Interweave Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build United Kingdom flag

Interweave Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the STU3 profiles here.

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.


Interweave AllergyIntolerance resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Appointment resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave CarePlan resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Condition resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave DiagnosticReport resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave DocumentReference resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Encounter resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Encounter Grouping resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave EpisodeOfCare resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Flag resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave HealthcareService resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Location resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Medication resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave MedicationAdministration resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave MedicationRequest resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation ACVPU resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation AssessmentScore resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave NEWS2 Score Observation resource profile. - DRAFT


Interweave Pregnancy Estimated Delivery Date resource profile. - DRAFT


Interweave Observation VitalSigns resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Blood Pressure resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Body Height resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Body Temperature resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Body Weight resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave VitalSigns Breathing Air Observation resource profile. - DRAFT


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Body Heart Rate resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Body Oxygen Saturation resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Observation Vital Signs Body Respiration Rate resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Operation Outcome resource profile. - DRAFT


Interweave Organization resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Organizational Team resource profile (modelled using UK Core Organization) - DRAFT


Interweave Patient resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Practitioner resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Practitioner role resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Procedure resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave QuestionnaireResponse resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Related Person resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Schedule resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave ServiceRequest resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave Slot resource profile - DRAFT.


Interweave SocialCare Assessment resource profile (modelled using FHIR Task) - DRAFT.


Interweave SocialCare Contact resource profile (modelled using UK Core ServiceRequest)- DRAFT.


Interweave Social Care Equipment Provision resource profile (modelled using FHIR DeviceRequest) - DRAFT


Interweave SocialCareService resource profile (modelled using FHIR EpisodeOfCare)- DRAFT.


Interweave SocialCare Support Reason resource profile (modelled using UK Core Condition) - DRAFT.

UK Core AllergyIntolerance

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource AllergyIntolerance.

UK Core Appointment

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Appointment.

UK Core Condition

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Condition.

UK Core Device

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Device.

UK Core Device Blood Pressure

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Device profile, for specific devices relating to the recording of blood pressures.

UK Core DiagnosticReport

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource DiagnosticReport.

UK Core Encounter

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Encounter.

UK Core HealthcareService

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource HealthcareService.

UK Core Location

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Location.

UK Core Medication

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Medication.

UK Core MedicationAdministration

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource MedicationAdministration.

UK Core MedicationRequest

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource MedicationRequest.

UK Core Observation

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Observation.

UK Core Observation ACVPU

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation profile, to record clinical observations about a patients level of consciousness.

UK Core Observation Vital Signs

Defines the observation constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation resource for the minimal set of data to query and retrieve clinical observation vital signs information.

UK Core Observation Vital Signs Blood Pressure

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, for the recording of blood pressure observations

UK Core Observation Vital Signs Body Height

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, for recording body height vital signs clinical observations.

UK Core Observation Vital Signs Body Temperature

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, for recording body temperature vital signs clinical observations.

UK Core Observation Vital Signs Body Weight

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, for the recording of the clinical observation of a patients weight

UK Core Organization

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Organization.

UK Core Patient

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Patient.

UK Core Practitioner

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Practitioner.

UK Core PractitionerRole

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource PractitionerRole.

UK Core Procedure

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Procedure.

UK Core RelatedPerson

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource RelatedPerson.

UK Core Schedule

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Schedule.

UK Core ServiceRequest

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource ServiceRequest.

UK Core Slot

This profile defines the UK constraints and extensions on the International FHIR resource Slot.

UKCore Observation Vital Signs Heart Rate

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, for recording the pulse rate vital sign of a patient.

UKCore Observation Vital Signs Oxygen Saturation

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, for recording a patients oxygen saturation vital sign

UKCore Observation Vital Signs Respiration Rate

Defines the additional constraints and extensions on the UK Core Observation Vital Signs profile, in order to record the clinical observation of a respiratory rate of a patient.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Extension UK Core Additional Contact

An extension to support recording of additional contacts, who should be contacted regarding questions arising from the service request. This differs from the requester and responsibleClinician.

