Interweave Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build

Interweave Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the R4 profiles here.

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


A vital signs profile which sets minimum expectations for the Observation resource to record, search and fetch the vital signs associated with a patient that include the primary vital signs plus additional measurements such as height, weight and BMI.


This profile is used to carry alert, new-onset or worsening confusion, voice, pain, and unresponsiveness observations for a patient.


This AllergyIntolerance Resource records Risk of harmful or undesirable, physiological response which is unique to an individual and associated with exposure to a substance.


CareConnect Appointment profile.


A Vital Signs profile to carry blood pressure information that contains at least one component for systolic and/or diastolic pressure.


A Vital Signs profile to carry a patient’s body temperature.


Describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient, group or community for a period of time, possibly limited to care for a specific condition or set of conditions.


The Care Team includes all the people and organizations who plan to participate in the coordination and delivery of care for a patient.


This Condition resource records detailed information about conditions or diagnoses recognised by a clinician.


A test report for National Pathology that contains data on the pathology tests performed on patients specimens populated by the performing organisation.


The DocumentReference resource is used to describe a document that is made available to a healthcare system.


The encounter resource represents an encounter between a care professional and the patient (or patient’s record).


An association between a patient and an organization / healthcare provider(s) during which time encounters may occur. The managing organization assumes a level of responsibility for the patient during this time.


Prospective warnings of potential issues when providing care to the patient.


CareConnect HealthCareService Profile


A Vital Signs profile to carry a patient’s heart rate or pulse.


The Location resource provides information and details on the physical location and the services provided.


This Medication Resource is primarily used for the identification and definition of a medication.


Describes the event of a patient consuming or otherwise being administered a medication.


This MedicationRequest Resource represents an order for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medication to a patient.


The Observation resource is used for tracking the current and historical observations that have been made for a patient.


The Organization resource represents the organisation that employs the healthcare professional.


The patient resource represents the patient involved in the provision of healthcare related services.


The Practitioner resource represents the healthcare professional directly or indirectly involved in the provision of healthcare related services.


The PractitionerRole resource represents a specific set of Roles/Locations/specialties/services that a practitioner may perform at an organization for a period of time.


An action that is or was performed on a patient.


Procedure Request


A structured set of questions and their answers. The questions are ordered and grouped into coherent subsets, corresponding to the structure of the grouping of the questionnaire being responded to.


Used to record and send details about a request for referral service or transfer of a patient to the care of another provider or provider organization.


Information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process.


A Vital Signs profile to carry a patient’s respiratory rate.


CareConnect Schedule profile.


CareConnectSlot profile.




CareConnect-Task-1 profile


Interweave AllergyIntolerance resource profile


Interweave Appointment resource profile.


Interweave CarePlan resource profile.


Interweave Condition resource profile.


Interweave Diagnostic Report resource profile.


Interweave DocumentReference resource profile.


Interweave Encounter resource profile.


Interweave Encounter resource profile to group other encounters into a ‘visit’


Interweave Episode Of Care resource profile


Interweave Flag resource profile


Interweave HealthcareService resource profile.


Interweave Location resource profile.


Interweave Medication resource profile.


Interweave Medication Administration resource profile.


Interweave Medication Request resource profile


Interweave Observation resource profile.


Interweave ACVPU Observation resource profile.


Interweave AssessmentScore Observation resource profile.


Interweave BloodOxygenSaturation Observation resource profile.


Interweave BloodPressure Observation resource profile.


Interweave BodyTemperature Observation resource profile.


Interweave BreathingAir Observation resource profile.


Interweave HeartRate Observation resource profile.


Interweave Height/length resource profile.


Interweave NEWS2 Score Observation resource profile.


Interweave Pregnancy Estimated Delivery Date resource profile.


Interweave RespiratoryRate Observation resource profile.


Interweave Vital Signs Observation resource profile.


Interweave Weight (Vital signs) resource profile.


Interweave Operation Outcome resource profile.


Interweave Organization resource profile.


Interweave Organizational Team resource profile (modelled using FHIR Organization)


Interweave Patient resource profile.


Interweave Practitioner resource profile.


