc mechanical thrombectomy Pul A Lt
IAPUBX Pc mechanical thrombectomy Pul A B
IQRERP PTA Renal vein Right
IQRELP PTA Renal vein Left
IQREBP PTA Renal vein Both
IQILRP PTA Iliac vein Right
IQILLP PTA Iliac vein Left
IQILBP PTA Iliac vein Both
IQCFRP PTA Common femoral vein Right
IQCFLP PTA Common femoral vein Left
IQCFBP PTA Common femoral vein Both
IQSFRP PTA Superficial femoral vein Right
IQSFLP PTA Superficial femoral vein Left
IQSFBP PTA Superficial femoral vein Both
IQPORL PTA Popliteal vein Right
IQPOLP PTA Popliteal vein Left
IQPOBP PTA Popliteal vein Both
IVINBS Pc stent innominate vein Both
IVSUBS Pc stent subclavian vein Both
IVAXRS Pc stent axillary vein Right
IVAXLS Pc stent axillary vein Left
IVAXBS Pc stent axillary vein Both
IVBARS Pc stent basilic vein Right
IVBSLS Pc stent basilic vein Left
IVBABS Pc stent basilic vein Both
IVCERS Pc stent cephalic vein Right
IVCELS Pc stent cephalic vein Left
IVCEBS Pc stent cephalic vein Both
IVBRRS Pc stent brachial vein Right
IVBRLS Pc stent brachial vein Left
IVBRBS Pc stent brachial vein Both
IVFARS Pc stent forearm vein Right
IVFALS Pc stent forearm vein Left
IVFABS Pc stent forearm vein Both
IVMESS Pc stent mesenteric vein
IVRERS Pc stent renal vein Right
IVRELS Pc stent renal vein Left
IVREBS Pc stent renal vein Both
IVILRS Pc stent iliac vein Right
IVILLS Pc stent iliac vein Left
IVILBS Pc stent iliac vein Both
IVCFRS Pc stent common femoral vein Right
IVCFLS Pc stent common femoral vein Left
IVCFBS Pc stent common femoral vein Both
IVSFRS Pc stent superficial femoral vein Rt
IVSFLS Pc stent superficial femoral vein Lt
IVSFBS Pc stent superficial femoral vein B
IVPORS Pc stent popliteal vein Right
IVPOLS Pc stent popliteal vein Left
IVPOBS Pc stent popliteal vein Both
IHSVCS Pc stentgraft superior vena cava
IHIVCS Pc stentgraft inferior vena cava
IHINRS Pc stentgraft innominate vein Right
IHINLS Pc stentgraft innominate vein Left
IHINBS Pc stentgraft innominate vein Both
IHSCRS Pc stentgraft subclavian vein Right
IHSCLS Pc stentgraft subclavian vein Left
IHSCBS Pc stentgraft subclavian vein Both
IHAXRS Pc stentgraft axillary vein Right
IHAXLS Pc stentgraft axillary vein Left
IHAXBS Pc stentgraft axillary vein Both
IHBARS Pc stentgraft basilic vein Right
IHBALS Pc stentgraft basilic vein Left
IHBABS Pc stentgraft basilic vein Both
IHCERS Pc stentgraft cephalic vein Right
IHCELS Pc stentgraft cephalic vein Left
IHCEBS Pc stentgraft cephalic vein Both
IHBRRS Pc stentgraft brachial vein Right
IHBRLS Pc stentgraft brachial vein Left
IHBRBS Pc stentgraft brachial vein Both
IHFARS Pc stentgraft forearm vein Right
IHFALS Pc stentgraft forearm vein Left
IHFABS Pc stentgraft forearm vein Both
IHHEPS Pc stentgraft hepatic vein
IHMESS Pc stentgraft mesenteric vein
IHRERS Pc stentgraft renal vein Right
IHRELS Pc stentgraft renal vein Left
IHREBS Pc stentgraft renal vein Both
IHILRS Pc stentgraft iliac vein Right
IHILLS Pc stentgraft iliac vein Left
IHILBS Pc stentgraft iliac vein Both
IHCFRS Pc stentgraft common femoral vein Rt
IHCFLS Pc stentgraft common femoral vein Lt
IHSFRS Pc stentgraft SFV Right
IHSFLS Pc stentgraft SFV Left
IHSFBS Pc stentgraft SFV Both
IHPORS Pc stentgraft popliteal vein Right
IHPOLS Pc stentgraft popliteal vein Left
IHPOBS Pc stentgraft popliteal vein Both
IBSVCP Pc cutting balloon SVC
IBIVCP Pc cutting balloon inferior vena cava
IBINRP Pc cutting balloon innominate vein Rt
IBINLP Pc cutting balloon innominate vein Lt
IBINBP Pc cutting balloon innominate vein B
IBSURP Pc cutting balloon subclavian vein Rt
IBSULP Pc cutting balloon subclavian vein Lt
IBSUBP Pc cutting balloon subclavian vein B
IBAXRP Pc cutting balloon axillary vein Right
IBAXLP Pc cutting balloon axillary vein Left
IBAXBP Pc cutting balloon axillary vein B
IBBARP Pc cutting balloon basilic vein Right
IBBALP Pc cutting balloon basilic vein Left
IBBABP Pc cutting balloon basilic vein Both
IBCERP Pc cutting balloon cephalic vein Right
IBCELP Pc cutting balloon cephalic vein Left
IBCEBP Pc cutting balloon cephalic vein Both
IBBRRP Pc cutting balloon brachial vein Right
IBBRLP Pc cutting balloon brachial vein Left
IBBRBP Pc cutting balloon brachial vein Both
IBFARP Pc cutting balloon forearm vein Right
IBFALP Pc cutting balloon forearm vein Left
IBFABP Pc cutting balloon forearm vein Both
IBPOTP Pc cutting balloon portal vein
IBHEPP Pc cutting balloon hepatic vein
IBMESP Pc cutting balloon mesenteric vein
IBRERP Pc cutting balloon renal vein Right
IBRELP Pc cutting balloon renal vein Left
IBREBP Pc cutting balloon renal vein Both
IBILRP Pc cutting balloon iliac vein Right
IBILLP Pc cutting balloon iliac vein Left
IBILBP Pc cutting balloon iliac vein Both
IBCFRP Pc cutting balloon CFV Right
IBCFLP Pc cutting balloon CFV Left
IBCFBP Pc cutting balloon CFV Both
IBSFRP Pc cutting balloon SFV Right
IBSFLP Pc cutting balloon SFV Left
IBSFBP Pc cutting balloon SFV Both
IBPORP Pc cutting balloon popliteal vein Rt
IBPOLP Pc cutting balloon popliteal vein Lt
IBPOBP Pc cutting balloon popliteal vein B
FVHEPI Pc hepatic vein catheter
FVRENI Pc renal vein catheter
FVCATY Central catheter line stripping
FVCATJ Central catheter line thrombolysis
FVCATG Central catheter replacement
FVCATX Central catheter removal
FVCATI Central catheter repositioning
IUULRJ Pc thrombolysis upper limb veins Right
IUULLJ Pc thrombolysis upper limb veins Left
IUULBJ Pc thrombolysis upper limb veins Both
IULLRJ Pc thrombolysis lower limb veins Right
IULLLJ Pc thrombolysis lower limb veins Left
IULLBJ Pc thrombolysis lower limb veins Both
IUIVCJ Pc thrombolysis Inferior vena cava
IUSVCJ Pc thrombolysis superior vena cava
IUMESJ Pc thrombolysis mesenteric vein
IUHEPJ Pc thrombolysis hepatic vein
IUPOTJ Pc thrombolysis portal vein
IVULRX Pc mechanical thrombectomy UL veins Rt
IVULLX Pc mechanical thrombectomy UL veins Lt
IVULBX Pc mechanical thrombectomy UL veins B
IVLLRX Pc mechanical thrombectomy LL veins Rt
IVLLLX Pc mechanical thrombectomy LL veins Lt
IVLLBX Pc mechanical thrombectomy LL veins B
IVIVCX Pc mechanical thrombectomy IVC
IVSVCX Pc mechanical thrombectomy SVC
IVHEPX Pc Mech thrombectomy hepatic vein
IVPOTX Pc mechanical thrombectomy portal vein
IVMESX Pc Mech thrombectomy mesenteric vein
ISVCFY Repositioning temporary filter SVC
IIVCFY Repositioning temporary filter IVC
ISVCFG Replacement temporary filter SVC
IIVCFG Replacement temporary filter IVC
IVSVCE Pc embolisation superior vena cava
IVIVCE Pc embolisation inferior vena cava
IVINRE Pc embolisation innominate vein Right
IVINLE Pc embolisation innominate vein Left
IVINBE Pc embolisation innominate vein Both
IVSCRE Pc embolisation subclavian vein Right
IVSCLE Pc embolisation subclavian vein Left
IVSCBE Pc embolisation subclavian vein Both
IVAXRE Pc embolisation axillary vein Right
IVAXLE Pc embolisation axillary vein Left
IVAXBE Pc embolisation axillary vein Both
IVBARE Pc embolisation basilic vein Right
IVBALE Pc embolisation basilic vein Left
IVBABE Pc embolisation basilic vein Both
IVCERE Pc embolisation cephalic vein Right
IVCELE Pc embolisation cephalic vein Left
IVCEBE Pc embolisation cephalic vein Both
IVBRRE Pc embolisation brachial vein Right
IVBRLE Pc embolisation brachial vein Left
IVBRBE Pc embolisation brachial vein Both
IVFARE Pc embolisation forearm vein Right
IVFALE Pc embolisation forearm vein Left
IVFABE Pc embolisation forearm vein Both
IVPOTE Pc embolisation portal vein
IVMESE Pc embolisation mesenteric vein
IVRERE Pc embolisation renal vein Right
IVRELE Pc embolisation renal vein Left
IVREBE Pc embolisation renal vein Both
IVILRE Pc embolisation iliac vein Right
IVILLE Pc embolisation iliac vein Left
IVILBE Pc embolisation iliac vein Both
IVCFRE Pc embolisation common femoral vein Rt
IVCFLE Pc embolisation common femoral vein Lt
IVCFBE Pc embolisation common femoral vein B
IVSFRE Pc Emb Superficial femoral vein Right
IVSFLE Pc Emb Superficial femoral vein Left
IVSFBE Pc Emb Superficial femoral vein Both
IVPORE Pc embolisation popliteal vein Right
IVPOLE Pc embolisation popliteal vein Left
IVPOBE Pc embolisation popliteal vein Both
IVTIRE Pc embolisation tibial vein Right
IVTILE Pc embolisation tibial vein Left
IVTIBE Pc embolisation tibial vein Both
IVOVRE Pc embolisation ovarian vein Right
IVOVLE Pc embolisation ovarian vein Left
IVOEBE Pc embolisation ovarian vein Both
IVTIPS TIPSS with metal stent
IGTIPS TIPSS with stentgraft
FJLIVB Pc transjugular liver biopsy
FJRERB Pc transjugular renal biopsy Right
FJRELB Pc transjugular renal biopsy Left
FJREBB Pc transjugular renal biopsy Both
ILSLRA Pc laser ablation long saphenous V Rt
ILSLLA Pc laser ablation long saphenous V Lt
ILSLBA Pc laser ablation long saphenous V B
ILSRRA Pc RF Ablation long saphenous vein Rt
ILSRLA Pc RF Ablation long saphenous vein Lt
ILSRBA Pc RF Ablation long saphenous vein B
ILSSRA Pc sclerotherapy long saphenous Right
ILSSLA Pc sclerotherapy long saphenous Left
ILSSBA Pc sclerotherapy long saphenous Both
ISSLRA Pc laser ablation short saphenous V Rt
ISSLBA Pc laser ablation short saphenous V B
ISSRRA Pc RF ablation short saphenous vein Rt
ISSRLA Pc RF ablation short saphenous vein Lt
ISSRBA Pc RF ablation short saphenous vein B
ISSSRA Pc sclerotherapy short saphenous Right
ISSSLA Pc sclerotherapy short saphenous Left
ISSSBA Pc sclerotherapy short saphenous Both
IVVALI Pc Placement artificial venous valves
ISUVSA Sclerotherapy superficial vein
IVGASE Balloon occluded retrograde Emb gastric
XLTDI Thoracic duct lymphangiography
ITHODE Thoracic duct embolisation
FVSSS Sigmoid sinus sampling
FVSPS Petrosal sinus sampling
FVSCS Cavernous sinus sampling
FVSPO Portal venous sampling
FVHEP Hepatic vein pressure measurements
FAPTH Parathyroid angiogram
FAADR Angio adrenal artery Right
FAADL Angio adrenal artery Left
FAADB Angio adrenal artery Both
FAOSC Angioscopy
FTHRC Thrombolysis check angiogram
ITCVCY Tunnelled central venous line adjustment
N131WO NM Iodine 131 whole body SPECT
NBONW1 NM Bone whole body single phase
NBONW2 NM Bone whole body dual phase
MVABP MRV Abdomen and pelvis
MBREB MRI Breast implant Both
MPROS MRI Prostate spectroscopy
CPERI CT Peritoneogram
IOAAUS Op AUI SG abdo aorta iliac arteries
NCAIMC NM Cardiac iodine 123 MIBG scan
EBILDD Endoscopic guided biliary drainage
EIRDN ERCP Biliary dilatation
FBILDX Biliary drain removal
UTENDJ US Guided injection tendon
IPXCRP PTA External carotid artery Right
IPXCLP PTA External carotid artery Left
IPXCBP PTA External carotid artery Both
IPCCRP PTA Common carotid artery Right
IPCCLP PTA Common carotid artery Left
IPCCBP PTA Common carotid artery Both
IPSCRP PTA Subclavian artery Right
IPSCLP PTA Subclavian artery Left
IPSCBP PTA Subclavian artery Both
IPCOEP PTA Coeliac axis
IPHEPP Pc angioplasty hepatic artery
IPSPLP PTA Splenic artery
IPSMAP PTA Superior mesenteric artery
IPRERP PTA Renal artery Right
IPRELP PTA Renal artery Left
IPREBP PTA Renal artery Both
IPRTRP PTA Transplant renal artery Right
IPRTLP PTA Transplant renal artery Left
IPPFRP PTA Profunda femoris artery Right
IPPFLP PTA Profunda femoris artery Left
IPPFBP PTA Profunda femoris artery Both
IPSFRP PTA Superficial femoral artery Right
IPSFLP PTA Superficial femoral artery Left
IPSFBP PTA Superficial femoral artery Both
IPPORP PTA Popliteal artery Right
IPPOLP PTA Popliteal artery Left
IPPOBP PTA Popliteal artery Both
IPTIRP PTA Tibial artery Right
IPTILP PTA Tibial artery Left
IPTIBP PTA Tibial artery Both
IAICBS Pc stent internal carotid artery B
IASCRS Pc stent subclavian artery Right
IASCLS Pc stent subclavian artery Left
IASCBS Pc stent subclavian artery Both
IATAOS Pc stent thoracic aorta
IAABAS Pc stent abdominal aorta
IASMAS Pc stent superior mesenteric artery
IARERS Pc stent renal artery Right
IARELS Pc stent renal artery Left
IAREBS Pc stent renal artery Both
IACIRS Pc stent common iliac artery Right
IACILS Pc stent common iliac artery Left
IACIBS Pc stent common iliac artery Both
IAIIRS Pc stent internal iliac artery Right
IAIILS Pc stent internal iliac artery Left
IAIIBS Pc stent internal iliac artery Both
IACFBS Pc stent common femoral artery Both
IPPURP PTA Pulmonary artery Rt
IPPULP PTA Pulmonary artery Lt
IPPUBP PTA Pulmonary artery B
IAIIRE Pc embolisation internal iliac A Rt
IAIILE Pc embolisation internal iliac A Lt
IAIIBE Pc embolisation internal iliac A B