Extension UK Core Address Key

This carries an address identifier which will be included in an address.

Extension UK Core Admission Method

An extension to support the method by which an individual was admitted into hospital.

Extension UK Core Allergy Intolerance End

Supports the date when the allergy or intolerance was no longer valid, and/or, the reason why the allergy or intolerance is no longer valid.

Extension UK Core Birth Sex

An extension to support the patient's phenotypic sex at birth.

Extension UK Core Booking Organization

This supports the recording of the organisation booking the appointment.

Extension UK Core Condition Episode

This supports the episodicity status of a condition.

Extension UK Core Contact Preference

The preferred method of contact, contact times and written communication format given by a Patient or Related Person.

Extension UK Core Contact Rank

The preferred ranking or order of contact applied to a contact on a Patient's contact list.

Extension UK Core Copy Correspondence Indicator

Indicates that a Patient contact or RelatedPerson SHALL be copied in to Patient correspondence.

Extension UK Core Coverage

This extends the Service Request Resource to support the exchange of information describing the method of funding for the Service Request.

Extension UK Core Cuff Size

An extension to record the cuff size of a sphygmomanometer.

Extension UK Core Death Notification Status

The patient's death notification status.

Extension UK Core Delivery Channel

This describes the delivery channel of a scheduled appointment.

Extension UK Core DeviceReference

This extension extends the DiagnosticReport reference elements, in order to allows a Device to be referenced where it would otherwise be unavailable.

Extension UK Core Diagnostic Report Composition

This extension allows a Reference to a Composition resource instance that provides structure for organizing the contents of the DiagnosticReport.

Extension UK Core Diagnostic Report Note

An extension to support adding comments about the diagnostic report.

Extension UK Core Diagnostic Report Supporting Info

An extension to support adding additional info supporting the diagnostic report.

Extension UK Core Discharge Method

An extension to support the method of discharge from a hospital.

Extension UK Core Emergency Care Discharge Status

An extension to support the status of an individual on discharge from an Emergency Care Department.

Extension UK Core Ethnic Category

Information that describes the patient's ethnic category.

Extension UK Core Evidence

A reference to results of investigations that confirmed the certainty of the diagnosis. Examples might include results of skin prick allergy tests.

Extension UK Core Legal Status

Information relating to a patient's legal status on admission or discharge.

Extension UK Core Main Location

Information describing the main location of the organisation.

Extension UK Core Medication Prescribing Organization Type

This describes the type of organisation or setting responsible for authorising and issuing a medication, but not the organisation or setting delivering the patient care.

Extension UK Core Medication Repeat Information

The specific repeat information of a medication item.

Extension UK Core Medication Trade Family

This Extension is used to identify a Trade Family or brand associated with a Medication, in particular a Virtual Therapeutic Moiety (VTM).

Extension UK Core NHS Number Unavailable Reason

This extends the Patient resource to support the exchange of information about the reason why a patient does not have an NHS Number.

Extension UK Core NHS Number Verification Status

Information describing the verification and tracing status of a patient's NHS Number.

Extension UK Core Observation Body Structure

An extension to support adding a BodyStructure on an Observation.

Extension UK Core Observation Triggered By

This extension supports the sharing of the observation(s) that triggered the performance of the main observation.

Extension UK Core Other Contact System

Information about other contact methods.

Extension UK Core Outcome Of Attendance

An extension to support the outcome of an Outpatient attendance.

Extension UK Core Pharmacist Verified Indicator

This Extension is used to indicate whether a pharmacist verified a medication.

Extension UK Core Priority Reason

This extends the Service Request Resource to support the underlying reason why a Service Request is urgent.

Extension UK Core Recording Setting

An extension to record the care setting in which an observation was taken.

Extension UK Core Residential Status

Information about a patient's residential status.

Extension UK Core Source Of Service Request

This extension describes the source of the Service Request.

Extension UKCore Medication Statement Last Issue Date

This describes the date when a prescription was last issued.


An extension to record the discharge destination of patients which have attended ED.


An extension to add information about whether medically safe for discharge to the Encounter.