Interweave Practitioner role resource profile.


Interweave Procedure resource profile.


Interweave QuestionnaireResponse resource profile.


Interweave Referral Request resource profile.


Interweave Related Person resource profile


Interweave Schedule resource profile.


Interweave Slot resource profile.


Interweave Social Care Assessment resource profile (modelled using FHIR Task)


Interweave Social Care Contact resource profile (modelled using FHIR ReferralRequest)


Interweave Social Care Equipment Provision resource profile


Interweave Social Care Service resource profile (modelled using FHIR EpisodeOfCare)


Interweave Social Care Support Reason resource profile (modelled using FHIR Condition)

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Supports the date and reason that the allergy was no longer valid.


An Extension to record details of any adverse reaction to any anaesthetic agents including local anaesthesia. Problematic intubation, transfusion reaction, etc.


This Extension resource is constrained to represent the appointment cancellation reason.


An extension to record the organisation booking the appointment.


The episodicity status of a condition.


This extension is constrained to represent a patient’s death notification (as held on Personal Demographics Service (PDS)).


An extension to record the delivery channel of a scheduled appointment.


An extension to the Encounter resource to record the method of discharge from hospital.


An extension to the Encounter resource which is used indicate the status of the Patient on discharge from an Emergency Care Department.


An extension to the Encounter resource to include the Transport used by the subject for an encounter.


This extension is constrained to represent the ethnic category for a patient.


This Extension resource is constrained to support a reference to results of investigations that confirmed the certainty of the diagnosis. Examples might include results of skin prick allergy tests.


Values to be provided from NFMS / Spine Core


This Extension resource is constrained to support a code value to support the fasting status of the patient at the time the specimen was collected.


An extension to the Task.


This extension is constrained to represent a reference to the main location for an organization.


This Extension resource is constrained to support the textual representation of a medication structured quantity.


Indicates the specific repeat information of a medication item.


To record the reason the medication (plan or order) was stopped and the date this occurred.


This extension is constrained to support the communication preferences for a resource in the NHS.


This extension is constrained to represent the NHS Number Verification Status.


This extension is constrained to represent a patient’s nominated pharmacy.


An extension to the Encounter resource to record the outcome of an Out-Patient attendance.


To record the type of prescription.


The reason why a resource was added/performed/given. This may be due to a Condition, may be coded entity of some type, or may simply be present as text.


This extension is constrained to represent the method used to send or receive a Referral Request.


This extension is constrained to represent the additional registration information for a patient.


This extension is constrained to represent the religious affiliation for a patient.


This extension is constrained to represent the residential status for a patient.


This extension is constrained to represent the source of the referral of a Referral Request


This extension is constrained to represent the treatment category for a patient.


The registered place of birth of the patient. A sytem may use the address.text if they don’t store the birthPlace address in discrete elements.


An extension to record the discharge destination of patients which have attended ED.


An extension to add information about whether medically safe for discharge to the Encounter.


Indicates the last issued date for specific repeat information of a medication item.


Detailed information and instructions for the patient. Pre-adopted from R4


An extension to add Appointment Cancellation Reason to the Appointment. This is pre-adopting a field that is missing in STU3 but added in R4. (And replacing a CareConnect extension which caters for free-text only)


An extension to add Service Type to the Encounter. This is pre-adopting a field that is missing in STU3 but added in R4


Programs that this service is applicable to. This is pre-adopting a field that is missing in STU3 but added in R4.


Business identifier for this resource


Quantity of ingredient present, pre-adopted from R4


Reference to the patient’s requested location.


An extension to add UK Core Service Type to the resource. This is pre-adopting a field that is missing in STU3 but added in R4


An extension to add UK Core Service Type to the resource. This is pre-adopting a field that is missing in STU3 but added in R4


An extension to add the valueInteger field, pre-adopted from R4


An extension to add Sexual Orientation to the Patient.


An extension to add a coded value for the outcome of an assessment.


A reference to an practitioner which either performed, is performing or is going to perform the assessment.


Flag to indicate whether this is the primary support reason


An extension to add a the type of person contacting/make a request to, social care.