IAUTRE Pc embolisation uterine artery Right
IAUTLE Pc embolisation uterine artery Left
IAUTBE Pc embolisation uterine artery Both
IVTERE Pc embolisation testicular vein Right
IVTELE Pc embolisation testicular vein Left
IVTEBE Pc embolisation testicular vein Both
UTENN US Guided dry-needling of tendon
IVHEPE Pc embolisation hepatic vein
UOFEC US Obstetric fetal echocardiogram
UTECG US Transthoracic echocardiogram
UVENE US Guided venesection
UCHWA US Scan chest wall
FBAFT Barium follow through
IPAVR Percutaneous aortic valve replacement
IPPVR Percutaneous pulmonary valve replacement
COESOC CT Oesophagus with contrast
MAILA MRA Iliac artery
MSCJBC MRI Sternoclavicular Jt with Cont Both
CURITC CT Urinary tract with contrast
CLUSYY CT Lumbar sympathectomy
CKIDBB CT Guided biopsy kidney Both
UTRKIB US Guided biopsy transplanted kidney
UKIDNN US Guided aspiration kidney
ICHEPE Pc embolisation common hepatic artery
IPICCY Periph inserted central Cath adjustment
IFAARE Embolisation facial artery
MABLAA MRI Guided ablation
MLIVEA MRI Guided ablation liver
MKIDNA MRI Guided ablation kidney
MPOFOC MRI Posterior fossa with contrast
FVEAAY Angio vertebral artery direct puncture
UTESTB US Doppler testes
MARET MRA Renal transplant
FSKUHM Mobile image intensifier skull
MFACI MRI Craniofacial
UMFOB US Midfoot Both
UMFOL US Midfoot Lt
UMFOR US Midfoot Rt
XMFOB XR Midfoot Both
XMFOL XR Midfoot Lt
XMFOR XR Midfoot Rt
IACIRE Pc embolisation common iliac A Rt
IACILE Pc embolisation common iliac A Lt
IACIBE Pc embolisation common iliac A B
CASCB CT Angiogram subclavian Both
CASCL CT Angiogram subclavian Left
CASCR CT Angiogram subclavian Right
CABDON CT Guided aspiration abdomen
CCHESB CT Guided biopsy thorax
CCHESD CT Guided drainage thorax
CNECKN CT Guided aspiration neck
CCHETN CT Guided aspiration thorax
CPANCN CT Guided aspiration pancreas
CPELVN CT Guided aspiration pelvis
CTHYDN CT Guided aspiration thyroid
ICHESB Fluoroscopic guided biopsy thorax
ICHESN Fluoroscopic guided aspiration thorax
UKIDBB US Guided biopsy kidney Both
ULIVEB US Guided biopsy liver
UPANCN US Guided aspiration pancreas
UMAMBN US Guided aspiration of breast Both
UPELVN US Guided aspiration pelvis
USALGB US Guided biopsy salivary gland
UTHYDB US Guided biopsy thyroid
UTHYDN US Guided aspiration thyroid
IACEGP Pc balloon angioplasty cerebral artery
IARELE Pc embolisation renal artery Lt
IARERE Pc embolisation renal artery Rt
CSASM CT Submandibular Areas
CSASMC CT Submandibular areas with contrast
IAVTBP Pc angioplasty vertebral artery Both
IAVTLP Pc angioplasty vertebral artery Lt
IAVTRP Pc angioplasty vertebral artery Rt
IANEWI Fluoroscopic guided aneurysm wiring
IVIVCS Pc stent inferior vena cava
IBILMS Biliary bile duct stent metal
IVSVCS Pc stent superior vena cava
IPICCI PICC Line insertion
IPICCX PICC Line removal
NTC99Y NM Tc99m antibody therapy
NTES NM Testicular scan
XBDXW DXA Whole body
UTOEGC US TOE with contrast
FSGMB Sialogram submandibular fluoroscopy Both
FSGML Sialogram submandibular fluoroscopy Lt
FSGMR Sialogram submandibular fluoroscopy Rt
FSGPB Sialogram parotid fluoroscopy Both
FSGPL Sialogram parotid fluoroscopy Lt
FSGPR Sialogram parotid fluoroscopy Rt
FANGIM Mobile image intensifier angiogram
MBRCC MRI Brain and cervical cord
ICAABP Pc balloon test Occl carotid artery
ICEADS Pc drug eluting stent cerebral artery
IVEABP Pc balloon test Occl vertebral artery
IMCABP Pc balloon test Occl middle cerebral A
ICEARJ Pc thrombolysis cerebral artery
IACABP Pc balloon test Occl anterior cerebral A
FAAAC Angio aortic arch and carotid
FLUPUY Fluoroscopic guided lumbar puncture
ITIPSE TIPSS Embolisation
IVDPUE Pc venous embolisation direct puncture
IVCVFE Pc venous Emb cerebral AVF
IAVCFE Pc arterial and venous Emb cerebral AVF
IBRNEE Pc embolisation cerebral neoplasm
ISKBNE Pc embolisation skull base neoplasm
ICEAAE Pc Balln Ass coil Emb cerebral Aneurysm
ISPDAE Pc embolisation spinal DAVF
ISPAAE Pc Emb spinal artery aneurysm
IVCAVE Pc venous Emb cerebral AVM
ICEVSJ Pc thrombolysis cerebral venous sinus
ICEVSX Pc thrombectomy cerebral venous sinus
IACAVE Pc arterial Emb cerebral AVM
IAVCAE Pc arterial and venous Emb cerebral AVM
ICEVSP Pc angioplasty cerebral venous sinus
ICAVFE Pc arterial Emb cerebral AVF
ICEVSS Pc stent cerebral venous sinus
ICEARX Pc thrombectomy cerebral artery
ISPTUE Pc embolisation spinal tumour
IINNLS Pc metallic stent innominate vein Lt
IINNRS Pc metallic stent innominate vein Rt
IAPADE Pc Emb pancreatico-duodenal artery
ISPARJ Pc thrombolysis spinal artery
ITCIAE Temp balloon Occl common iliac artery B
ICVSCE Pc coil Emb cerebral venous sinus
ITIIAE Temp balloon Occl internal iliac A B
IUTABY Temp balloon Occl uterine artery Both
MACBG MRA Coronary bypass graft
IVOEJE Pc transjugular Emb oesophageal vein
IVGAJE Pc transjugular Emb gastric vein
MBONUA MRI Focused US ablation bone
MBREUA MRI Focused US ablation breast
MKIDUA MRI Focused US ablation kidney
CBNTA CT Brain neck thorax Abdo and pelvis
MLIVUA MRI Focused US ablation liver
MHAEUA MRI Focused US ablation haemangioma
MPROUA MRI Focused US ablation prostate
MSPLUA MRI Guided focused US ablation spleen
FCEVPY Pc cerebral venous sinus pressure
CLIVT CT Liver triple phase
FALCG Cardiac Angio LV and Coronary Graft
IAVEME Embolisation arteriovenous malformation
FAAGM Angio arch aortogram
FAFEL Angio antegrade femoral Lt
FAFER Angio antegrade femoral Rt
USOTI US Soft tissue
FFVAAY Four vessel cerebral flush arch Angio
ICEAPE Pc Polymer embolisation cerebral artery
ICAPSE Pc stent Ass polymer Emb cerebral A
ICVSS Pc cerebral venous sinus sampling
IILSGS Stent graft iliac
ICVSPE Pc Polymer Emb cerebral venous sinus
ICEACE Pc coil Emb cerebral aneurysm
CLIVD CT Liver dual phase
ITCVC Tunnelled central venous line stripping
CPAND CT Pancreas dual phase
IBAGDE Pc Emb gastroduodenal artery branch
IBREAE Pc embolisation renal artery branch
IBIVRE Pc embolisation iliac vein branch Rt
IBIVLE Pc embolisation iliac vein branch Lt
IBIVBE Pc embolisation iliac vein branch Both
NHEPMY NM Hepatic microsphere therapy
CPULV CT Venography pulmonary
FPLEU Pleurogram
UOSI US Saline infusion sonography
ICENEE Pc embolisation cervical neoplasm
INAVEE Pc embolisation nasal vessel
UBRON Endobronchial ultrasound
UTIED US Tissue doppler echocardiogram
XGTOMO XR Tomogram
XOPGTO Orthotrans multidirectional tomogram
FSYMPM Fluoroscopy for sympathectomy
MFIBUA MR Focused US ablation fibroid
ICASL Cerebral artery stem cell infusion Lt
ICASR Cerebral artery stem cell infusion Rt
FALHC Cardiac Angio Lt ventricle and Cor A
IBILPS Biliary bile duct stent plastic
MLSPE MRI Lumbar spine and pelvis
NBAFB NM Bone local ankle and foot Both
NBAFBO NM Bone local ankle and foot SPECT Both
NBFEB NM Bone local femora Both
NBKNB NM Bone local knee Both
NBKNBO NM Bone local knee SPECT Both
NBLLB NM Bone local lower leg Both
NBLLBO NM Bone local lower leg SPECT Both
NBULB NM Bone local upper limb Both
NBULBO NM Bone local upper limb SPECT Both
NBWSC NM Bone local wrist and scaphoid Both
NBWSCO NM Bone local wrist and scaphoid SPECT B
UAUMB US Obstetric doppler umbilical artery B
NMPSRC NM MPS Thallium stress and reinjection
NCARE NM MPS exercise stress study
ITHPI Islet cell transplantation
UELLI US Elastography of liver
NLUVE NM Lung ventilation SPECT
IVSDC Ventricular septal defect closure
NLUPE NM Lung perfusion SPECT
NNAMC NM Nasal mucociliary clearance
MPSBW MRI Phosphorus spectroscopy body
ISCLEI Percutaneous sclerotherapy
MPSHE MRI Phosphorus spectroscopy head
IMIVA Percutaneous mitral valve repair
UICEC US Intracardiac echocardiography
IVEINS Pc insertion vein stent
NBFEBO NM Bone local femur SPECT Both
NBHIPD NM Dual phase bone pelvis
NBLSPD NM Dual phase bone lumbar spine
NBSKND NM Dual phase bone skull and neck
NBTHXD NM Dual phase bone thorax
NBAFBD NM Dual phase bone ankle and foot Both
NBFEBD NM Dual phase bone femur Both
NBKNBD NM Dual phase bone knee Both
NBLLBD NM Dual phase bone lower leg Both
NBULBD NM Dual phase bone upper limb Both
NBWSBD NM Dual phase bone wrist Both
CNCAP CT Neck thorax abdomen and pelvis
XCEP XR Cephalogram
NPTHY NM Parathyroid MIBI
MMEDI MRI Mediastinum
CFNA CT Guided fine needle aspiration
XPEHL XR Pelvis and hip Left
XPEHR XR Pelvis and hip Right
ULIVEC US Liver with contrast
NCLUVE NM Lung ventilation SPECT CT
NCBONW NM Bone whole body SPECT CT
MTRNEC MRI Trigeminal nerve with contrast
NLUNV NM Lung ventilation perfusion SPECT
NCBRL NM Breast scintimammogram SPECT CT Lt
NCBFB NM Bone femur SPECT CT Both
NCBKB NM Bone knee SPECT CT Both
NCLAC NM CT Atten Correct and localisation
NCBLS NM Bone lumbar spine SPECT CT
IBCTN Pc Balln compression trigeminal nerve
NCPTH NM Parathyroid scan SPECT CT
NCBRR NM Breast scintimammogram SPECT CT Rt
NCAC NM CT attenuation correction
UCONTC US with contrast
UPEVE US Guided puncture peripheral vein
MLUSA MRI Lumbosacral plexus
NCSRN NM Card ventriculography stress SPECT CT
FCAHV Fluoro cine study artificial heart valve
NCAFB NM Bone ankle and foot SPECT CT Both
NCHIP NM Bone pelvis and hips SPECT CT
NCLIV NM Liver and spleen SPECT CT
NCDAC NM CT Atten Correct and diagnostic study
CHNTAP CT Head neck thorax abdomen and pelvis
ILYMAI Pc sclerotherapy lymphatic malformation
IVEMAI Pc sclerotherapy venous malformation
IAOCOS Pc stent coarctation aorta
NCCAV NM Cardiac viability scan FDG PET CT
NCBUB NM Bone upper limb SPECT CT Both
MTRNE MRI Trigeminal nerve
MSTHN MRI Subthalamic nucleus
IVETOS Pc stent right ventricular outflow tract
NCBRP NM Brain perfusion imaging SPECT CT
NCPCH NM F18 choline PET CT
ITRNEA Pc ablation trigeminal nerve
FPCSF Fluoroscopy programmable CSF shunt
NCGA NM Gallium scan SPECT CT
NCRVE NM Card ventriculography rest SPECT CT
NCBSK NM Bone skull and neck SPECT CT
NCLRTS NM Scan cardiac Rt Lt lung shunt study
NCBLB NM Bone lower leg SPECT CT Both
NCBWB NM Bone wrist SPECT CT Both
NCLUPE NM Lung perfusion SPECT CT
IAOVAI Percutaneous insertion aortic valve
IPUVAI Percutaneous insertion pulmonary valve
NCC11 NM C11 choline PET CT
IMAPCS Pc stent major aortopulmonary Coll A
CSPINY CT Angiogram spine
CBRVO CT Brain volume
CBRVOC CT Brain volume with contrast
FCIST Fluoroscopic cisternography
FSCEA Superselective Angio cerebral artery
MSPINC MRA Spine with contrast
MFACEC MRI Face with contrast
MFBRA MRI Fetus Brain
MFSPI MRI Fetus spine
IVGAME Pc Emb vein galen aneurysm malformation
IAVFIE Pc Emb arteriovenous fistula
ICCSFE Pc Emb caroticocavernous sinus fistula
ICEDFE Pc embolisation cerebral dural fistula
IAVFCE Pc Emb coronary arteriovenous fistula
IPCOAE Pc Emb pulmonary collateral artery
ICEANS Pc stent cerebral aneurysm
ICEANE Pc stent Ass coil Emb cerebral aneurysm
NCCAG NM Cardiac rest gated FDG PET CT
NCCNG NM Cardiac rest gated N13 PET CT
NCCRF NM Cardiac rest FDG PET CT
NCCRE NM Cardiac rest Rb81 PET CT
NCCRN NM Cardiac rest N13 PET CT
NCCAS NM Cardiac stress Rb81 PET CT
NRENT NM Renogram renal transplant
IRCEAE Revision Pc coil Emb cerebral aneurysm
NCWCI NM White cell indium 111 scan SPECT CT
NCBRT NM Brain scan thallium SPECT CT
NCHEH NM Hepatic haemangioma SPECT CT
NCTUM NM Tumour imaging SPECT CT
NC123W NM Iodine 123 whole body SPECT CT
NC131W NM Iodine 131 whole body SPECT CT
NCM123 NM MIBG iodine 123 SPECT CT
NCM131 NM MIBG iodine 131 SPECT CT
NCOCT NM Octreotide scan SPECT CT
NCCAI NM Cardiac iodine 123 MIBG SPECT CT
NSMABO NM Breast Scintimammo with SPECT Both
IURDB Ureteric dilatation Both
IURDL Ureteric dilatation Left
IURDR Ureteric dilatation Right
MANKB MRI Ankle Both
MANGI Magnetic resonance angiography
MSUAB MRA Subclavian artery Both
MSUAL MRA Subclavian artery Left
MSUAR MRA Subclavian artery Right
MPTHY MRI Parathyroid
UBLAD US Urinary bladder
XAJSB XR Ankle joint with stress Both
XAJSL XR Ankle joint with stress Left
XAJSR XR Ankle joint with stress Right
CAXIB CT Axilla Both
CAXIL CT Axilla Left
CAXIR CT Axilla Right
CMAXI CT Maxilla
CSAIB CT Sacroiliac joint Both
UTRPA US Pancreas transplant
CANRE CT Angiogram renal
XSESB XR Sesamoid bone foot Both
XSESL XR Sesamoid bone foot Left
XSESR XR Sesamoid bone foot Right
FTUOE Tube oesophagram
ICOAFE Pc coil Emb coronary artery fistula
ICAANE Pc coil Emb coronary artery aneurysm
NJOINT NM Joint study
IUTVEE Fluoro guided uterine vein embolisation
UFMCA US Doppler fetal middle cerebral artery
MTMJL MRI Temporomandibular joint Left