Indicates the last issued date for specific repeat information of a medication item.


An extension to add UK Core Service Type to the resource.


An extension to add a coded value for the outcome of an assessment.


A reference to an practitioner which either performed, is performing or is going to perform the assessment.


Flag to indicate whether this is the primary support reason


An extension to add a the type of person contacting/make a request to, social care.


The period during which the person received support for this support reason.


An extension to add a social care support role to a RelatedPerson.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


The source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the PATIENT is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home. Please note that the NHS Data Dictionary national codes for Source of Admission has been replaced with Admission Source. The current Valueset contains codes from both codesystems, however please use the new Interweave code system for new data provision projects.


This value set defines a set of codes that can be used to indicate how an individual participates in an appointment.


Appointment Type codes


The destination of a Patient on completion of a Hospital Provider Spell, or a note that the Patient died or was a still birth.


A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a clinical document type.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to recording the discharge destination of patients which have attended ED.


Encounter Class codes


Encounter priority codes


Defines the set of EpisodeOfCare Type codes


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the category of flag which has been placed against a patient.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the type of flag which has been placed against a patient.


Medically Safe For Discharge Status


A set of codes to define a course of therapy for a medication request.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to record the reason why and when a medication was stopped


National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure codes


Organization Types, as used by ODS


Pregnancy EDD code: A selection of relevant SNOMED CT codes.


Defines the set of codes that defines the lifecycle status of the questionnaire response.


A ValueSet to identify the form in which a referral is sent and received.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the assessment outcome. These have been derived from the Event Outcome field of the V5 Adult Social Care - Client Level Data Specification


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the assessment output type. These have been derived from the Event Outcome field of the V5 Adult Social Care - Client Level Data Specification


This valueset uses codes from the FHIR task-status code system to indicate the status of the assessment.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the assessment type.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the contact reason.


This valueset uses codes from the FHIR request-status code system to indicate the status of the contact.


This valueset uses codes from the FHIR request-status code system to indicate the status of the request.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the type of equipment which has been placed with a person.


The type of person making contact with social services


This valueset uses codes from the STU3 FHIR episode-of-care-status code system to indicate the status of the service.


The type of service that a person is receiving


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the support reason.


Defines the set of codes that can be used to identify the category of support reason.


This valueset uses codes from the R4 FHIR condition-clinical code system to indicate the status of support reason.


The role which a person plays in a service user's support

A set of codes that define a patients level of consciousness. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 248234008 Mentally alert - 300202002 Responds to voice - 450847001 Responds to pain - 422768004 Unresponsive - 130987000 Acute confusion
UK Core Address Key Type

A set of codes that define the type of Address Key.

UK Core Admission Method

A set of codes that define the method of admission to a hospital provider spell.

UK Core Allergy Code

A set of codes from the following dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) concept classes that define a medication or medication ingredient that the patient has an allergy or intolerance to: - VTM – Virtual Therapeutic Moiety - VMP – Virtual Medicinal Product - AMP – Actual Medicinal Product - Ingredient A set of codes from the SNOMED CT UK coding system that: - identify a substance or pharmaceutical or biologic product that the patient has an allergy or intolerance to - state that the patient has no known allergy or does not have a specific allergy - provide a degrade of information about a drug or non-drug allergy Where no dm+d or SNOMED CT coded information is available, a specific code from the nullFlavor Code System can be used instead to indicate this.

UK Core Allergy Manifestation

A set of codes that describe how a patient's allergy was manifested. Selected from the 'Health issues' simple reference set of the SNOMED CT UK coding system. Alternatively provides a code indicating a degrade of information about a clinical record entry. Where no SNOMED CT coded information is available, a specific code from the nullFlavor Code System can be used instead to indicate this.

UK Core Allergy Substance

A set of codes from the following dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) concept classes that define a medication or medication ingredient that the patient has an allergy or intolerance to: - VTM – Virtual Therapeutic Moiety - VMP – Virtual Medicinal Product - AMP – Actual Medicinal Product - Ingredient A set of codes from the SNOMED CT UK coding system that: - identify a substance or pharmaceutical or biologic product that the patient has an allergy or intolerance to - provide a degrade of information about a drug or non-drug allergy Where no dm+d or SNOMED CT coded information is available, a specific code from the nullFlavor Code System can be used instead to indicate this.