An extension to add a categorisation to the type of service that a person is receiving


Reference to an assessment which triggered the start of the service.


The period during which the person received support for this support reason.


An extension to add a social care support role to a RelatedPerson.


Explicit precision of the number. This is the number of significant decimal places after the decimal point, irrespective of how many are actually present in the explicitly represented decimal.


This Extension resource is constrained to support SNOMED CT Description ID for the display.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Administrative Gender

The gender of a person used for administrative purposes.


Category of an identified substance.


Clinical assessment of the severity of a reaction event as a whole, potentially considering multiple different manifestations.


Identification of the underlying physiological mechanism for a Reaction Risk.


Assertion about certainty associated with a propensity, or potential risk, of a reaction to the identified substance.

Care Connect ACVPU

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system which describes whether a patient is mentally alert, unresponsive, responds to voice, responds to pain or is acutely confused.

Care Connect Allergy Code

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK with the expression (<<105590001 (Substance) OR <<373873005 (Pharmaceutical / biologic product) OR <<716186003 (No known allergy) OR 196461000000101 (Transfer-degraded drug allergy) OR 196471000000108 (Transfer-degraded non-drug allergy)), or a code from the v3 Code System NullFlavor specifying why a valid value is not present.

Care Connect Allergy Exposure Route

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the e-Prescribing route of administration. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘NHS e-Prescribing route of administration subset’ with subset original id 30201000001137; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset FSN is ‘ePrescribing route of administration simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999000051000001100.

Care Connect Allergy Manifestation

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK hierarchy with concept id ‘404684003’ to record an allergy manifestation or a value from the HL7 FHIR nullFlavors code system.

Care Connect Body Site
A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK with the expression (<<442083009 anatomical or acquired body structure ).
Care Connect Care Setting Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a correspondence care setting type. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘Correspondence Care setting type’ subset with subset original id 43971000000130; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is ‘Correspondence care setting type simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999000381000000107

Care Connect Condition Category

A ValueSet to identify the category of a condition.

Care Connect Condition Code
A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK with the expression (< 404684003 Clinical finding OR < 413350009 Finding with explicit context OR < 272379006 Event ).
Care Connect Condition Episodicity

A ValueSet to identify the episodicity of a condition.

Care Connect Death Notification Status

A ValueSet to identify the type of death notice as held on Personal Demographics Service (PDS).

Care Connect Document Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a clinical document type. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘Document Type’ subset with subset original id 44041000000135; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is ‘Correspondence document type simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999000391000000109.

Care Connect Emergency Care Discharge Status

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the status of the Patient on discharge from an Emergency Care Department. Captures whether treatment took place within the ED, if the patient was streamed to another service or if the patient left before treatment was complete. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘Emergency care discharge status’ subset with subset original id 75041000000135; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is ‘Emergency care discharge status simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999003021000000104.

Care Connect Ethnic Category

A ValueSet to identify the ethnicity of a Person, as specified by the Person. This vocabulary describes a persons ethnic category, it is an extension of the Ethnic Category Code described in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary.

Care Connect Finding Code

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system to record a finding code.

Care Connect Human Language

A ValueSet that identifies the language used by a person.

Care Connect Language Ability Mode

A ValueSet that identifies the mode the patient can communicate in, representing the method of expression of the language.

Care Connect Language Ability Proficiency

A ValueSet to identify the level of proficiency in communicating a language.

Care Connect Medication Code
A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system with the expression (^999000541000001108 National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices actual medicinal product simple reference set OR ^999000551000001106 National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices actual medicinal product pack simple reference set OR ^999000561000001109 National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices virtual medicinal product simple reference set OR ^999000571000001104 National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices virtual medicinal product pack simple reference set OR ^999000581000001102 National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices virtual therapeutic moiety simple reference set ).
Care Connect Medication Dosage Route

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the e-Prescribing route of administration. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘NHS e-Prescribing route of administration subset’ with subset original id 30201000001137; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset FSN is ‘ePrescribing route of administration simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999000051000001100.