MTMJR MRI Temporomandibular joint Right
MLUSP MRI Spine lumbar
CSIJR CT Sacroiliac joint Right
CSIJL CT Sacroiliac joint Left
MPULV MR Venography pulmonary
ITAAVI Pc transapical insertion aortic valve
CHAP CT Head abdomen and pelvis
CHAPC CT Head abdomen pelvis with contrast
CHTA CT Head thorax and abdomen
XTHLS XR Thoracic and lumbar spine
ITFAVI Pc transfemoral insertion aortic valve
CHTAPC CT Head thorax Abdo pelvis with contrast
FTUBO Linogram
MCNB MRI Guided core needle biopsy
UCNB US Guided core needle biopsy
CHTH CT Head and thorax
FHCCC Pc Angio heart complex Congen anomaly
CHTHAC CT Head thorax abdomen with contrast
CCNB CT Guided core needle biopsy
FCNB Fluoroscopy guided core needle biopsy
CRFLU CT Guided RF ablation lung
IAVRE Percutaneous aortic valve repair
UABDOC US Abdomen with contrast
UFNA US Guided fine needle aspiration
CABAOC CT Aorta abdominal with contrast
CAOWHC CT Aorta whole with contrast
CAOTHC CT Aorta thoracic with contrast
ICPDA Closure patent ductus arteriosus
FFNA Fluoroscopy guided FNA
MFNA MRI Guided fine needle aspiration
XCSFS XR Cerebro-spinal fluid shunt
CHTAP CT Head thorax abdomen and pelvis
CNCAC CT Neck thorax and abdomen with contrast
CNCAPC CT Neck thorax abdomen pelvis with Cont
CNCHA CT Neck thorax and abdomen
UUPPA US Upper abdomen
ITSPX Fluoro guided T sympathetic plexus block
IITHE Fluoroscopy guided intrathecal block
IRPPM Fluoro guided Rev biventricular PPM lead
CCAB CT Guided coeliac plexus block
EULAP Laparoscopic US
UTTCC Transthoracic Echocard complex Congen
UTOEC Transoesphageal Echocard complex Congen
UITCC Intracardiac Echocard complex congenital
CCAGA CT Cardiac gated
CCGCCC CT Cardiac gated complex congenital Cont
FANPA Angiography penile artery
OMEDP Medical photography
XHAWL XR Hand and wrist Left
NRILP NM Tc99m red cell leakage from ILP
XHAWR XR Hand and wrist Right
XHAWB XR Hand and wrist Both
UDDA US Doppler for dialysis access
URLIVA US Guided RF ablation liver
IPICCG PICC Line exchange
URKIBA US Guided RF ablation kidney Both
URKILA US Guided RF ablation kidney Left
URKIRA US Guided RF ablation kidney Right
FCAAAY Angio carotid artery direct puncture
ILOREX Fluoro guided removal loop recorder
FTHUB Fluoroscopy thumb Both
FTHUL Fluoroscopy thumb Left
FTHUR Fluoroscopy thumb Right
UDTAB US Doppler temporal artery Both
UDTAL US Doppler temporal artery Left
UDTAR US Doppler temporal artery Right
XCOIB XR Cochlear implant Both
XCOIL XR Cochlear implant Left
XCOIR XR Cochlear implant Right
MACTB MRI Achilles tendon Both
MACTL MRI Achilles tendon Left
MACTR MRI Achilles tendon Right
UTO3D US Transoesophageal echocardiogram 3D
UFEBS US Fetus blood sampling
UMFEA US Multiple pregnancy fetal anomaly
UAVFI US Arteriovenous fistula
FWHIB Fluoroscopic Whitaker test Both
FWHIL Fluoroscopic Whitaker test Left
FWHIR Fluoroscopic Whitaker test Right
ICMIMI Fluoro guided Insert Card monitoring Imp
MSPIC MRI Spinal cord
CCOLOC CT Colon with contrast
CCOIM CT Cochlear implant
MSCAB MRI Scaphoid Both
MSCAL MRI Scaphoid Left
MSCAR MRI Scaphoid Right
MPANCC MRI Pancreas with contrast
UAMFI US Guided amniotic fluid infusion
XFORE XR Forensic
CFORE CT Forensic
MFORE MR Forensic
CKITB CT Kidney triple phase Both
CTKIL CT Kidney triple phase Left
CTKIR CT Kidney triple phase Right
IPORC Fluoro guided portacath removal
MPELD MRI Pelvis dynamic
MSPICC MRI Spinal cord with contrast
CGRIR CT Groin Right
CGROB CT Groin Both
CGROL CT Groin Left
UABDOB US Guided biopsy abdomen
ICAMIX Fluoro guided Remov Card monitoring Imp
MAXFE MRA Axillary femoral artery bypass
FCMIP Fluoro Card monitoring implant position
ILOREI Fluoro guided insertion loop recorder
MSKBA MRI Skull base
UMPNU US Multiple pregnancy nuchal
UCHESB US Guided biopsy chest
UJVDB US Doppler jugular vein Both
UJVDL US Doppler jugular vein Left
UJVDR US Doppler jugular vein Right
MSCVB MRV Subclavian vein Both
MSCVL MRV Subclavian vein Left
MSCVR MRV Subclavian vein Right
MVPOV MRV Portal vein
NMTFS NM MPS Tf stress gated
UTVOD US Transvaginal obstetric dating
FWSTB Fluoroscopy wrist Both
FWSTL Fluoroscopy wrist Left
FWSTR Fluoroscopy wrist Right
MGROB MRI Groin Both
MGROL MRI Groin Left
MGROR MRI Groin Right
MANSP MRI Anal sphincter
MACEB MRI Acetabulum Both
MACEL MRI Acetabulum Left
MACER MRI Acetabulum Right
UTVPED US Guided transvaginal drainage pelvis
MTEMP MRI Temporal lobe
IPANCB Fluoro guided biopsy pancreas
IDRPEI Fluoro guided drain Insert pericardium
ITMJBJ Fluoro guided TMJ injection Both
ITMJLJ Fluoro guided TMJ injection Left
ITMJRJ Fluoro guided TMJ injection Right
UAMNFD US guided amniotic fluid reduction
NMTRG NM MPS Tf rest gated
NMSTT NM MPS Tf stress
UOEPV US Obstetric (Early Pregnancy)
XLLIB XR Lower limb Both
XLLIL XR Lower limb Left
XLLIR XR Lower limb Right
EENTSY Enteroscopy
EVCAP Video capsule endoscopy
ERSIG Rigid sigmoidoscopy
EPROC Proctoscopy
ISPVEE Fluoro guided Pc Emb splenic vein
IGAVEE Fluoro guided Pc Emb gastric vein
FOEPH Fluoroscopy oesophagus
CHNTPC CT Head neck thorax Abdo and pelvis Cont
IACORX Transluminal atherectomy
IINVDJ Fluoro guided Inj intervertebral disc
UFNECN US Guided FNA biopsy neck
NSELY NM Sentinel lymph node SPECT CT
UHIFU US Guided high intensity focussed US
NSENTO NM Sentinel lymph node SPECT
IMBTNA Fluoro guided RF Abl Med branch T nerve
MPREN MRI Prostate endocavity RF coil
NCAVF NM Cardiac ventriculography first pass
UITCEC Intracardiac echocardiography contrast
FTRPV Venography transplant pancreas
ISIJTA Fluoro guided RF Abl SIJ nerve
IBVIC Fluoro guided removal biventricular ICD
IRCPM Fluoro guided reposition pacemaker lead
MDTBN Diffusion tensor MR brain
MDTNT Diffusion tensor MR cerebral nerve tract
CHENEC CT Head and neck with contrast
XBRRBB XR Guided radiofrequency Bx breast Both
XBRRLB XR Guided radiofrequency Bx breast Left
XBRRRB XR Guided radiofrequency Bx breast Right
CNECP CT Neck perfusion study
CPELP CT Pelvis perfusion study
CCHEP CT Thorax perfusion study
MPERI MRI Perineum
CCAGAC CT Cardiac gated with contrast
ISSPNA Fluoro guided RF Abl nerve root S spine
CAABDO CT Angiogram abdomen
MMESE MRA Mesenteric artery
ITSPNA Fluoro guided RF Abl nerve root T spine
IPERNA Fluoro guided RF Abl peripheral nerve
MTHLUC MRI Spine thoracic lumbar with contrast
CABDP CT Abdomen perfusion study
CLIVPO CT Liver perfusion study
UBRRBB US Guided radiofrequency Bx breast Both
UBRRLB US Guided radiofrequency Bx breast Left
UBRRRB US Guided radiofrequency Bx breast Right
MOESO MRI Oesophagus
MILIB MRV Iliac vein Both
MILIL MRV Iliac vein Left
MILIR MRV Iliac vein Right
MSIJBC MRI Pelvis SIJ with contrast Both
MTHINC MRI Thoracic inlet with contrast
MCXEN MRI Cervix endocavity RF coil
CHNTAC CT Head neck thorax abdomen contrast
UITC3D Intracardiac echocardiography complex
CAPAP CT Angiogram pulmonary abdomen pelvis A
CMAMX CT Mandible and maxilla
IBICDG Fluoro guided Repl biventricular ICD
IBPPMG Fluoro guided Repl biventricular PPM
UGROBN US Guided FNA biopsy groin Both
UGROLN US Guided FNA biopsy groin Left
UGRORN US Guided FNA biopsy groin Right
MCOLOC MRI Colon with contrast
IMBCNA Fluoro guided RF Abl Med branch C nerve
ILNROA Fluoro guided RF Abl nerve root L spine
CIVEDN CT Guided Asp intervertebral disc
IIVEDN Fluoro guided Asp intervertebral disc
IICNVA Fluoro guided RF Abl intercostal nerve
IITHCX Fluoro guided intrathecal catheter Remov
IMBLNA Fluoro guided RF Abl Med branch lumbar
ICSPNA Fluoro guided RF Abl nerve root C spine
USULB US Upper limb Both
IABRLE Pc embolisation brachial artery Lt
IABRBE Pc embolisation brachial artery B
CAAMBC CT IAM with air contrast
CSHOBJ CT Guided injection shoulder Both
CSHOLJ CT Guided injection shoulder Left
CSHORJ CT Guided injection shoulder Right
ISHRBJ Fluoro guided injection shoulder Both
ISHRLJ Fluoro guided injection shoulder Lt
ISHRRJ Fluoro guided injection shoulder Rt
CANKBJ CT Guided injection ankle Both
CANKLJ CT Guided injection ankle Left
CANKRJ CT Guided injection ankle Right
IANKBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection ankle Both
IANKLJ Fluoroscopic guided injection ankle Lt
IANKRJ Fluoroscopic guided injection ankle Rt
CWRIBJ CT Guided injection wrist Both
CWRILJ CT Guided injection wrist Left
CWRIRJ CT Guided injection wrist Right
IWRIBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection wrist Both
IWRILJ Fluoroscopic guided injection wrist Lt
IWRIRJ Fluoroscopic guided injection wrist Rt
CELBBJ CT Guided injection elbow Both
CELBLJ CT Guided injection elbow Left
CELBRJ CT Guided injection elbow Right
IELBBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection elbow Both
IELBLJ Fluoroscopic guided injection elbow Lt
IELBRJ Fluoroscopic guided injection elbow Rt
CKNEBJ CT Guided injection knee Both
CKNELJ CT Guided injection knee Left
CKNERJ CT Guided injection knee Right
IKNELJ Fluoroscopic guided injection knee Lt
IKNERJ Fluoroscopic guided injection knee Rt
CHIPBJ CT Guided injection hip Both
CHIPLJ CT Guided injection hip Left
CHIPRJ CT Guided injection hip Right
IHIPBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection hip Both
IHIPLJ Fluoroscopic guided injection hip Lt
IHIPRJ Fluoroscopic guided injection hip Rt
FJANB Arthrogram ankle Both
FJANL Arthrogram ankle Lt
FJANR Arthrogram ankle Rt
FJELB Arthrogram elbow Both
FJELL Arthrogram elbow Lt
FJELR Arthrogram elbow Rt
FJHIB Arthrogram hip Both
FJHIL Arthrogram hip Lt
FJHIR Arthrogram hip Rt
FJKNB Arthrogram knee Both
FJKNL Arthrogram knee Lt
FJKNR Arthrogram knee Rt
FJSHB Arthrogram shoulder Both
FJSHL Arthrogram shoulder Lt
FJSHR Arthrogram shoulder Rt
FJWRB Arthrogram wrist Both
FJWRL Arthrogram wrist Lt
FJWRR Arthrogram wrist Rt
FJFAC Arthrogram facet joint
MOBST MRI Pelvis obstetric
MPEGY MRI Pelvis gynaecological
UPELD US Pelvis TA and transvaginal
FHEPW Hepatic wedge pressures
IGSTC Gastrostomy access recanalisation
IVCATN Central Cath guidewire recanalisation
ICVET Tunnelled CVC recanalisation
NCPRTO NM MPS Thallium rest and redistribution
NCTRGO NM MPS Thallium rest and Redist gated
FBAMF Barium meal and follow through
NGEDU NM Gastric emptying study dual
MRTSPR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan spine
MANECC MRA Neck with contrast
UO1T US Obstetric 1st trimester
UO2T US Obstetric 2nd trimester
UO3T US Obstetric 3rd trimester
FCYST Cystogram
IAPOBP Angioplasty popliteal Both
IAPOLP Angioplasty popliteal Lt
IAPORP Angioplasty popliteal Rt
FACO2 Angiogram with CO2 contrast agent
ITASGS Stent graft thoracic aorta
CCBONJ CT Fluoroscopic cementoplasty
UPELT US Doppler pelvis TV
NCPCTO NM MPS Thallium stress and Redist
ILADE Fluoro guided laser Decomp of Vert disc
NANTIY NM Antibody Therapy
IBSMAE Pc embolisation SMA branch
IENTSS Enteric stent insertion
MFACIC MRI Craniofacial with contrast
FTIPG TIPS Stent tipsogram
IAAOFS Pc fenestrated tube SG abdominal aorta
IAIMAS Pc stent inferior mesenteric artery
UTESD US Stress echocardiogram
MCAMFC MRI Card morphology Func with contrast
MCMFS MRI Card morphology function stress
MCMFSC MRI Card Morph Func stress with contrast
MCMFV MRI Card morphology Func velocity stress
MCMFVC MRI Card Morph Func velocity with Cont
MCMOP MRI Cardiac morphology function
MCMPV MRI Card morphology function velocity
MMFVSC MRI Card Morph Func velocity stress Cont
USULL US Upper limb Lt
USULR US Upper limb Rt
XLEMB XR Leg length measurement Both
XLEML XR Leg length measurement Lt
XLEMR XR Leg length measurement Rt
INEBM MII percutaneous nephrolithotomy B
INELM MII percutaneous nephrolithotomy L
INERM MII percutaneous nephrolithotomy R
UULIB US Quantitative upper limb Both
UULIL US Quantitative upper limb Left
UULIR US Quantitative upper limb Right
ULLIB US Quantitative lower limb Both
ULLIL US Quantitative lower limb Left
ULLIR US Quantitative lower limb Right
UQUAT US Quantitative
IPIGD Fluoro guided excision pituitary gland
MSUMG MRI Submandibular gland
MSUGDC MRI Submandibular gland with contrast
IINTST Mobile imaging intensifier stent insert
MTONGC MRI Tongue with contrast
IDBST Fluoro Guid Insert deep brain stimulator
MFACN MRI Facial nerve
ILELIA Fluoro Guid RF ablation lesion liver
IURCA Fluoro guided removal calculus ureter
FARVF Fluoroscopy arteriovenous fistula
CSABD CT Sinogram abdomen
CSULB CT Sinogram upper limb Both
CSULL CT Sinogram upper limb Left
CSULR CT Sinogram upper limb Right