UK Core Appointment Reason Code

A set of codes that define an appointment reason.

A set of codes that define a patients level of consciousness. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOrSelfOf 60621009 Body mass index (observable entity) - DescendantOrSelfOf 446974000 Body mass index centile (observable entity - MINUS   - 846931000000101 Baseline body mass index (observable entity)   - 852451000000103 Maximum body mass index (observable entity)   - 852461000000100 Minimum body mass index (observable entity)   - 715456008 Percentage median body mass index for age and sex (observable entity)   - 846911000000109 Baseline body mass index centile (observable entity)   - 1153596006 Body mass index for age z-score (observable entity)   - 248358009 Weight for height (observable entity)
UK Core Blood Pressure
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for recording and grouping of a single set of blood pressure readings, and excludes specific systolic / diastolic readings. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 163020007 On examination - blood pressure reading (finding) - 392570002 Blood pressure finding (finding) - 392571003 Finding of arterial pulse pressure (finding) - 301141002 Finding of pulmonary arterial pressure (finding) - 366161004 Finding of venous pressure (finding) - 366162006 Finding of central venous pressure (finding) - 366163001 Finding of jugular venous pressure (finding) - 75367002 Blood pressure (observable entity) - 386534000 Arterial blood pressure (observable entity) - 87179004 Arterial pulse pressure (observable entity) - 386533006 Invasive blood pressure (observable entity) - 386532001 Invasive arterial pressure (observable entity) - 723237002 Non-invasive blood pressure (observable entity) - 251076008 Non-invasive arterial pressure (observable entity) - 1036531000000108 Non-invasive central blood pressure (observable entity) - 335661000000109 Self measured blood pressure reading (observable entity) - 163033001 Lying blood pressure (observable entity) - 163035008 Sitting blood pressure (observable entity) - 163034007 Standing blood pressure (observable entity) - 252076005 Venous pressure (observable entity) - 76882007 Venous wedge pressure (observable entity) - 71420008 Central venous pressure (observable entity) - 37476000 Jugular venous pressure (observable entity) - 364090009 Systemic arterial pressure (observable entity) - 386536003 Systemic blood pressure (observable entity) - 251068006 Atrial pressure (observable entity) - 276760007 Left atrial pressure (observable entity) - 276755008 Right atrial pressure (observable entity) - 165077006 Intracardiac pressure (observable entity) - 37087001 Arterial wedge pressure (observable entity) - 371829003 Pulmonary vein wedge pressure (observable entity) - MINUS   - 170599006 24 hr blood pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)   - descendantOrSelfOf 371830008 Pulmonary vein mean wedge pressure (observable entity)   - descendantOrSelfOf 6797001 Mean blood pressure (observable entity)   - descendantOrSelfOf 723232008 Average blood pressure (observable entity)   - descendantOf 276769008 Left ventricular pressure (observable entity)   - descendantOf 276756009 Right ventricular pressure (observable entity)   - descendantOf 276760007 Left atrial pressure (observable entity)   - descendantOf 276755008 Right atrial pressure (observable entity)
UK Core Blood Pressure Cuff Size
A set of codes that define a sphygmomanometer cuff size used with a device. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOf 70665002 Blood pressure cuff, device (physical object)
UK Core Blood Pressure Device Type
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for the type of device used to measure blood pressure. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 43770009 Doppler device (physical object) - 469801002 Invasive blood pressure monitor (physical object) - 258057004 Non-invasive blood pressure monitor (physical object) - DescendantOrSelfOf 39690000 Sphygmomanometer, device (physical object)
UK Core Blood Pressure Diastolic
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for the recording of a single diastolic blood pressure reading. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 163031004 On examination - Diastolic blood pressure reading (finding) - 271650006 Diastolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 1091811000000102 Diastolic arterial pressure (observable entity) - 407557002 Lying diastolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 1162735000 Self reported diastolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 407555005 Sitting diastolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 400975005 Standing diastolic blood pressure (observable entity)
UK Core Blood Pressure Measurement Method
A code for recording the method in which blood pressure was measured. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 37931006 Auscultation (procedure) - 810061000000102 Measurement of blood pressure using manual sphygmomanometer by auscultation over brachial artery (procedure) - 13385008 Mediate auscultation (procedure) - 765172009 Doppler ultrasound (procedure) - 113011001 Palpation (procedure) - 31813000 Vascular oscillometry (procedure) - descendantOrSelfOf 42826002 Systemic arterial pressure monitoring (regime/therapy)
UK Core Blood Pressure Systolic
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for the recording of a single systolic blood pressure reading. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 163030003 On examination - Systolic blood pressure reading (finding) - 271649006 Systolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 407556006 Lying systolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 1162737008 Self reported systolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 407554009 Sitting systolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 400974009 Standing systolic blood pressure (observable entity) - 72313002 Systolic arterial pressure (observable entity)
UK Core Body Height Measurements
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for the measurement of body lengths or heights. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 248337003 Height from demispan (observable entity) - 1003998008 Arm demispan (observable entity) - DescendantOrSelfOf 50373000 Body height measure (observable entity) - MINUS   - 925931000000103 Mid-parental height (observable entity))   - 925951000000105 Predicted adult height (observable entity)   - 248336007 Pubis to ground height (observable entity)   - 276350001 Subischial leg length (observable entity)   - 1153591001 Length for age percentile (observable entity)   - 1153604005 Body height for age z-score (observable entity)   - 1153590000 Length for age z score (observable entity)
UK Core Body Position
A set of codes that define a patients body position when a clinical observation was taken. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - 30212006 Fowler's position (finding) - 26527006 Inverse Trendelenburg position (finding) - 102536004 Left lateral decubitus position (finding) - 414585002 Left lateral tilt (finding) - 10904000 Orthostatic body position (finding) - 1240000 Prone body position (finding) - 102538003 Recumbent body position (finding) - 423413008 Reverse trendelenburg positioning (finding) - 102535000 Right lateral decubitus position (finding) - 415346000 Right lateral tilt (finding) - 33586001 Sitting position (finding) - 40199007 Supine body position (finding) - 34106002 Trendelenburg position (finding)
UK Core Body Site