Care Connect Medication Form

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a medication dose form. These will form part of the NHS dm+d. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘NHS dm+d Dose Form’ subset with subset original id 837201000001137; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is ‘National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices dose form simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999000781000001107.

Care Connect NHS Number Verification Status

A ValueSet that identifies the trace status of the NHS number. The CodeSystem is comprised of codes from the NHS Data Model and Dictionary: NHS Number Status Indicator Code.

Care Connect Observation Method
A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK with the expression (<<386053000 Evaluation procedure ).
Care Connect Observation Type
A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK with the expression (<<363787002 Observable entity ).
Care Connect Prescription Type

A ValueSet to identify the type of prescription.

Care Connect Procedure Code
A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK with the expression (<<71388002 Procedure <<129125009 Procedure with explicit context ).
Care Connect Referral Request Method

A ValueSet to identify the form in which a referral is sent and received.

Care Connect Registration Status

A ValueSet that identifies the status of registration for a patient at the healthcare organisation.

Care Connect Registration Type

A ValueSet that identifies the type of registration for a patient at a healthcare organisation.

Care Connect Religious Affiliation

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the religious or other belief system affiliation of a person. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK ‘Religious Affiliation SnCT’ subset with subset original id 10791000000130; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is ‘Religious or other belief system affiliation simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)’ with Refset Id 999000531000000100.

Care Connect Report Code SnCT

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a diagnotic report

Care Connect Residential Status

A ValueSet that identifies the residential status of a patient.

Care Connect SDS Job Role Name

A ValueSet that identifies the job role associated with the person on the smart card. This consists of a set of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) codes. This code list is externally maintained.

Care Connect Source of Referral

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes the source of the referral.

Care Connect Specimen Body Site

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system to record a specimen body site.

Care Connect Specimen Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system to record a specimen type.

Care Connect Treatment Category

A ValueSet that identifies the treatment category for this patient.

CareConnect Observation Interpretation

A ValueSet to identify the assessment made based on the result of the observation.


A ValueSet that identifies the delivery channel of an appointment.


A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes an encounter between a care professional and the patient (or patient’s record).

Interweave Admission Source codes

The source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the PATIENT is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home. Please note that the NHS Data Dictionary national codes for Source of Admission has been replaced with Admission Source. The current Valueset contains codes from both codesystems, however please use the new Interweave code system for new data provision projects.

Interweave Discharge Destination codes

The destination of a Patient on completion of a Hospital Provider Spell, or a note that the Patient died or was a still birth.

Interweave Document Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a clinical document type.

Interweave ED Discharge Destination

Defines the set of codes that can be used to recording the discharge destination of patients which have attended ED.

Interweave Flag Category

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the category of flag which has been placed against a patient.

Interweave Flag Type

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the type of flag which has been placed against a patient.

Interweave Pregnancy Estimated date of delivery Code

Pregnancy EDD code: A selection of relevant SNOMED CT codes.

Interweave Questionnaire Response Status

Defines the set of codes that defines the lifecycle status of the questionnaire response.

Interweave R4 Appointment Cancellation Reason

Defines a set of reasons for the cancellation of an appointment. Pre-adopted from R4.

Interweave R4 CarePlan Category Code

Example codes indicating the category a care plan falls within. Note that these are in no way complete and might not even be appropriate for some uses.

Interweave R4 Encounter Reason

Defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate reasons for an encounter. Pre-adopted from R4 to gain additional codes for Social Care and A&E.

Interweave R4 Healthcare Service Program

This value set defines an example set of codes that could be can be used to classify groupings of service-types/specialties. Pre-adopted from R4.

Interweave R4 Procedure Category Code

Procedure Category code: A selection of relevant SNOMED CT codes. Pre-adoped from R4.

Interweave Social Care Assessment Status

This valueset uses codes from the STU3 FHIR task-status code system to indicate the status of the assessment.

Interweave Social Care Assessment Type

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the assessment type.

Interweave Social Care Assessment outcome

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the assessment outcome. These have been derived from the Event Outcome field of the V5 Adult Social Care - Client Level Data Specification

Interweave Social Care Assessment output type

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the assessment output type. These have been derived from the Event Outcome field of the V5 Adult Social Care - Client Level Data Specification

Interweave Social Care Contact Reason

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the contact reason.