CSLLB CT Sinogram lower limb Both
CSLLR CT Sinogram lower limb Right
CSLLL CT Sinogram lower limb Left
USTTBB US Guided biopsy soft tissue thigh Both
USTTRB US Guided biopsy soft tissue thigh Right
USTTLB US Guided biopsy soft tissue thigh Left
CCOCB CT Cochlea Both
CCOCL CT Cochlea Left
CCOCR CT Cochlea Right
CSTET CT Stereotaxis
IPCI Percutaneous coronary intervention
ICORAS Fluoro Guid Insert metallic stent Cor A
NLGES NM Liquid gastric emptying study
NSGES NM Solid gastric emptying study
MIRCA MRI Cardiac iron load
MILHE MRI Hepatic iron load
NSRB82 NM Cardiac stress PET Rb82
NRRB82 NM Cardiac rest PET Rb82
ELAP Laparoscopy
EURETB Ureteroscopy Both
EURETH Urethroscopy
EHYST Hysteroscopy
EFALB Falloposcopy Both
EOVAB Ovary endoscopy Both
EFETO Fetoscopy
ETHOC Thoracoscopy
EBRAI Brain endoscopy
EPHAG Pharyngoscopy
ERESP Endoscopy of respiratory system
EMEDI Mediastinoscopy
ECYST Cystoscopy
EARTH Arthroscopy
ESIAC Sialoscopy
XSTSP XR Soft tissue specimen
IDERL Fluoro Guid RF denervation renal A Lt
IDERR Fluoro Guid RF denervation renal A Rt
IDERB Fluoro Guid RF denervation renal A Both
CLELIA CT Microwave Pc ablation lesion liver
CLELBA CT Microwave Pc ablation lesion lung B
CLELRA CT Microwave Pc ablation lesion lung Rt
CLELLA CT Microwave Pc ablation lesion lung Lt
CLEKBA CT Microwave Pc ablation lesion kidney B
CLEKRA CT Microwave Pc Abl lesion kidney Right
CLEKLA CT Microwave Pc Abl lesion kidney Left
IBACKY Fluoro guided marking skin spine
MRCEX MRI Radiotherapy planning scan cervix
MRREC MRI Radiotherapy planning scan rectum
MCTSPC MRI Spine cervicothoracic with contrast
UPARAA US Guided alcohol ablation parathyroid
MBLAD MRI Urinary bladder
FSPEE Speech video fluoroscopy
CFILIV CT Guided fiducial insertion liver
CFIPAN CT Guided fiducial insertion pancreas
CFISPN CT Guided fiducial insertion spine
CFILB CT Guided fiducial insertion lung Both
UFILIV US Guided fiducial insertion liver
UFIPAN US Guided fiducial insertion pancreas
UFISPN US Guided fiducial insertion spine
UFIPEP US Guided fiducial insertion prostate
IBREBI Fluoro guided marker insertion breast B
IBRELI Fluoro guided marker insertion breast Lt
IBRERI Fluoro guided marker insertion breast Rt
EURER Ureteroscopy Right
EUREL Ureteroscopy Left
EFALL Falloposcopy Left
EFALR Falloposcopy Right
EOVAR Ovary endoscopy Right
EOVAL Ovary endoscopy Left
FJLTAJ Arthrogram facet joint thoracic
ISIJBJ Fluoro guided Inj sacroiliac joint Both
ISIJLJ Fluoro guided Inj sacroiliac joint Lt
ISIJRJ Fluoro guided Inj sacroiliac joint Rt
FJSILC Arthrogram sacroiliac joint Left
FJSIRC Arthrogram sacroiliac joint Right
CJCFAC CT Arthrogram cervical facet joint
CJLFAC CT Arthrogram lumbar facet joint
CJTFAC CT Arthrogram thoracic facet joint
CJANB CT Arthrogram ankle Both
CJANL CT Arthrogram ankle Lt
CJANR CT Arthrogram ankle Rt
CJELB CT Arthrogram elbow Both
CJELL CT Arthrogram elbow Lt
CJELR CT Arthrogram elbow Rt
CJHIB CT Arthrogram hip Both
CJHIL CT Arthrogram hip Lt
CJHIR CT Arthrogram hip Rt
CJKNB CT Arthrogram knee Both
CJKNL CT Arthrogram knee Lt
CJKNR CT Arthrogram knee Rt
CJMCP CT Arthrogram metacarpophalangeal joint
CJMTP CT Arthrogram metatarsophalangeal joint
CJMTB CT Arthrogram mid tarsal Both
CJMTL CT Arthrogram mid tarsal Lt
CJMTR CT Arthrogram mid tarsal Rt
CJSTB CT Arthrogram subtalar Both
CJSTL CT Arthrogram subtalar Lt
CJSTR CT Arthrogram subtalar Rt
CJTMB CT Arthrogram temporomandibular Jt Both
CJTML CT Arthrogram temporomandibular joint Lt
CJTMR CT Arthrogram temporomandibular joint Rt
CJWRB CT Arthrogram wrist Both
CJWRL CT Arthrogram wrist Lt
CJWRR CT Arthrogram wrist Rt
FJDIP Arthrogram interphalangeal joint
FJMCP Arthrogram metacarpophalangeal joint
FJMTB Arthrogram midtarsal Both
FJMTL Arthrogram mid tarsal Lt
FJMTR Arthrogram mid tarsal Rt
FJMTP Arthrogram metatarsophalangeal joint
FJSTB Arthrogram subtalar Both
FJSTL Arthrogram subtalar Lt
FJSTR Arthrogram subtalar Rt
FJTMB Arthrogram temporomandibular joint Both
FJTML Arthrogram temporomandibular joint Lt
FJTMR Arthrogram temporomandibular joint Rt
MAICAC MRA Head with contrast
NTHTM NM Thyroid Technetium MIBI
NCGCTO NM MPS Thallium stress and Redist gated
ITATFS Pc Fen tapered SG thoracic aorta
UMULT US Multiple pregnancy
UMPDO US Multiple pregnancy doppler
FPRCT Proctogram
F3DRA 3 dimension rotational angiogram
CCORGC CT Angio coronary artery graft
EENDU Endoscopic US
IICDC Fluoro guided Repl pulse generator ICD
IPGPM Fluoro Repl pulse generator Card PPM
MAOADC MRI Aorta abdominal with contrast
MAORTC MRI Aorta with contrast
MAOTHC MRI Aorta thoracic with contrast
MCSI MRI Chemical shift imaging
MMULP MRI Multiple pregnancy
MT2M MRI T2 mapping
NPET Positron emission tomography with CT
UNEPBD US Guided nephrostomy Both
IDRESS Fluoro Guid Pc Insert drug eluting stent
IPLSTS Fluoro Guid Pc insertion plastic stent
IBIDSS Fluoro Guid Pc Insert Biodegr stent
IBBISS Fluoro Guid Pc Insert branched Bifurc SG
IBRTSS Fluoro Guid Pc Insert branched tube SG
IBTAPS Fluoro Guid Pc Insert branched Taper SG
IFENSS Fluoro Guid Pc insertion fenestrated SG
IPTCOE Fluoro guided Pc coil embolisation
IBALAP Fluoro guided Pc balloon angioplasty
IDRBAP Fluoro Pc drug eluting Balln angioplasty
NY9HEY Fluoro Guid Pc hepatic Y90 microsphere
CTUBOC CT Tubogram
USAG US Salivary gland
EDUAM Endoscopic US duodenal ampulla
UENDO Endoanal ultrasound
UENRE Endorectal US prostate
EFNAOB Endoscopic US FNA oesophagus
ECNOEB Endoscopic US core needle Bx oesophagus
EFMENB Endoscopic US FNA mediastinal lymph node
ECMENB Endo US core Bx mediastinal lymph node
EFSTAB Endoscopic US FNA stomach
ECSTOB Endoscopic US core needle biopsy stomach
EFDUOB Endoscopic US FNA duodenum
ECDUOB Endo US core needle biopsy duodenum
EFPANB Endoscopic US FNA pancreas
ECPANB Endo US core needle biopsy pancreas
ELPANB Endoscopic US biopsy lesion pancreas
EFNASB Endoscopic ultrasound FNA
ECNEEB Endoscopic US core needle biopsy
EBILDY Endoscopic US bile duct
EPANDY Endoscopic US pancreatic duct
ECOPX Endo US Guid destruction coeliac plexus
EDRAI Endoscopic US guided drainage
EALATA Endoscopic US guided alcohol ablation
ETRBCB Endoscopic US transbronchial FNA
EUTRAB Endoscopic US Guid transbronchial biopsy
XBRMBI XR Guid marker insertion breast Both
XBRMLI XR Guid marker insertion breast Left
XBRMRI XR Guid marker insertion breast Right
UDRAII US guided insertion drain
CFIPEI CT Guided fiducial insertion pelvis
UUTELE US Guided embolisation uterine artery Lt
UUTERE US Guided embolisation uterine artery Rt
EBAOE Endo banding Oesoph varices Fluoro Guid
EGABAI Endo Insert gastric band Fluoro Guid
EPYLOS Endo metal stent pylorus Fluoro guided
EDUOD Endo balloon Dilat duodenum Fluoro Guid
ECORE Endo colorectal Balln Dilat Fluoro Guid
ECORES Endo colorectal metal stent Fluoro Guid
ETRBCS Endo tracheobronchial stent Fluoro Guid
USMSL US Skin marking small saphenous vein Lt
USMSR US Skin marking small saphenous vein Rt
USMSB US Skin marking small saphenous vein B
CEVAC CT Post endovascular Aneur repair check
IICAB Pc Balln test Occl internal carotid A B
IICAL Pc Balln test Occl internal carotid A Lt
IICAR Pc Balln test Occl internal carotid A Rt
MENTE MRI Enteroclysis
CSACBJ CT Guid injection sacroiliac joint Both
CSACLJ CT Guid injection sacroiliac joint Left
CSACRJ CT Guid injection sacroiliac joint Right
ISPCSI Insertion spinal cord stimulator
UMLSB US Skin marking long saphenous vein B
UCHWAB US Guided FNA chest wall
UCNBTB US Guid core needle biopsy chest wall
CFITHI CT Guided fiducial insertion thorax
NTUMM NM Localisation tumour MIBI
UVOCA Ultrasound vocal cord
IOESPI Insert Oesoph pH monitor Fluoro guided
UBOTUJ US Guided injection Botulinum toxin
IOEMAI Insert Oesoph manometry Cath Fluoro Guid
FOAIW OCT Thickness airway wall Fluoro Guid
FOART OCT Thickness arterial wall Fluoro Guid
EBBRL Endo balloon dilatation Bronchus Lt
EBBRR Endo balloon dilatation Bronchus Rt
IBABL Fluoro Guid Balln dilatation bronchus Lt
IBABR Fluoro Guid Balln dilatation bronchus Rt
ICBBL Fluoro Guid Cutt Balln Dilat bronchus Lt
ICBBR Fluoro Guid Cutt Balln Dilat bronchus Rt
ICBTA Fluoro Guid cutting Balln Dilat trachea
IIJVEI Nontunnelled CVC via internal jugular V
ICEXJI Nontunnelled CVC via external jugular V
ICSUCI Nontunnelled CVC via subclavian V
INCVCI Insertion nontunnelled CVC
UJCVCI US Nontunnelled CVC via Int jugular V
UCEJVI US Nontunnelled CVC via Ext jugular V
UNCVFI US Nontunnelled CVC via femoral vein
UNCSUI US Nontunnelled CVC via subclavian V
UNCVCI US Guid insertion nontunnelled CVC
ICTHEI Pc Insert transhepatic CVC Fluoro Guid
IIARC Fluoro Guid intra arterial chemotherapy
ICBLD Pc removal calculus bladder Fluoro Guid
IOPHLI Inj intra arterial Chemo ophthalmic A Lt
IOPHRI Inj intra arterial Chemo ophthalmic A Rt
ICCRA Fluoro Guid infusion Chemo cerebral A
ICRANE Pc Emb cerebral aneurysm Fluoro Guid
ICEATS Pc stent cerebral artery Fluoro Guid
IBRPU Fluoro Guid Occl bronchopleural fistula
IOEFI Fluoro Guid Occl oesophagopleural Fist
IGLUEE Pc glue embolisation vein Fluoro Guid
IFONT Fluoro Guid Occl Fontan fenestration
FCPVAI Fluoro Guid Cath Assess Pul Vasc Resist
USUPL US Guided suprascapular nerve block Lt
USUPR US Guided suprascapular nerve block Rt
USUPB US Guided suprascapular nerve block Both
F3DLI 3 dimension rotational angiogram liver
F3DAD 3 dimension rotational angiogram abdomen
F3DTH 3 dimension rotational angiogram thorax
F3DPE 3 dimension rotational angiogram pelvis
F3DUL 3D Rotational angiogram upper limb Left
F3DUR 3D Rotational angiogram upper limb Right
F3DUB 3D Rotational angiogram upper limb Both
F3DLL 3D Rotational angiogram lower limb Left
F3DLR 3D Rotational angiogram lower limb Right
F3DLB 3D Rotational angiogram lower limb Both
F3DHE 3 dimension rotational angiogram head
F3DNE 3 dimension rotational angiogram neck
EBBRB Endo balloon dilatation bronchus Both
IBBRB Fluoro Guid Balln Dilatat bronchus Both
ICBBC Fluoro Guid Cutt Balln Dilat bronchus B
ICCFVI Nontunnelled CVC via common femoral vein
IOPHBJ Inj intra arterial Chemo ophthalmic A B
IDRAII Fluoroscopy guided insertion drain
UUTEBE US Guided embolisation uterine artery B
UEYEBB US Biomicroscopy eye Both
UEYELB US Biomicroscopy eye Left
UEYERB US Biomicroscopy eye Right
ILAACI Fluoro Insert LA appendage closure Dv
UELAS US Elastography
US3D Ultrasound 3D
IBPPM Insertion biventricular PPM lead
IBIICD Insertion biventricular ICD lead
FILCO Ileal conduitogram
CFILL CT Guided fiducial insertion lung Left
CFILR CT Guided fiducial insertion lung Right
FAEIR Angio external iliac artery Right
FAEIL Angio external iliac artery Left
FAEIB Angio external iliac artery Both
FACIB Angio common iliac artery Both
FACIL Angio common iliac artery Left
FACIR Angio common iliac artery Right
CVCOY CT Colonoscopy virtual
CHFOL CT Subtalar joints Lt
CHFOR CT Subtalar joints Rt
CHFOB CT Subtalar joints Both
FJLACJ Arthrogram facet joint cervical
FJLLAJ Arthrogram facet joint lumbar
NRCME NM Red cell mass estimation
NWBSMA NM Macroaggregate albumin WB Lt Rt shunt
UDAVY US Obstetric dating scan viability
ECOSTI Endo Insert Met stent colon Fluoro Guid
IFULL Fluoro Guid Appl Ext fixator UL Left
IFULR Fluoro Guid Appl Ext fixator UL Right
IFULB Fluoro Guid Appl Ext fixator UL Both
IFLLL Fluoro Guid Appl Ext fixator LL Left
IFLLR Fluoro Guid Appl Ext fixator LL Right
IFLLB Fluoro Guid Appl Ext fixator LL Both
UTUNDI US Guided insertion tunnelled drain
UMICVA US Guided microwave ablation
USMLI US Small bowel
USTGA US Aortic stent graft
NMAPS NM Tc99m MAA perfusion scan liver
NLIVSY NM Tc99m MAA perfusion scan liver SPECT
NFDGH NM Head and neck PET CT FDG
NCFDG NM Cardiac stress PET CT FDG
CSKES CT Skeletal survey
CTHXG Gated CT thorax
MGIBLI MRI Guided marker insertion breast Left
MGIBRI MRI Guided marker insertion breast Right
MGIBBI MRI Guided marker insertion breast Both
XIMBLI Stereo Mammo marker insertion breast Lt
XIMBRI Stereo Mammo marker insertion breast Rt
XIMBBI Stereo Mammo marker insertion breast B
USMCL US Skin marking carotid artery Left
USMCR US Skin marking carotid artery Right
USMCB US Skin marking carotid artery Both
FGITS Fluoro gastrointestinal transit study
IECMOI Pc insertion ECMO cannula Fluoro Guid
MELAS MRI Elastography
UURTH US Urethra
MSMBOC MRI Small bowel with contrast
EPALEB EUS Brush biopsy lesion pancreas