A set of codes that define an anatomical or acquired body structure site. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core Body Temperature

A set of codes regarding laboratory medicine test requests and results intended for use by pathology services and their users. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system:

  • DescendantOrSelfOf 386725007 Body temperature
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 248458005 Comparative temperature in limbs
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 852591000000107 Maximum body temperature  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 852601000000101 Minimum body temperature  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 852581000000105 Target body temperature  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 364419004 Temperature of cervical spine  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 364424001 Temperature of thoracic spine  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 364429006 Temperature of lumbar spine  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 248835004 Temperature of breast  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 250124002 Temperature of joint  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 431197002 Temperature of digit  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 364518005 Temperature of foot  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 363997004 Temperature of pinna  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 364537001 Temperature of skin  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 364246006 Temperature of vagina  
  • DescendantOrSelfOf 431598003 Temperature of oesophagus)
UK Core Body Weight Measurements
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for the measurement of body weight. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOrSelfOf 27113001 Body weight (observable entity) - MINUS   - DescendantOrSelfOf 301334000 Birth weight centile (observable entity)   - DescendantOrSelfOf 400967004 Baseline weight (observable entity)   - DescendantOrSelfOf 248351003 Previous well-weight (observable entity)
UK Core Care Setting Type

A set of codes that describe a type of care setting. Selected from the 'Services' simple reference set of the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core Condition Category

A set of codes that define the category of a condition.

UK Core Condition Code

A set of codes that define a clinical finding or a finding with explicit context or an event. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core Condition Episodicity

A set of codes that define the episodicity of a condition.

UK Core Death Notification Status

A set of codes that define the type of death notice as held on the Personal Demographics Service (PDS) or any other source system.

UK Core Delivery Channel

A set of codes that define the delivery channel of an appointment.