Interweave Social Care Contact Status

This valueset uses codes from the STU3 FHIR request-status code system to indicate the status of the contact.

Interweave Social Care Equipment Type

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the type of equipment which has been placed with a person.

Interweave Social Care Request Status

This valueset uses codes from the STU3 FHIR request-status code system to indicate the status of the request.

Interweave Social Care Service Status

This valueset uses codes from the STU3 FHIR episode-of-care-status code system to indicate the status of the service.

Interweave Social Care Support Reason

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the support reason.

Interweave Social Care Support Reason Category

Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the category of support reason.

Interweave Social Care Support Reason Clinical Status

This valueset uses codes from the STU3 FHIR condition-clinical code system to indicate the status of support reason.

Interweave UkCore Care Service Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a care setting. Pre-adoped from UKCore to use with EncounterType and AppointmentType.

Interweave UkCore Care Setting Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a care setting. Pre-adoped from UKCore to use with EncounterType and AppointmentType.

Interweave UkCore Condition Code

A set of codes that define a clinical finding or a finding with explicit context or an event. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system. Pre-adoped from UKCore.

Interweave UkCore Procedure Code

A set of codes that define a procedure or a procedure with explicit context. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system. Pre-adoped from UKCore.


This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate how an individual participates in an appointment.


Appointment Type codes


An example set of Service Modes that could be applicable to use to characterize HealthcareServices or PractitionerRoles.


Encounter Class codes


Encounter priority codes


Defines the set of EpisodeOfCare Type codes


Medically Safe For Discharge Status


Medication Request Category codes

InterweaveNICIP codes

National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure codes


Organisation Types, as used by ODS


Sexual Orientation, as per NHS Data Dictionary


The type of person making contact with social services


A categorisation of the type of service that a person is receiving.


The type of service that a person is receiving


The role which a person plays in a service user’s support


A set of codes that define the clinical specialty of the clinician or provider who interacted with, treated, or provided a service to/for the patient.

Marital Status Codes

This value set defines the set of codes that can be used to indicate the marital status of a person.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Admission Method

The method of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Discharge Destination

The destination of a Patient on completion of a Hospital Provider Spell, or a note that the Patient died or was a still birth.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Discharge Method

The method of discharge from a Hospital Provider Spell.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Outcome Of Attendance

This records the outcome of an Out-Patient Attendance Consultant.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Source Of Admission

The source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the Patient is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home.


The use of a human name

Vital Signs

This value set indicates the allowed vital sign result types. The concept Vitals signs panel (85353-1) is a grouping structure for a set of vital signs and includes related links (with type=has-member) to the Observations in this set (e.g. respiratory rate, heart rate, BP). The Blood pressure panel (85354-9) is used to group the component observations Systolic blood pressure (8480-6) and Diastolic blood pressure (8462-4).

Vital Signs Units

Common UCUM units for recording Vital Signs

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Care Connect Condition Category

A CodeSystem to identify the category of a condition.

Care Connect Condition Episodicity

A CodeSystem to identify the episodicity of a condition.

Care Connect Death Notification Status

A CodeSystem to identify the type of death notice as held on Personal Demographics Service (PDS).

Care Connect Ethnic Category

A CodeSystem to identify the ethnicity of a Person, as specified by the Person. This vocabulary describes a persons ethnic category, it is an extension of the Ethnic Category Code described in the NHS Data Model and Dictionary.

Care Connect Human Language

A CodeSystem that identifies the language used by a person.

Care Connect Language Ability Mode

A CodeSystem that identifies the mode the patient can communicate in, representing the method of expression of the language.

Care Connect Language Ability Proficiency

A CodeSystem to identify the level of proficiency in communicating a language.

Care Connect NHS Number Verification Status

A CodeSystem that identifies the trace status of the NHS number. This CodeSystem is comprised of codes from the NHS Data Model and Dictionary: NHS Number Status Indicator Code.

Care Connect Observation Interpretation

A CodeSystem that identifies the assessment made based on the result of the observation. The code is taken from the oid 2.16.840.1.113883.