UARCH US Post endovascular Aneur repair check
IOESSX Fluoro guided Oesoph stent removal
IAREC Fluoro guided recanalisation artery
IVREC Fluoro guided recanalisation vein
IPDASI Fluoro guided insertion stent PDA
IREABX Pc Mech thrombectomy renal artery Both
IREALX Pc Mech thrombectomy renal artery Left
IREARX PC Mech thrombectomy renal artery Right
ICHSTE Fluoro guided embolisation chest tumour
IABDOE Fluoro guided embolisation Abdo tumour
FOOCTO OCT Oesophagus
FTHOA Fluoroscopic angiography thoracic aorta
IPARTE Fluoro Guid prostate arterial Emb
IRFRBA Fluoro Guid Pc RF Abl renal artery Both
IRFRLA Fluoro Guid Pc RF Abl renal artery Left
IRFRRA Fluoro Guid Pc RF Abl renal artery Right
IPULMP Fluoro guided Pc pulmonary valvuloplasty
MMAVBB MRI Guid Vac Ass core needle Bx breast B
MMAVLB MRI Guid Vac Ass core Ndl Bx breast Lt
MMAVRB MRI Guid Vac Ass core Ndl Bx breast Rt
CSAIBC CT Arthrogram sacroiliac joint Both
CSAILC CT Arthrogram sacroiliac joint Left
CSAIRC CT Arthrogram sacroiliac joint Right
XLUEL Upper extremity lymphangiography Left
XLUEB Upper extremity lymphangiography Both
XLLER Lower extremity lymphangiography Right
XLLEL Lower extremity lymphangiography Left
NBRPR NM I125 brachytherapy prostate
EPTPAN ERCP Aspiration pseudocyst pancreas
EPANDP ERCP Balloon dilatation pancreas duct
ESPODP ERCP Balloon dilatation sphincter Oddi
EBILIB ERCP Biliary brush biopsy
EPANCB ERCP Brush biopsy pancreas
EAMVAB ERCP Biopsy lesion ampulla Vater
EPSPAD ERCP Insertion drain pseudocyst pancreas
EAMPFB ERCP Forcep biopsy ampulla Vater
EPASPY ERCP Incision pancreas sphincter
EPASTI ERCP Insertion stent pancreas duct
ENABII ERCP Insertion nasobiliary drain
ENAPAI ERCP Insertion nasopancreatic drain
EPLSTI ERCP Plastic stent pancreas duct
EBICAX ERCP Removal biliary calculus
EBILSX ERCP Removal biliary stent
ECALCX ERCP Removal calculus
EPANSX ERCP Removal stent pancreas
EBILSG ERCP Replacement biliary stent
EPANSG ERCP Replacement stent pancreas
IBRCEP Pc angioplasty brachiocephalic vein
ICAANS Pc stent coronary artery aneurysm
ICORDS Pc Insert drug eluting stent Cor A
IGVEBS Pc stentgraft vertebral artery Both
IGVELS Pc stentgraft vertebral artery Left
IGVERS Pc stentgraft vertebral artery Right
IKISBX Fluoro guided Pc removal kidney stone B
IKISLX Fluoro guided Pc removal kidney stone Lt
IKISRX Fluoro guided Pc removal kidney stone Rt
IPANTJ Fluoro guided Thromb pancreas Transp
IPENAP Angioplasty penile artery
IPENAS Penile artery stent
ISVCAP Pc angioplasty superior vena cava
MABPE MRI Abdomen and pelvis
FJSIBC Arthrogram sacroiliac joint Both
NSYY9 NM Synovectomy yttrium 90
CFOOBJ CT Guided injection foot Both
CFOOLJ CT Guided injection foot Left
CFOORJ CT Guided injection foot Right
CPMTM CT Post mortem
ICORAX Pc atherectomy coronary A rotary cutter
IEAAA Endovascular repair Abdo aortic aneurysm
IETAA Endovascular repair T aortic aneurysm
MABPEC MRI Abdomen and pelvis with contrast
MCHAP MRI Thorax abdomen and pelvis
MPMTM MRI Post mortem
N177SY NM Lu177 somatostatin analogue scan
UIEAB US Doppler inferior epigastric artery B
UIEAL US Doppler inferior epigastric artery Lt
UIEAR US Doppler inferior epigastric artery Rt
USEAB US Doppler superior epigastric artery B
USEAL US Doppler superior epigastric artery Lt
USEAR US Doppler superior epigastric artery Rt
MTHOUC MRI Thoracic outlet with contrast
UKIDLC US Kidney with contrast Left
UKIDRC US Kidney with contrast Right
UKIDBC US Kidney with contrast Both
IMIVC Fluoro Guid mitral valve clip repair
ILPPMI Insertion of PPM lead
IVAPDI Insert Vac Ass peritoneal drainage Cath
FTBAA Transbrachial abdominal angiogram
IPPCI Primary Pc coronary intervention
UNTKDI US Guid Insert nephrostomy Transp kidney
INTKDI Insert nephrostomy transplanted kidney
USSRLA US Guid Pc RF Abl short saphenous V Lt
USSRRA US Guid Pc RF Abl short saphenous V Rt
USSRBA US Guid Pc RF Abl short saphenous V B
IVLPPI Insertion of ventricular PPM lead
ISPPMI Cardiac single chamber PPM insertion
ULSRLA US Guid Pc RF Abl long saphenous vein Lt
ULSRRA US Guid Pc RF Abl long saphenous vein Rt
ULSRBA US Guid Pc RF Abl long saphenous vein B
XFDXL DEXA Scan of forearm Left
XFDXR DEXA Scan of forearm Right
XFDXB DEXA Scan of forearm Both
CLEPEA CT Guided Pc microwave Abl lesion pelvis
USLSLJ US Guid Pc sclerotherapy long Saph V Lt
USLSRJ US Guid Pc sclerotherapy long Saph V Rt
USLSBJ US Guid Pc sclerotherapy long Saph V B
IPIVCP Pc angioplasty inferior vena cava
C4DAC 4D CT Angiography cerebrum
IREMSX Fluoroscopic guided removal stent
IREBSX Fluoro guided removal biliary stent
IEIPSE Pc Emb intrahepatic PSS direct puncture
IETPSE Pc Emb transfemoral intrahepatic PSS
MDWLI MRI Diffusion weighted liver
MDWBL MRI Diffusion weighted breast Left
MDWBR MRI Diffusion weighted breast Right
MDWBB MRI Diffusion weighted breast Both
MDWPT MRI Diffusion weighted prostate
MDWBN MRI Diffusion weighted brain
CTPAP CT Triple phase abdomen and pelvis Cont
CATHA CT Angiography thorax and abdomen
ITDRAI Insertion tunnelled drain abdomen
ITDRTI Insertion tunnelled drain throrax
CPVAP CT Portal venography abdomen and pelvis
IWLLE Fluoro guided guidewire Loc lesion
UWLLE US Guided guidewire localisation lesion
MWLBL MRI Guid guidewire Loc breast lesion Lt
MWLBR MRI Guid guidewire Loc breast lesion Rt
MWLBB MRI Guid guidewire Loc breast lesion B
MDIML MRI Diffusion weighted IAM Left
MDIMR MRI Diffusion weighted IAM Right
MDIMB MRI Diffusion weighted IAM Both
UBASLJ US Guided barbotage shoulder Left
UBASRJ US Guided barbotage shoulder Right
UBRYC US Guided brachytherapy cervix
UBRYP US Guided brachytherapy prostate
ILTRLL Fluoro guided lithotripsy ureter Left
ILTRRL Fluoro guided lithotripsy ureter Right
ILTRBL Fluoro guided lithotripsy ureter Both
FOCAL OCT Coronary artery Fluoro guided Left
FOCAR OCT Coronary artery Fluoro guided Right
FOCAB OCT Coronary artery Fluoro guided Both
IAACRI Pc Insert Rt atrial appendage closure Dv
XCHOA Cholangiogram explanted liver
ITBOA PTL Temp balloon occlusion aorta
XHWMI XR Hand and wrist for metacarpal index
FALVT Angiography hepatic transplant
IALVTP Angioplasty hepatic transplant
UTRLIB US Guided biopsy transplanted liver
ITHALS Pc stent transplanted hepatic artery Lt
ITHARS Pc stent transplanted hepatic artery Rt
ITHABS Pc stent transplanted hepatic artery B
ITPVLS Pc stent transplanted portal vein Left
ITPVRS Pc stent transplanted portal vein Right
ITPVBS Pc stent transplanted portal vein Both
MRALT MRA Hepatic transplant
NHBFS NM Transp hepatobiliary function Stim
CTLVT CT Transplanted liver
CTLVTC CT Transplanted liver with contrast
CTLVTB CT Guided biopsy transplanted liver
FTJLVB Pc transjugular transplanted liver Bx
MRILT MRI Transplanted liver
IEIVCE PTL Embolisation IVC collateral vein
CTSBT CT Transplanted small bowel
MRISI MRI Transplanted small bowel
MRASI MRA Transplanted small bowel
FLSITC Fluoro transplanted small bowel contrast
FASITC Angio transplanted small bowel with Cont
FPVOLC Fluoro puncture venogram orbit Cont Lt
FPVORC Fluoro puncture venogram orbit Cont Rt
FPVOBC Fluoro puncture venogram orbit Cont Both
ITHALJ Thrombolysis transplanted hepatic A Lt
ITHARJ Thrombolysis transplanted hepatic A Rt
ITHABJ Thrombolysis transplanted hepatic A Both
ITPVLJ Thrombolysis transplanted portal V Left
ITPVRJ Thrombolysis transplanted portal V Right
ITPVBJ Thrombolysis transplanted portal V Both
KDENT Cone beam CT dental
ITHALP PTA Transplanted hepatic artery Left
ITHARP PTA Transplanted hepatic artery Right
ITHABP PTA Transplanted hepatic artery Both
ITPVLP PTA Transplanted portal vein Left
ITPVRP PTA Transplanted portal vein Right
ITPVBP PTA Transplanted portal vein Both
USLVT US Transplanted liver
ITRIVI Pc Insert artificial tricuspid valve
IALPPI Insert atrial permanent pacemaker lead
FVSITC Venography transplanted Sm bowel Cont
FVEOLC Fluoro Pc venogram orbit with Cont Left
FVEORC Fluoro Pc venogram orbit with Cont Right
FVEOBC Fluoro Pc venogram orbit with contrast B
USSSLJ US Guid Pc sclerotherapy short Saph V Lt
USSSRJ US Guid Pc sclerotherapy short Saph V Rt
USSSBJ US Guid Pc sclerotherapy short Saph V B
MDIFF MRI Diffusion weighted
IIVCCI Pc inferior vena cava catheter
MSPNWC MRI Spine whole with contrast
MSPNW MRI Spine whole
IMLLEA Fluoro Guid microwave Abl lesion liver
CAABVO CT Angiogram abdominal wall vessels
CAPLB CT Arthroplasty planning lower limb B
CAPLL CT Arthroplasty planning lower limb Lt
CAPLR CT Arthroplasty planning lower limb Rt
CFABOC CT Facial bones with contrast
IICOL Pc Balln Occl internal carotid artery Lt
IICOR Pc Balln Occl internal carotid artery Rt
IPPVBP PTA Pulmonary vein Both
IPPVLP PTA Pulmonary vein Left
IPPVRP PTA Pulmonary vein Right
ISCAB Temp balloon Occl subclavian artery B
ISCAL Temp balloon Occl subclavian artery Lt
ISCAR Temp balloon Occl subclavian artery Rt
ISCVB Temp balloon Occl subclavian vein Both
ISCVL Temp balloon Occl subclavian vein Left
ISCVR Temp balloon Occl subclavian vein Right
IVERL Pc Balln Occl vertebral artery Lt
IVERR Pc Balln Occl vertebral artery Rt
MAPLB MRI Arthroplasty planning lower limb B
MAPLL MRI Arthroplasty planning lower limb Lt
MAPLR MRI Arthroplasty planning lower limb Rt
MTMJBC MRI TMJ with contrast Both
MTMJLC MRI TMJ with contrast Left
MTMJRC MRI TMJ with contrast Right
MWRIBC MRI Wrist with contrast Both
NBREM NM Bremsstrahlung imaging post therapy
NCMET NM 11C metomidate PET CT
NR223 NM Radium 223 therapy
UOBDV US Obstetric ductus venosus
UODA US Obstetric detailed anatomy scan
UTDAB US Doppler thoracodorsal artery Both
UTDAL US Doppler thoracodorsal artery Left
UTDAR US Doppler thoracodorsal artery Right
CBODW CT Whole body
EVAGI Endoscopy of vagina
IANTLP Angioplasty tibial Left
IANTRP Angioplasty tibial Right
IANTBP Angioplasty tibial Both
CALLL CT Angiogram lower limb Lt
CALLR CT Angiogram lower limb Rt
CAULL CT Angiogram upper limb Lt
CAULR CT Angiogram upper limb Rt
FVERT Venography transplanted kidney
IAVAPP Fluoro guided aortic valvuloplasty
UTKILC US Transplanted kidney with contrast Lt
UTKIRC US Transplanted kidney with contrast Rt
UTKIBC US Transplanted kidney with contrast B
CPATT CT Patella tracking
ICARDX Fluoro Guid cardiac defibrillator Remov
XSKSU XR Skeletal survey
MCVIA MRI Cardiac myocardial viability
CLLIBC CT Lower limb with contrast Both
IPYEBX Fluoro guided Pc pyelolithotomy Both
IPYELX Fluoro guided Pc pyelolithotomy Left
IPYERX Fluoro guided Pc pyelolithotomy Right
IRCPA Fluoro guided Rev Card pacemaker lead
MPATH MRI Pathology specimen
NGFR1 NM GFR estimation 1 sample
NGFR2 NM GFR estimation 2 samples
NGFR3 NM GFR estimation 3 samples
NGFR4 NM GFR estimation 3 and late sample
NY90SY NM Y90 somatostatin analogue scan
XELBBY XR Elbow for bone age Both
XELBLY XR Elbow for bone age Left
XELBRY XR Elbow for bone age Right
IBDSHP Balln Dilat systemic to Pul artery shunt
CRTCNR CT Radiotherapy Plan craniospinal axis
CRTACR CT Radiotherapy planning abdomen Cont
IOESOP Fluoro guided balloon Dilat oesophagus
ITUALS Transp ureteric stent Insert Anteg Lt
ITUARS Transp ureteric stent Insert Anteg Rt
ITUABS Transp ureteric stent Insert Anteg Both
ITURLS Transp ureteric stent Insert Retrog Lt
ITURRS Transp ureteric stent Insert Retrog Rt
ITURBS Transp ureteric stent Insert Retrog Both
ITDRAX Removal tunnelled drain abdomen
ICARD Cardiac arrhythmia drug challenge test
MPLVPC MRI Pelvis and prostate with contrast
IVEPOI Fluoro Guid Insert venous access port
XMPVLB Prone Stereo Mammo and Vac Ass biopsy Lt
XMPVRB Prone Stereo Mammo and Vac Ass biopsy Rt
XMPVBB Prone Stereo Mammo and Vac Ass Bx Both
ISSLLA Pc laser ablation short saphenous V Lt
IMAPCE Fluoro Guid Pc coil Emb Occl MAPCA
CHTHC CT Head and thorax with contrast
ISAVME Pc embolisation spinal AVM
FHGLLJ Hydrodistension glenohumeral joint Lt
FHGLRJ Hydrodistension glenohumeral joint Rt
FHGLBJ Hydrodistension glenohumeral joint B
CAMES CT Angiogram mesenteric artery
CCAGFC CT Cardiac gated function with contrast
CCKIBA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour Abl kidney Both
CCLIVA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour ablation liver
CCRLBA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour ablation lung B
CCRLLA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour Abl lung Left
CCRLRA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour Abl lung Right
CCYSTY CT Cystogram