UK Core Device Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a type of device. Any code from the SNOMED CT UK 'Device Type' subset with subset original id 1361000000131; the corresponding SNOMED CT UK Refset fully specified name is 'Device type simple reference set (foundation metadata concept)' with Refset Id 999000401000000107.

UK Core Discharge Destination

A set of codes that define where a patient is sent on completion of a hospital provider spell, or a note that the patient died or was a still birth.

UK Core Discharge Method

A set of codes that define the method of discharge from a hospital provider spell.

UK Core Emergency Care Discharge Status

A set of codes that describe the outcome of, or status of a patient on discharge from, an Emergency Care Department attendance.

UK Core Encounter Location Type

A set of codes that define the physical type of location where an encounter takes place.

UK Core Encounter Type

A set of codes that describe an encounter between a care professional and the patient (or patient's record). Selected from codes from the SNOMED CT UK coding system that define: - an indirect encounter - the establishment seen in - the site of the encounter.

UK Core Ethnic Category

A set of codes that define the ethnicity of a person, as specified by the person.

UK Core Funding Category

A set of codes that define the funding category.

UK Core Genome Sequencing Category

A set of codes that define if the service request is for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)/non-WGS Rare Disease/Cancer.

UK Core Head Circumference Measurements
A code from the SNOMED CT UK coding system for the measurement of head circumferences. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOrSelfOf 363811000 Head circumference measure (observable entity) - MINUS   - 1153594009 Head circumference for age z-score (observable entity)   - 70751000052109 Head circumference of biological father (observable entity)   - 70761000052107 Head circumference of biological mother (observable entity)   - DescendantOrSelfOf 170061009 Child head circumference centile (observable entity)
UK Core HeartRate
A set of codes that define a patients level of consciousness. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOrSelfOf 364075005 Heart rate (observable entity) - MINUS   - DescendantOrSelfOf 251670001 Baseline fetal heart rate   - DescendantOrSelfOf 928001000000104 Baseline heart rate   - DescendantOrSelfOf 852341000000107 Maximum pulse rate   - DescendantOrSelfOf 852351000000105 Minimum pulse rate   - DescendantOrSelfOf 428420003 Target heart rate   - DescendantOrSelfOf 852331000000103 Target pulse rate
UK Core Legal Status Classification

A set of codes that define the classification of a patient's legal status which is either informal or as designated in the Mental Health Act 1983 or other acts.

UK Core Legal Status Context

A set of codes that define the context in which a mental health legal status is being used.

UK Core Medication Administration Category

A set of codes to define a category for a medication administration.

UK Core Medication Code

A set of codes from the following dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) concept classes that define a medication: - VTM – Virtual Therapeutic Moiety - VMP – Virtual Medicinal Product - AMP – Actual Medicinal Product - VMPP – Virtual Medicinal Product Pack - AMPP – Actual Medicinal Product Pack A Clinical trial medication code. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core Medication Dosage Method

A set of codes that define a medication dosage method. Selected from the 'ePrescribing method' simple reference set of the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core Medication Form

A set of codes from that define a medication dose form. Selected from the 'NHS dm+d (dictionary of medicines and devices) dose form' simple reference set of the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core Medication Prescribing Organization Type

A set of codes that define the type of organisation responsible for authorising and issuing a medication.

UK Core Medication Request Category

A set of codes to define a category for a medication request.

UK Core Medication Request Course Of Therapy

A set of codes to define a course of therapy for a medication request.

UK Core Medication Statement Category

A set of codes to define a category for a medication statement.

UK Core Medication Trade Family

A set of codes that define a Trade Family or brand associated with a Medication. Selected from the 'National Health Service dictionary of medicines and devices trade family' simple reference set of the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

UK Core NHS Number Unavailable Reason

A set of codes that define the reason why a patient does not have an NHS Number.

UK Core NHS Number Verification Status

A set of codes that indicate the trace status of an NHS Number with respect to a national source of NHS Numbers. Where there is no information about the trace status available, a specific code from the nullFlavor Code System can be used instead to indicate this.