Care Connect Prescription Type

A CodeSystem to identify the type of prescription

Care Connect Referral Request Method

A CodeSystem to identify the form in which a referral is sent and received.

Care Connect Registration Status

A CodeSystem that identifies the status of registration for a patient at the healthcare organisation.

Care Connect Registration Type

A CodeSystem that identifies the type of registration for a patient at a healthcare organisation.

Care Connect Residential Status

A CodeSystem that identifies the residential status of a patient.

Care Connect SDS Job Role Name

A CodeSystem that identifies the job role associated with the person on the smart card. This consists of a set of Role Based Access Control (RBAC) codes. This code list is externally maintained.

Care Connect Treatment Category

A CodeSystem that identifies the treatment category for this patient.


A CodeSystem that identifies the delivery channel of an appointment.

Interweave Admission Source codes

The source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the PATIENT is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home.

Interweave Discharge Destination codes

The destination of a Patient on completion of a Hospital Provider Spell, or a note that the Patient died or was a still birth.

Interweave R4 Appointment Cancellation Reason

Defines a set of reasons for the cancellation of an appointment. Pre-adopted from R4.


Additional Appointment Type codes


Additional Encounter Class codes


Additional Encounter Priority codes


EpisodeOfCare Type codes


Medically Safe For Discharge Status


Additional Medication Request Category codes

InterweaveNICIP codes

National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure codes


Organisation Types, as used by ODS


Sexual Orientation, as per NHS Data Dictionary


The social care assessment outcome.


The social care assessment output type.


The social care assessment type.


The social care contact reason.


The categorisation of social care flags which can be placed against a person.


The type of social care flag which can be placed against a person.


The type of person making contact with social services


A categorisation of the type of service that a person is receiving.


The type of service that a person is receiving


The social care support reason.


The categorisation of the social care support reason.


The role which a person plays in a service user’s support


A set of codes that define the clinical specialty of the clinician or provider who interacted with, treated, or provided a service to/for the patient.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Admission Method

The method of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Discharge Destination

The destination of a Patient on completion of a Hospital Provider Spell, or a note that the Patient died or was a still birth.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Discharge Method

The method of discharge from a Hospital Provider Spell.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Outcome of Attendance

This records the outcome of an Out-Patient Attendance Consultant.

NHS Data Model and Dictionary Source Of Admission

The source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the Patient is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


Interweave AllergyIntolerance Example - Drug Allergy


Interweave AllergyIntolerance Example - Food Allergy


Interweave AllergyIntolerance Example - No Known Allergy


Interweave Appointment example


Interweave Diagnostic Report - basic example


Interweave Document Reference example


Interweave Encounter example - Maturity Level 1 (no grouping)


Interweave Encounter example - Maturity Level 2 (part 1 of grouping)


Interweave Encounter example - Maturity Level 2 (part 2 of grouping)


Interweave Encounter Grouping example


Interweave Flag Example - Full


Interweave Flag Example - Must Support


Interweave Location example - Building


Interweave Location example - House


Interweave Location example - Room


Interweave Location example - Site


Interweave Location example - Care Home


Interweave Location example - Ward 27


Interweave Location example - Ward 28


Interweave Location example - A&E


Interweave Medication Example


Interweave Observation BloodPressure Example


Interweave Observation BodyTemperature Example


Interweave Observation HeartRate Example


Interweave Observation RespiratoryRate Example


Interweave Operation Outcome example


Interweave Organization example


Interweave Organization Social Care example


Interweave Organizational Team example - Full


Interweave Organizational Team example - Must Support


Interweave Patient example - Full


Interweave Patient example - Must Support


Interweave Practitioner example


Interweave PractitionerRole Example


Interweave Related Person - Full - Example


Interweave Related Person - Social Care - Full - Example


Interweave Related Person - Social Care - Must Support - Example


Interweave Social Care Service example - Full


Interweave Social Care Service example - Must Support


Interweave Social Care Support Reason (FHIR Condition) example - Full


Interweave Social Care Support Reason (FHIR Condition) example - Must Support