CENTE CT Enterography
CHNTA CT Head neck thorax and abdomen
CLUMP CT Guided lumbar puncture
CRTUA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour ablation
IANMAI Insert antroduodenal manometry catheter
IISCAE Pc IS braided-wire Emb cerebral Aneur
IKILBE Fluoro guided Emb kidney lesion Both
IKILLE Fluoro guided Emb kidney lesion Left
IKILRE Fluoro guided Emb kidney lesion Right
IRFRAA Fluoro guided radiofrequency ablation
MBLADC MRI Urinary bladder with contrast
MBRSB MRI Breast screening Both
MBRSL MRI Breast screening Left
MBRSR MRI Breast screening Right
MBRVO MRI Brain volume
MBRVOC MRI Brain volume with contrast
MPAGDC MRI Parotid gland with contrast
MPROSC MRI Prostate with contrast
NLLSW NM Tc99m MAA WB liver lung shunt study
UJOJNJ US Guided injection of joint
ULYMNB US Guided biopsy lymph node
USPLEB US Guided biopsy spleen
USPNM US Scan perineum
XDOLBQ XR Dental oblique lateral Both
XDOLLQ XR Dental oblique lateral Lt
XDOLRQ XR Dental oblique lateral Rt
ESTOMB Endoscopic biopsy of stomach
ECOLFB Fiberoptic colonoscopy with biopsy
FWSCM Water soluble contrast meal
ECOLT Therapeutic colonoscopy
EFIBSB Flexible fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy biopsy
EEXPO Sigmoidoscope Exc polyp large intestine
ECOLOB Colonoscopy and biopsy of colon
IFLDVE Pc flow diverter Emb cerebral aneurysm
NBRFP NM Brain florbetapir (18F) PET CT
XPVHS XR AP pelvis for hip surveillance
URTDAX US Guid removal tunnelled drain abdomen
UITDAI US Guid Insert tunnelled drain abdomen
NLLSS NM Tc99m MAA liver lung shunt study
MSUSI MRI Susceptibility imaging
ICYSGS Fluoro guided Insert cystogastric stent
XRSSC XR Skeletal survey chest oblique ribs
USRLV US Surveillance liver hepatocellular Ca
CLDTH CT Low dose thorax
CLONG CT Leg length measurement
CSCAS CT Scanogram spine
CSORG CT Solid organ injury
CUROGC CT Urogram excretory phase with contrast
EDUODS Endoscopic duodenal stent Fluoro guided
FSPLP Fluoroscopy guided splenic pulp pressure
IANPBP Angioplasty peroneal Both
IANPLP Angioplasty peroneal Left
IANPRP Angioplasty peroneal Right
IPACEX Fluoro guided cardiac pacemaker removal
IRCCB PTL Revascularisation CTO Cor artery B
IRCCL PTL Revascularisation CTO Cor artery Lt
IRCCR PTL Revascularisation CTO Cor artery Rt
IVANSI Insertion vagal nerve stimulator
NGABD NM Gallium 67 abdomen SPECT CT
NGPLV NM Gallium 67 pelvis SPECT CT
NGTHX NM Gallium 67 thorax SPECT CT
NIOAD NM Indium 111 octreotide Abdo SPECT CT
NIONK NM Indium 111 octreotide neck SPECT CT
NIOPV NM Indium 111 octreotide pelvis SPECT CT
NIOTH NM Indium 111 octreotide thorax SPECT CT
NMIAD NM MIBG iodine 123 abdomen SPECT CT
NMIPV NM MIBG iodine 123 pelvis SPECT CT
NMITH NM MIBG iodine 123 thorax SPECT CT
NTHYS NM Tc99m thyroid SPECT CT
UBPXB US Brachial plexus Both
UBPXL US Brachial plexus Left
UBPXR US Brachial plexus Right
UGPBB US Guided I125 RSL breast lesion Both
UGPBL US Guided I125 RSL breast lesion Left
UGPBR US Guided I125 RSL breast lesion Right
UPMTM US Post mortem
USPLEC US Spleen with contrast
UTUBOC US Tubogram with contrast
XABDOC XR Abdomen with contrast
XGPBB XR Guided I125 RSL breast lesion Both
XGPBL XR Guided I125 RSL breast lesion Left
XGPBR XR Guided I125 RSL breast lesion Right
XDBWL XR Dental bitewing Left
XDBWR XR Dental bitewing Right
XRDBB XR Dental bitewing Both
MULIB MRI Upper limb Both
MBINOC MRI Brain with contrast intraoperative
MKIDBC MRI Renal with contrast Both
MLULBC MRI Lower limb with contrast Both
MRAHN MRA Head and neck
MULIBC MRI Upper limb with contrast Both
FCOLT Fluoro colonic transit study
FCAAP Angio Cor A ascending aorta, peripheral
FCACA Angio heart, aorta, coronary arteries
ISUBAP Fluoro Pc subintimal angioplasty
IKNEBJ Fluoroscopic guided injection knee Both
IPIMAP PTA Inferior mesenteric artery
IASDRD Fluoroscopic guided drainage
UDRAID US Guided drainage
FAPEV Angio pelvic
IAHELE Pc embolisation hepatic artery Lt
IAHERE Pc embolisation hepatic artery Rt
MDYKL MRI Knee dynamic Left
MDYKR MRI Knee dynamic Right
MDYKB MRI Knee dynamic Both
ICEACP Pc chemical angioplasty cerebral artery
IBPPMX Fluoro guided Remov biventricular PPM
CTBNLC CT Temporal bone with contrast Left
CTBNRC CT Temporal bone with contrast Right
CTBNBC CT Temporal bone with contrast Both
FABRL Angio brachial Lt
FABRR Angio brachial Rt
FABRB Angio brachial Both
UVEBL US Guid vacuum Ass excision breast Lt
UVEBR US Guid vacuum Ass excision breast Rt
UVEBB US Guid vacuum Ass excision breast Both
MMASL MRI Mastoid Left
MMASR MRI Mastoid Right
MMASB MRI Mastoid Both
MMASLC MRI Mastoid with contrast Left
MMASRC MRI Mastoid with contrast Right
MMASBC MRI Mastoid with contrast Both
UGBLDC US Gallbladder with contrast
CRTHAR CT Radiotherapy planning head and neck
CRTALR CT Radiotherapy planning scan axilla Lt
CRTARR CT Radiotherapy planning scan axilla Rt
CRTABR CT Radiotherapy planning scan axilla B
CRTTSR CT Radiotherapy Plan thoracic spine
CRTFLR CT Radiotherapy planning scan thigh Lt
CRTFRR CT Radiotherapy planning scan thigh Rt
CRTFBR CT Radiotherapy planning scan thigh B
CRTADR CT Radiotherapy planning scan abdomen
CRTCLR CT Radiotherapy planning axilla Cont Lt
CRTCRR CT Radiotherapy planning axilla Cont Rt
CRTCBR CT Radiotherapy planning axilla Cont B
IBISES Fluoro Guid Insert Bioabs enteric stent
USTJLJ US Guided injection subtalar joint Lt
USTJRJ US Guided injection subtalar joint Rt
USTJBJ US Guided injection subtalar joint Both
IBLTDP Fluoro Guid balloon dilatation bile duct
UFSCLB US Guid FNA Bx supraclavicular fossa Lt
UFSCRB US Guid FNA Bx supraclavicular fossa Rt
UFSCBB US Guid FNA Bx supraclavicular fossa B
UDRRAX US Guided drain removal
CRTGLR CT Radiotherapy planning lower limb Lt
CRTGRR CT Radiotherapy planning lower limb Rt
CRTGBR CT Radiotherapy planning lower limb B
CRTHCR CT Radiotherapy Plan head and neck Cont
CRTLSR CT Radiotherapy Plan lumbosacral spine
CRTXCR CT Radiotherapy planning scan contrast
CRTMLR CT Radiotherapy planning breast Cont Lt
CRTMRR CT Radiotherapy planning breast Cont Rt
CRTMBR CT Radiotherapy planning breast Cont B
CRTNFR CT Radiotherapy planning scan neck Cont
CRTOER CT Radiotherapy planning scan oesophagus
FCOSTS Fluoro guided colonic stent insertion
KTMJLJ Cone beam CT guided injection TMJ Left
KTMJRJ Cone beam CT guided injection TMJ Right
KTMJBJ Cone beam CT guided injection TMJ Both
FWSPNM Mobile image intensifier whole spine
UAXILI US Guided marker insertion axilla Left
UAXIRI US Guided marker insertion axilla Right
UAXIBI US Guided marker insertion axilla Both
CRTBER CT Radiotherapy planning bladder Cont
CRTCIR CT Radiotherapy planning thorax contrast
IGAJLJ Fluoro Guid Inj acromioclavicular Jt Lt
IGAJRJ Fluoro Guid Inj acromioclavicular Jt Rt
IGAJBJ Fluoro Guid Inj acromioclavicular Jt B
FPRCV Defaecating proctography water Sol Cont
CHNAP CT Head neck abdomen and pelvis
CBTBPR CT Brachytherapy planning scan pelvis
CBTBTR CT Brachytherapy planning scan thorax
CBTBQR CT Brachytherapy planning scan prostate
MBTBQR MRI Brachytherapy planning scan prostate
MBTBPR MRI Brachytherapy planning scan pelvis
MBTBTR MRI Brachytherapy planning scan thorax
CRTPPR CT Radiotherapy planning prostate Cont
CRTELR CT Radiotherapy planning lower leg Lt
CRTERR CT Radiotherapy planning lower leg Rt
CRTEBR CT Radiotherapy planning lower leg B
CRTCSR CT Radiotherapy Plan cervical spine
CRTPFR CT Radiotherapy planning pelvis Cont
CRTOFR CT Radiotherapy planning oesophagus Cont
CRTSFR CT Radiotherapy planning scan head Cont
KTEML CT Cone beam temporal bone Left
KTEMR CT Cone beam temporal bone Right
KTEMB CT Cone beam temporal bone Both
ICAECI Insertion of catheter into caecostomy
UDRAPI US Guided drain insertion pericardium
ISTJLJ Fluoro Guid injection subtalar joint Lt
ISTJRJ Fluoro Guid injection subtalar joint Rt
ISTJBJ Fluoro Guid injection subtalar joint B
IRNASX Nasogastric tube removal
MVNEC MRI Venogram neck
UFNLVB US Guided FNA biopsy liver
KCOBE CT Cone beam
KGUIDN Cone beam CT guided aspiration
KNECKN Cone beam CT guided aspiration neck
KUEXLN Cone beam CT Guid Asp upper extremity Lt
KUPLRN Cone beam CT Guid Asp upper extremity Rt
KUEXBN Cone beam CT Guid Asp upper extremity B
KTHRXN Cone beam CT guided aspiration thorax
KABDON Cone beam CT guided aspiration abdomen
KPELVN Cone beam CT guided aspiration pelvis
KHEADN Cone beam CT guided aspiration head
KLEXLN Cone beam CT Guid Asp lower extremity Lt
KLOLRN Cone beam CT Guid Asp lower extremity Rt
KLEXBN Cone beam CT Guid Asp lower extremity B
KSPINN Cone beam CT guided aspiration spine
KDRAII Cone beam CT guided insertion drain
KNECKI Cone beam CT guided insertion drain neck
KHEADI Cone beam CT guided insertion drain head
KTHOXI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain thorax
KABDOI Cone beam CT guided insertion drain Abdo
KPELVI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain pelvis
KULILI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain UL Lt
KULIRI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain UL Rt
KULIBI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain UL B
KLLILI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain LL Lt
KLLIRI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain LL Rt
KLLIBI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain LL B
KSPINI Cone beam CT Guid insertion drain spine
KGUIDB Cone beam CT guided biopsy
KNECKB Cone beam CT guided biopsy neck
KHEADB Cone beam CT guided biopsy head
KTHRXB Cone beam CT guided biopsy thorax
KABDOB Cone beam CT guided biopsy abdomen
KPELVB Cone beam CT guided biopsy pelvis
KUPLLB Cone beam CT Guid Bx upper extremity Lt
KUPLRB Cone beam CT Guid Bx upper extremity Rt
KUPLBB Cone beam CT Guid Bx upper extremity B
KLOLLB Cone beam CT Guid Bx lower extremity Lt
KLOLRB Cone beam CT Guid Bx lower extremity Rt
KLOLBB Cone beam CT Guid Bx lower extremity B
KSPINB Cone beam CT guided biopsy spine
KSPIN Cone beam CT spine
KLWLL Cone beam CT lower limb Left
KLWLR Cone beam CT lower limb Right
KLWLB Cone beam CT lower limb Both
KUPLL Cone beam CT upper limb Left
KUPLR Cone beam CT upper limb Right
KUPLB Cone beam CT upper limb Both
KPELV Cone beam CT pelvis
KHEAD Cone beam CT head
KCOMX CT Cone beam maxilla
KCIAL CT Cone beam internal auditory meatus Lt
KCIAR CT Cone beam internal auditory meatus Rt
KCIAB CT Cone beam internal auditory meatus B
KCBMD CT Cone beam mandible
K3DML CT Cone beam 3D mandible Left
K3DMR CT Cone beam 3D mandible Right
K3DMB CT Cone beam 3D mandible Both
KCMAL CT Cone beam mastoid Left
KCMAR CT Cone beam mastoid Right
KCBMB CT Cone beam mastoid Both
KCBNS CT Cone beam nasal sinus
KTMJL Cone beam CT TMJ Left
KTMJR Cone beam CT TMJ Right
KTMJB Cone beam CT TMJ Both
KPBRA CT Cone beam brain perfusion imaging
KABDO Cone beam CT abdomen
KCHES Cone beam CT thorax
KNECK Cone beam CT neck
UDLVT US Doppler transplanted liver
URTDTX US Guided removal tunnelled drain thorax
KCBFA CT Cone beam facial bone
UITDTI US Guid insertion tunnelled drain thorax
ITDRTX Removal of tunnelled drain from thorax
ITRAKE Fluoro guided track embolisation
USAFI US Amniotic fluid index
IPICCU PICC Line unblocking
CVCLD CT Colonography low dose
XSSPM XR Skeletal survey post mortem
NPTST NM Parathyroid Subtraction Scan Tc MIBI
FTUBG Tubogram
MLSIJ MRI Lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints
ERCPV ERCP with direct visualisation system
NPLAV NM Plasma volume
MLUSPC MRI Lumbar spine with contrast
CSKNE CT Head and neck
UDIVC US Doppler inferior vena cava
XMACL XR Mammogram compression view Lt
XMACR XR Mammogram compression view Rt
XMACB XR Mammogram compression view Both
FPBSC Fluoro guided parallel beam scanogram
UDRAL US Doppler renal artery Left
UDRAR US Doppler renal artery Right
UDRAB US Doppler renal artery Both
MRAHNC MRA Head and neck with contrast
NBPER1 NM Bone local peripheral single phase
NBPER2 NM Bone peripheral dual phase
NSLOC NM Sentinel node probe localisation
MSACMC MRI Spine sacrum with contrast
UDRVL US Doppler renal vein Left
UDRVR US Doppler renal vein Right
UDRVB US Doppler renal vein Both
MLSPEC MRI Lumbar spine and pelvis with Cont
IAVFLP Fluoro guided angioplasty AVF Left
IAVFRP Fluoro guided angioplasty AVF Right
IAVFBP Fluoro guided angioplasty AVF Both
UAVFL US Doppler arteriovenous fistula Left
UAVFR US Doppler arteriovenous fistula Right
UAVFB US Doppler arteriovenous fistula Both
MPROC MRI Proctogram
UDIVL US Doppler iliac vein Left
UDIVR US Doppler iliac vein Right
UDIVB US Doppler iliac vein Both
UDSVL US Doppler subclavian vein Left
UDSVR US Doppler subclavian vein Right
UDSVB US Doppler subclavian vein Both
CIRKLA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation kidney Lt
CIRKRA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation kidney Rt
CIRKBA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation kidney B
CIRLLA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation lung Lt
CIRLRA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation lung Rt
CIRLBA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation lung B
CIRVMA CT Pc IRE tumour ablation liver
ITRPUP Fluoro Guid PTA trunk pulmonary artery
IAPBMP PTA Pulmonary artery banding main
NDMSAC NM Renal DMSA SPECT CT with contrast
CBODWC CT Whole body with contrast
IATPLS Pc stent tibioperoneal trunk Left
IATPRS Pc stent tibioperoneal trunk Right
IATPBS Pc stent tibioperoneal trunk Both
CFIDL CT Guided fiducial insertion kidney Lt
CFIDR CT Guided fiducial insertion kidney Rt
CFIDB CT Guided fiducial insertion kidney B
USTEDJ US Guided steroid injection
NBRFT NM Brain flutemetamol (18F) PET CT
XSTEDJ XR Guided steroid injection
IAPBLP PTA Pulmonary artery banding Left
IAPBRP PTA Pulmonary artery banding Right
IAPBBP PTA Pulmonary artery banding Both
IIUCDX Fluoro guided IUCD removal
FBILIB Fluoro guided biliary brush biopsy
MSCIN MRI Sciatic nerve
IAVSHI Fluoro Guid arteriovenous shunt implant
IREMJX Fluoro guided removal gastrojejunal tube
IDTPLS Pc DES tibioperoneal trunk Left
IDTPRS Pc DES tibioperoneal trunk Right
IDTPBS Pc DES tibioperoneal trunk Both
IAATLP Pc angioplasty anterior tibial artery Lt
IAATRP Pc angioplasty anterior tibial artery Rt
IAATBP Pc angioplasty anterior tibial artery B
IAPTLP Pc angioplasty posterior tibial A Left
IAPTRP Pc angioplasty posterior tibial A Right
IAPTBP Pc angioplasty posterior tibial A Both
UINTO US Intraoral
MMPMP MRI Multiparametric prostate
ICAVFS Closure AVF by insertion of stent
MANFIC MRI Perianal fistula with contrast
IANPLS Pc stent peroneal artery Left
IANPRS Pc stent peroneal artery Right
IANPBS Pc stent peroneal artery Both
IAPTLS Pc stent posterior tibial artery Left
IAPTRS Pc stent posterior tibial artery Right
IAPTBS Pc stent posterior tibial artery Both
IDPTLS Pc DES posterior tibial artery Left
IDPTRS Pc DES posterior tibial artery Right
IDPTBS Pc DES posterior tibial artery Both
IAVLPE Pc liquid polymer embolisation AVM
IEABNA Fluoro guided ethanol ablation
UFICE Focused intensive care echocardiography
XVEBL Stereo guided vacuum Ass Exc breast Lt
XVEBR Stereo guided vacuum Ass Exc breast Rt
XVEBB Stereo guided vacuum Ass Exc breast B
IBISAS Fluoro Guid Insert Bioabs arterial stent
IBISVS Fluoro Guid Insert Bioabs venous stent
ICDREX Chest drain removal
IBOTXJ Fluoro guided botulinum toxin injection
IAATLS Pc stent anterior tibial artery Left
IAATRS Pc stent anterior tibial artery Right
IAATBS Pc stent anterior tibial artery Both
XDLAOQ XR Dental mandibular anterior occlusal
XDMTOQ XR Dental mandibular true occlusal
XMOLLQ XR Mandibular Obliq lateral occlusal Lt
XMOLRQ XR Mandibular Obliq lateral occlusal Rt
CCERV CT Cerebral ventriculography
UFNASB US Guided FNA biopsy soft tissue
IBIOAS Fluoro guided Insert Bioabs airway stent
CHNAPC CT Head neck Abdo pelvis with contrast
IGDUOP Fluoro Guid balloon Dilat gastroduodenal
ICOLNP Fluoro guided balloon dilatation colon
ITMVI Transcatheter mitral valve implantation
IDATLS Pc DES anterior tibial artery Left
IDATRS Pc DES anterior tibial artery Right
IDATBS Pc DES anterior tibial artery Both
MASLH MRI Arterial spin labelling of brain
XGITT XR GI tract marker capsule transit study
CTAPD DECT Thorax abdomen and pelvis
CADPD DECT Abdomen and pelvis
CNTAD DECT Neck thorax abdomen and pelvis
CANPD DECT Angiogram pulmonary arteries
IDNPLS Pc drug eluting stent peroneal artery Lt
IDNPRS Pc drug eluting stent peroneal artery Rt
IDNPBS Pc drug eluting stent peroneal artery B
IATPLP Pc angioplasty tibioperoneal trunk Left
IATPRP Pc angioplasty tibioperoneal trunk Right
IATPBP Pc angioplasty tibioperoneal trunk Both
ISCLLA Fluoro sclerotherapy orbit Vasc Malf Lt
ISCLRA Fluoro sclerotherapy orbit Vasc Malf Rt
ISCLBA Fluoro sclerotherapy orbit Vasc Malf B
XVDXA DXA Vertebral morphometry
NBRFN NM Brain florbetaben (18F) PET CT
CLDSK CT Low dose skeletal survey
UGMDCI US Guided midline catheter insertion
UDGRL US Doppler groin Left
UDGRR US Doppler groin Right
UDGRB US Doppler groin Both
UDPFL US Doppler popliteal fossa Left
UDPFR US Doppler popliteal fossa Right
UDPFB US Doppler popliteal fossa Both
UCYNL US Bladder kidney Left
UCYNR US Bladder kidney Right
UCYNB US Bladder kidney Both
UREPC US Retained products of conception
UVRET US Venous return
XABEVR X-ray of abdominal aorta EVAR
MPEREC MRI Pelvis and rectum with contrast
CANBL CT Angiogram bronchial artery Left
CANBR CT Angiogram bronchial artery Right
CANBB CT Angiogram bronchial artery Both
CANKB CT Ankle Both
CCALL CT Calcaneus Lt
CCALR CT Calcaneus Rt
CCLAL CT Clavicle Lt
CCLAR CT Clavicle Rt
CFARL CT Forearm Lt
CFARR CT Forearm Rt
CORBH CT Head and orbits
CSCAL CT Scaphoid Left
CSCAR CT Scaphoid Right
CSCAB CT Scaphoid Both
CSCPL CT Scapula Lt
CSCPR CT Scapula Rt
CSCPB CT Scapula Both
CSHRL CT Shoulder Lt
CSHRR CT Shoulder Rt
CSHRB CT Shoulder Both
CTAVI CT Angiography for TAVI workup
CVGLL CT Venogram lower limb Left
CVGLR CT Venogram lower limb Right
CVGLB CT Venogram lower limb Both
FASCL Angio subclavian Lt
FASCR Angio subclavian Rt
FASCB Angio subclavian Both
FLOLL Fluoroscopy lower limb Lt
FLOLR Fluoroscopy lower limb Rt
FUPLL Fluoroscopy upper limb Lt
FUPLR Fluoroscopy upper limb Rt
IRCVC Fluoro Guid removal transhepatic CVC
MACJL MRI Acromioclavicular joint Lt
MACJR MRI Acromioclavicular joint Rt
MCLAL MRI Clavicle Lt
MCLAR MRI Clavicle Rt
MCLAB MRI Clavicle Both
MCMJL MRI Arthrogram carpometacarpal joint Lt
MCMJR MRI Arthrogram carpometacarpal joint Rt
MCMJB MRI Arthrogram carpometacarpal joint B
MDWRL MRI Wrist dynamic Left
MDWRR MRI Wrist dynamic Right
MDWRB MRI Wrist dynamic Both
MFARL MRI Forearm Lt
MFARR MRI Forearm Rt
MJANL MRI Arthrogram ankle Lt
MJANR MRI Arthrogram ankle Rt
MJELL MRI Arthrogram elbow Lt
MJELR MRI Arthrogram elbow Rt
MJHIL MRI Arthrogram hip Lt
MJHIR MRI Arthrogram hip Rt
MJHIB MRI Arthrogram hip Both
MJKNL MRI Arthrogram knee Lt
MJKNR MRI Arthrogram knee Rt
MJSHL MRI Arthrogram shoulder Lt
MJSHR MRI Arthrogram shoulder Rt
MJWRL MRI Arthrogram wrist Lt
MJWRR MRI Arthrogram wrist Rt
MLULL MRI Lower limb Left
MLULR MRI Lower limb Right
MSCPL MRI Scapula Lt
MSCPR MRI Scapula Rt
MSHRL MRI Shoulder Lt
MSHRR MRI Shoulder Rt
MTHGL MRI Thigh Left
MTHGR MRI Thigh Right
MTHGB MRI Thigh Both
MULIL MRI Upper limb Left
MULIR MRI Upper limb Right
MUPAL MRI Upper arm Lt
MUPAR MRI Upper arm Rt
MVJGL MRI Venography jugular vein Left
MVJGR MRI Venography jugular vein Right
MVJGB MRI Venography jugular vein Both
MWALV MRI Vessel wall
NBMTF NM Base of brain to mid-thigh FDG PET CT
NNAFW NM 18F NaF whole body PET CT
NPTSI NM Parathyroid Subtract Scan I123 MIBI
NRADG Radioimmunoguided surgery
UAXIL US Axilla Lt
UAXIR US Axilla Rt
UAXIB US Axilla Both
UEBLL US Guid vacuum Ass Exc breast lesion Lt
UEBLR US Guid vacuum Ass Exc breast lesion Rt
UEBLB US Guid vacuum Ass Exc breast lesion B
UELBB US Elbow Both
UFOOB US Foot Both
UPOPL US Popliteal fossa Lt
UPOPR US Popliteal fossa Rt
UTHIB US Thigh Both
UTHUB US Thumb Both
XANKB XR Ankle Both
XBDLS DXA Bone densitometry lateral spine
XBRTL XR Breast tomosynthesis Left
XBRTR XR Breast tomosynthesis Right
XBRTB XR Breast tomosynthesis Both
XCEML XR Cont enhanced spectral mammography Lt
XCEMR XR Cont enhanced spectral mammography Rt
XCEMB XR Cont enhanced spectral mammography B
XFOOB XR Foot Both
XKNEB XR Knee Both
XMAML XR Mammogram Lt
XMAMR XR Mammogram Rt
XMAMB XR Mammogram Both
XSCML XR Screening mammogram Left
XSCMR XR Screening mammogram Right
XSCMB XR Screening mammogram Both
XULVL X-ray for ulnar variance view Left
XULVR X-ray for ulnar variance view Right
XULVB X-ray for ulnar variance view Both
XWINL Wrist instability series Left
XWINR Wrist instability series Right
XWINB Wrist instability series Both
CAPLVC CT Abdomen and pelvis oral contrast only
CCKILA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour Abl kidney Left
CCKIRA CT Pc cryotherapy tumour Abl kidney Rt
CCSPNM CT 3D mobile Intra-op cervical spine
CFARLC CT Forearm with contrast Lt
CFARRC CT Forearm with contrast Rt
CHEADM CT 3D mobile Intra-op head
CHIPLC CT Hip with contrast Lt
CHIPRC CT Hip with contrast Rt
CHIPBC CT Hip with contrast Both
CKIDLB CT Guided biopsy kidney Left
CKIDRB CT Guided biopsy kidney Right
CLSPNM CT 3D mobile Intra-op lumbar spine
CSHOLC CT Shoulder with contrast Left
CSHORC CT Shoulder with contrast Right
CTABPC CT Thorax Abdo pelvis oral contrast only
CTSPNM CT 3D mobile Intra-op thoracic spine
FCMJLJ Fluoro Guid Inject carpometacarpal Jt Lt
FCMJRJ Fluoro Guid Inject carpometacarpal Jt Rt
FCMJBJ Fluoro Guid Inject carpometacarpal Jt B
FCNRTJ Fluoro guided nerve root Inj cervical
IKIDLB Fluoro guided biopsy kidney Left
IKIDRB Fluoro guided biopsy kidney Right
IKIDBB Fluoro guided biopsy kidney Both
IVENHP Pc transluminal venoplasty hepatic vein
IVTHEP PTL Venoplasty transplanted hepatic vein
KCRLEA CT Cone beam cryoablation lesion
KLASEA Cone beam CT guided laser ablation
MANKLC MRI Ankle with contrast Lt
MANKRC MRI Ankle with contrast Rt
MDWRLC MRI Wrist dynamic with contrast Left
MDWRRC MRI Wrist dynamic with contrast Right
MDWRBC MRI Wrist dynamic with contrast Both
MELBLC MRI Elbow with contrast Lt
MELBRC MRI Elbow with contrast Rt
MFARLC MRI Forearm with contrast Lt
MFARRC MRI Forearm with contrast Rt
MFIBRA MRI Guided ablation fibroid
MFOOLC MRI Foot with contrast Lt
MFOORC MRI Foot with contrast Rt
MHANLC MRI Hand with contrast Lt
MHANRC MRI Hand with contrast Rt
MHIPLC MRI Hip with contrast Lt
MHIPRC MRI Hip with contrast Rt
MKIDLC MRI Renal with contrast Left
MKIDRC MRI Renal with contrast Right
MKNELC MRI Knee with contrast Lt
MKNERC MRI Knee with contrast Rt
MLULLC MRI Lower limb with contrast Left
MLULRC MRI Lower limb with contrast Right
MMAMLC MRI Breast with contrast Lt
MMAMRC MRI Breast with contrast Rt
MMAMBC MRI Breast with contrast Both
MSHRLC MRI Shoulder with contrast Lt
MSHRRC MRI Shoulder with contrast Rt
MTHGLC MRI Thigh with contrast Left
MTHGRC MRI Thigh with contrast Right
MTHGBC MRI Thigh with contrast Both
MTHILC MRI Femur with contrast Lt
MTHIRC MRI Femur with contrast Rt
MULILC MRI Upper limb with contrast Left
MULIRC MRI Upper limb with contrast Right
MUPALC MRI Upper arm with contrast Lt
MUPARC MRI Upper arm with contrast Rt
MWRILC MRI Wrist with contrast Lt
MWRIRC MRI Wrist with contrast Rt
UBRALD US Guided drainage breast Left
UBRARD US Guided drainage breast Right
UBRABD US Guided drainage breast Both
UBUTLB US Guided biopsy buttock Lt
UBUTRB US Guided biopsy buttock Rt
UCRAPA TRUS Guided cryoablation of prostate
UKICLN US Guided aspiration renal cyst Left
UKICRN US Guided aspiration renal cyst Right
UKICBN US Guided aspiration renal cyst Both
UKIDLB US Guided biopsy kidney Lt
UKIDRB US Guided biopsy kidney Rt
UMAMLN US Guided aspiration breast Lt
UMAMRN US Guided aspiration breast Rt
UNEPLD US Guided nephrostomy Lt
UNEPRD US Guided nephrostomy Rt
XMRFLB Stereo Guid radiofrequency Bx breast Lt
XMRFRB Stereo Guid radiofrequency Bx breast Rt
XMRFBB Stereo Guid radiofrequency Bx breast B
CIVTP CT Intravenous pyelogram triple phase
CPANT CT Pancreas triple phase
CTATP CT Angio triple phase for TAVI workup
FREVL Venogram renal Lt
FREVR Venogram renal Rt
FREVB Venogram renal Both
FSALP Fluoro guided selective salpingography
IBICD Fluoro guided Rev biventricular ICD lead
ICHHA Fluoro guided chemosaturation hepatic A
ILLES Fluoro Guid Loc lesion using dye
IRICD Fluoro guided revision ICD lead
KANKL CT Cone beam ankle Left
KANKR CT Cone beam ankle Right
KANKB CT Cone beam ankle Both
KLLES Cone beam CT Guid Loc lesion using dye
MCHIL MRI Cardiac and hepatic iron load
MRFFC MRI Fast field-cycling
NNAFH NM 18F NaF gated cardiac PET CT
NRHDW NM WB scan for Rh 186 leakage detection
UABIN US Abdomen intraoperative
UBILT US Biliary tract
UCHIN US Chest intraoperative
ULLES US Guided localisation lesion using dye
USLUM US Soft tissue lumbar region of back
USTHC US Soft tissue thoracic region of back
XCHSP XR Chest PA view
XCHSA XR Chest AP view
XKUBD XR Kidney ureter bladder
XMSPL XR Mammogram excised tissue breast Left
XMSPR XR Mammogram excised tissue breast Right
XMSPB XR Mammogram excised tissue breast Both
XNASG XR Nasogastric tube position
CVCOYC Virtual CT colonoscopy with contrast
ICVASI Insert cerebral ventriculoatrial shunt
IEXKLL Fluoro guided ESWL kidney Left
IEXKRL Fluoro guided ESWL kidney Right
IEXKBL Fluoro guided ESWL kidney Both
IEXULL Fluoro guided ESWL ureter Left
IEXURL Fluoro guided ESWL ureter Right
IEXUBL Fluoro guided ESWL ureter Both
IFACLJ Fluoro guided facet joint injection Lt
IFACRJ Fluoro guided facet joint injection Rt
IFACBJ Fluoro guided facet joint injection B
IFTEME Fluoro guided Pc Emb facial tumour
IITHCI Fluoro guided intrathecal Cath insertion
IJCFLJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject cervical Lt
IJCFRJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Injec cervical Rt
IJCFBJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject cervical B
IJLFLJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject lumbar Lt
IJLFRJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject lumbar Rt
IJLFBJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject lumbar B
IJTFLJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject thoracic Lt
IJTFRJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject thoracic Rt
IJTFBJ Fluoro Guid facet Jt Inject thoracic B
INLIVB Fluoro guided Pc needle biopsy of liver
IVCATI Fluoro guided central line insertion
MCARDC MRI Heart with contrast
MCHAPC MRI Thorax abdo and pelvis with contrast
MEAMLC MRI External auditory meatus contrast Lt
MEAMRC MRI External auditory meatus contrast Rt
MEAMBC MRI External auditory meatus with Cont B
MLUSAC MRI Lumbosacral plexus with contrast
MPELFR MRI Radiotherapy Plan scan female pelvis
MVEWAC MRI Vessel wall with contrast
UCRLEA US Guided cryoablation of lesion
UPICCI US Guided PICC line insertion
XBRTLB XR Tomosynthesis Guid biopsy breast Left
XBRTRB XR Tomosynthesis Guid biopsy breast Rt
XBRTBB XR Tomosynthesis Guid biopsy breast Both
XGIALI XR Guided I125 insertion axilla Left
XGIARI XR Guided I125 insertion axilla Right
XGIABI XR Guided I125 insertion axilla Both
CNPGL CT Nephrostogram Left
CNPGR CT Nephrostogram Right
CNPGB CT Nephrostogram Both
CPEGC CT Prospective ECG gated coronary Angio
CREGC CT Retrospective ECG gated Cor angiogram
FLOOU Loopogram urinary tract
IGAIM Fluoro guided ganglion impar block
IHYPX Fluoro guided hypogastric plexus block
ILSPX Fluoro guided L sympathetic plexus block
IOBNV Fluoro guided obturator nerve block
IOVLL PTL Balln Occl vein fluoro Guid LL Lt
IOVLR PTL Balln Occl vein fluoro Guid LL Rt
IOVLB PTL Balln Occl vein Fluoro Guid LL B
ISTGG Fluoro guided stellate ganglion block
MAPTP MRI Abdomen proton therapy planning
N123U NM Thyroid scan Iodine 123 with uptake
N131W NM Iodine 131 whole body
N131U NM Thyroid scan Iodine 131 with uptake
NBILP NM Biliary patency study
NBTRS NM Brain DAT scan 123I-ioflupane SPECT
NBTRN NM DAT scan 123I-ioflupane SPECT CT
NCDPD NM Cardiac amyloidosis Tc99mDPD SPECT CT
NCMTU NM Methionine tumour PET CT
NDMSV NM Medullary thyroid Ca DMSA
NDPRC NM Dopamine D2 study I123-IBZM SPECT
NFACW NM 18F fluciclovine whole body PET CT
NFLTW NM 18F fluorothymidine whole body PET CT
NFMIW NM 18F fluoromisonidazole WB PET CT
NHEBI NM Hepatobiliary study
NHEBS NM Hepatobiliary study SPECT CT
NINDI NM Indium 111 antibody diagnostic study
NLDOT NM Lu177-DOTA-HH1 antibody therapy
NLEUK NM White cell Fab scan
NLIVP NM Perfusion study liver
NMMRG NM MPS MIBI rest gated
NMMSG NM MPS MIBI stress gated
NMREC NM Renogram with ACE inhibitor
NPMCL NM Carotid artery PET MRI Left
NPMCR NM Carotid artery PET MRI Right
NPMCB NM Carotid artery PET MRI Both
NPSMW NM Ga68 PSMA PET CT whole body
NPTSU NM Parathyroid Tc Tl Subtraction Scan
NRACL NM Rhenium 186 ankle bone SPECT CT Left
NRACR NM Rhenium 186 ankle bone SPECT CT Right
NRACB NM Rhenium 186 ankle bone SPECT CT Both
NRASL NM Rhenium 186 ankle bone SPECT Left
NRASR NM Rhenium 186 ankle bone SPECT Right
NRASB NM Rhenium 186 ankle bone SPECT Both
NRECL NM Rhenium 186 elbow bone SPECT CT Left
NRECR NM Rhenium 186 elbow bone SPECT CT Right
NRECB NM Rhenium 186 elbow bone SPECT CT Both
NRESL NM Rhenium 186 elbow bone SPECT Left
NRESR NM Rhenium 186 elbow bone SPECT Right
NRESB NM Rhenium 186 elbow bone SPECT Both
NRKCL NM Rhenium 186 knee bone SPECT CT Left
NRKCR NM Rhenium 186 knee bone SPECT CT Right
NRKCB NM Rhenium 186 knee bone SPECT CT Both
NRKSL NM Rhenium 186 knee bone SPECT Left
NRKSR NM Rhenium 186 knee bone SPECT Right
NRKSB NM Rhenium 186 knee bone SPECT Both
NSCMP NM Cardiac Tc99m Tetrafosomin SPECT CT
NSEBS NM Radionuclide SeHCAT bile study
NSMCS NM Skull to mid-thigh FDG PET CT for CS
NSMTP NM Skull to mid-thigh Ga68 PSMA PET CT
NSMTF NM Skull vertex to mid-thigh FDG PET CT
NSNBL NM Sentinel node breast Loc imaging Lt
NSNBR NM Sentinel node breast Loc imaging Rt
NSNBB NM Sentinel node breast Loc imaging B
NT123 NM Thyroid scan Iodine 123
NT131 NM Thyroid scan Iodine 131
NT99A NM Tc99m antibody diagnostic study
NTHTC NM Thyroid Scan pertechnetate
NTTCU NM Thyroid Scan with uptake Technetium
NTTHA NM Thyroid Thallium 201
NTWTW NM Tc99m HYNIC-Tyr3-octreotide WB
NWIND NM White cell Indium 111 scan
UDCLL US Doppler compression venography LL Lt
UDCLR US Doppler compression venography LL Rt
UDCLB US Doppler compression venography LL B
UDCUL US Doppler compression venography UL Lt
UDCUR US Doppler compression venography UL Rt
UDCUB US Doppler compression venography UL B
UDHAL US Doppler hand Left
UDHAR US Doppler hand Right
UDHAB US Doppler hand Both
UGALL US Guid I125 RSL axillary lymph nodes Lt
UGALR US Guid I125 RSL axillary lymph nodes Rt
UGALB US Guid I125 RSL axillary lymph nodes B
ULSVL US Doppler skin marking long Saph V Lt
ULSVR US Doppler skin marking long Saph V Rt
ULSVB US Doppler skin marking long Saph V B
USSVL US Doppler skin marking small Saph V Lt
USSVR US Doppler skin marking small Saph V Rt
USSVB US Doppler skin marking small Saph V B
UVOIU US Voiding urosonography
XCSFE XR Cervical spine flexion and extension
CAPIOC CT Abdo and pelvis with IV and oral Cont
CCARDC CT Heart with contrast
CFMSCB CT Guided FNA biopsy scalp mass
CINCXJ CT Guided injection around coccyx
CIREPA CT Guid Pc IRE tumour ablation pancreas
CLAAPC CT Left atrial appendage with contrast
CORBHC CT Head and orbits with contrast
CSTOMC CT Stomach with contrast
CTAPIC CT Thorax Abdo pelvis oral and IV Cont
IAXLLS Pc metallic graft axillary vein Left
IAXLRS Pc metallic graft axillary vein Right
IAXLBS Pc metallic graft axillary vein Both
IBASLS Pc metallic graft basilic vein Left
IBASRS Pc metallic graft basilic vein Right
IBASBS Pc metallic graft basilic vein Both
IBCHAE PTL Chemoembolisation hepatic artery B
IBRALS Pc metallic graft brachial vein Left
IBRARS Pc metallic graft brachial vein Right
IBRABS Pc metallic graft brachial vein Both
ICEPLS Pc metallic graft cephalic vein Left
ICEPRS Pc metallic graft cephalic vein Right
ICEPBS Pc metallic graft cephalic vein Both
ICLAVE Fluoro guided Pc coil embolisation AVF
ICOFLS Pc metallic graft common femoral V Lt
ICOFRS Pc metallic graft common femoral V Rt
ICOFBS Pc metallic graft common femoral V B
IGAVFE Fluoroscopic Guid glue embolisation AVF
IILILS Pc metallic graft iliac vein Left
IILIRS Pc metallic graft iliac vein Right
IILIBS Pc metallic graft iliac vein Both
IINNBS Pc metallic graft innominate vein Both
ILCHAE PTL Chemoembolisation hepatic artery Lt
IMESES Pc metallic graft mesenteric vein
INTKLX Remov nephrostomy transplanted kidney Lt
INTKRX Remov nephrostomy transplanted kidney Rt
INTKBX Remov nephrostomy transplanted kidney B
IPOPLS Pc metallic graft popliteal vein Left
IPOPRS Pc metallic graft popliteal vein Right
IPOPBS Pc metallic graft popliteal vein Both
IRCHAE PTL Chemoembolisation hepatic artery Rt
IRENLS Pc metallic graft renal vein Left
IRENRS Pc metallic graft renal vein Right
IRENBS Pc metallic graft renal vein Both
ISFALS Pc metallic graft forearm vein Left
ISFARS Pc metallic graft forearm vein Right
ISFABS Pc metallic graft forearm vein Both
ISUBBS Pc metallic graft subclavian vein Both
ISUFLS Pc metallic graft SFV Left
ISUFRS Pc metallic graft SFV Right
ISUFBS Pc metallic graft SFV Both
MAPTPC MRI Abdomen Cont proton therapy planning
MCERVC MRI Cervix with contrast
MCOCXC MRI Spine coccyx with contrast
MHPTPC MRI Head Cont proton therapy planning
MLIVSC MRI Liver and spleen with contrast
MNPTPC MRI Neck Cont proton therapy planning
MORCAC MRI Oral cavity with contrast
MPPTPC MRI Pelvis Cont proton therapy planning
MRTPCR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan with Cont
MRTXPR MRI Radiotherapy planning scan
MSPTPC MRI Spine Cont proton therapy planning
MTPTPC MRI Thorax Cont proton therapy planning
N177AY NM Lu177 somatostatin analogue therapy
NBRF18 NM Choline brain PET F18
NC11WO NM Choline whole body PET C11
NCC11W NM C11 choline whole body PET CT
NCF18W NM F18 choline whole body PET CT
NCMETW NM Methionine tumour WB PET CT
NCPTCS NM Parathyroid Tc thallium SPECT CT
NF18WO NM Choline whole body PET F18
NHIGNW NM HIG 24 Hr whole body
NI131A NM Iodine 131 antibody diagnostic study
NLEUKO NM White cell Fab SPECT
NLVPMC NM Liver PET MRI with contrast
NM123W NM MIBG Iodine 123 scan whole body
NM131W NM MIBG Iodine 131 scan whole body
NMETWO NM Methionine tumour imaging WB PET
NPMBLC NM Breast PET MRI with contrast Left
NPMBRC NM Breast PET MRI with contrast Right
NPMBBC NM Breast PET MRI with contrast Both
NPMCLC NM Carotid artery PET MRI with Cont Lt
NPMCRC NM Carotid artery PET MRI with Cont Rt
NPMCBC NM Carotid artery PET MRI with Cont B
NPMRHC NM Head PET MRI with contrast
NPTCSO NM Parathyroid Technetium Thallium SPECT
NRTPDC NM Renal tumour pentavalent DMSA scan
NS153Y NM Samarium-153 EDTMP therapy
U3DEVC US 3D of endovascular Aneur repair Cont
UALLLN US Guided aspiration lower limb Lt
UALLRN US Guided aspiration lower limb Rt
UALLBN US Guided aspiration lower limb Both
UICHTJ US Guided chemotherapeutic Inject tumour
USCJLJ US Guided injection sacroiliac joint Lt
USCJRJ US Guided injection sacroiliac joint Rt
USCJBJ US Guided injection sacroiliac joint B
CDYNA CT Dynamic arthrogram
CDYNT CT Dynamic trachea
CLIVFC CT Liver four phase scan with contrast
CPTAP CT Portal venogram thorax Abdo pelvis
CPVTA CT Portal venogram thorax abdomen
EEARL Endoscopy of ear Left
EEARR Endoscopy of ear Right
EEARB Endoscopy of ear Both
ENASE Nasendoscopy
EOESP Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy
EPERI Periodontal endoscopy
MSTLI MRI Soft tissue limb
UPCAD US Point of care abdomen
UPCAT US Point of care of aorta
UPCCD US Point of care cardiac
UPCDV US Point of care Doppler vein
UPCLV US Point of care Doppler lower limb vein
UPCMS US Point of care musculoskeletal
UPCTX US Point of care of thorax
XDXFL DEXA Scan of femur Left
XDXFR DEXA Scan of femur Right
XDXFB DEXA Scan of femur Both
CBNTBC CT Brain neck temporal bones Cont Both
CDPKBC CT Dual phase kidney with contrast Both
CFDPAC CT 4D parathyroid with contrast
CGTHAC CT Gated thoracic aorta with contrast
CNTAPC CT Neck thorax Abdo pelvis IV oral Cont
CPPTHC CT Pleural phase thorax with contrast
CTLSPN CT Thoracic and lumbar spine
CTPABC CT Triple phase adrenals with Cont Both
CTPKBC CT Triple phase kidney with contrast B
CWADBC CT Adrenals with contrast washout Both
IPHVOB Fluoro Guid Balln test hepatic vein Occl
MBODWC MRI Whole body with contrast
UMMBLI US Guid magnetic marker insert breast Lt
UMMBRI US Guid magnetic marker insert breast Rt
UMMBBI US Guid magnetic marker insert breast B
USAASJ US Guid Inject scar anterior Abdo wall
XMMBLI Stereo magnetic marker Insert breast Lt
XMMBRI Stereo magnetic marker Insert breast Rt
XMMBBI Stereo magnetic marker Insert breast B
XMSBLI XR Guid magnetic marker insert breast Lt
XMSBRI XR Guid magnetic marker insert breast Rt
XMSBBI XR Guid magnetic marker insert breast B
ELRYN Fibreoptic laryngoscopy
ENASA Nasal sinus endoscopy


2024-07-15createChintan ChokshiInitial CodeSystem creation