UK Core Observation Type

Selected from the following SNOMED CT UK coding system:

  • descendantOrSelfOf 363787002 Observable entity.
UK Core Observation Vital Signs Type

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system for the type of vital sign.

UK Core Organization Type

A set of codes that can be used to indicate a type of organization.

UK Core Other Contact System

A set of codes that define other types of contact system not covered by the standard HL7 contact-point-system ValueSet.

UK Core Outcome Of Attendance

A set of codes that define the outcome of an out-patient attendance.

UK Core OxygenSaturation
A set of codes that define a patients level of consciousness. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOrSelfOf 103228002 Hemoglobin saturation with oxygen (observable entity) - MINUS   - DescendantOrSelfOf 927981000000106 Baseline oxygen saturation at periphery   - DescendantOrSelfOf 852651000000100 Maximum peripheral oxygen saturation   - DescendantOrSelfOf 852661000000102 Minimum peripheral oxygen saturation   - DescendantOrSelfOf 852641000000103 Target peripheral oxygen saturation   - DescendantOrSelfOf 442349007 Venous oxygen saturation
UK Core Person Marital Status Code

A set of codes that define the legal marital status of a person.

UK Core Person Relationship Type

A set of codes that define the type of relationship a person has to a patient.

UK Core Practice Setting Code

A set of codes that define the clinical specialty of the clinician or provider who interacted with, treated, or provided a service to/for the patient.

UK Core Preferred Contact Method

A set of codes that define the method by which a person would prefer to be contacted.

UK Core Preferred Written Communication Format

A set of codes that define the format in which a person would prefer to receive written communications.

UK Core Procedure Code

A set of codes that define a procedure or a procedure with explicit context. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system:

  • descendantOrSelfOf 71388002 Procedure
  • descendantOrSelfOf 129125009 Procedure with explicit context
UK Core Report Code

A code from the SNOMED Clinical Terminology UK coding system that describes a diagnostic report. Selected from the following SNOMED CT UK coding system:

  • descendantOrSelfOf 371525003 Clinical procedure report
UK Core Residential Status

A set of codes that define the residential status of a patient with regard to the UK.

UK Core RespirationRate
A set of codes that define a patients level of consciousness. Selected from the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - DescendantOrSelfOf 86290005 Respiratory rate - MINUS   - DescendantOrSelfOf 927961000000102 Baseline respiratory rate
UK Core Service Request Reason Code
A set of codes that define a reason for a service request. Selected from the following hierarchies within the SNOMED CT UK coding system: - descendantOrSelfOf 404684003 Clinical finding - descendantOrSelfOf 71388002 Procedure - descendantOrSelfOf 272379006 Event - descendantOrSelfOf 363787002 Observable entity - descendantOrSelfOf 243796009 Situation with explicit context
UK Core Source Of Admission

A set of codes that define the source of admission to a hospital provider spell or a nursing episode when the patient is in a hospital site or a care home.

UK Core Source Of ServiceRequest

A set of codes that describe the source of the service request. Selected from the Referred by person and Self-referral hierarchies of the SNOMED CT UK coding system:

  • descendantOf 309013001 Referred by person
  • descendantOf 306098008 Self-referral
UK Core Substance Or Product Administration Route

A set of codes that describe the route: - with which a medication was or should be administered to a patient; - by which a vaccine product is taken into the body; - by which a patient was exposed to a substance or product causing an allergy or intolerance. Selected from the 'ePrescribing route of administration' simple reference set of the SNOMED CT UK coding system.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.


The source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the PATIENT is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home.


Additional Appointment Type codes


The destination of a Patient on completion of a Hospital Provider Spell, or a note that the Patient died or was a still birth.


Additional Encounter Class codes


Additional Encounter Priority codes


EpisodeOfCare Type codes


The categorisation of social care flags which can be placed against a person.


The type of social care flag which can be placed against a person.


Medically Safe For Discharge Status


A set of codes to define a course of therapy for a medication request.


National Interim Clinical Imaging Procedure codes


Organization Types, as used by ODS


A CodeSystem to identify the form in which a referral is sent and received.


The social care assessment outcome.


The social care assessment output type.


The social care assessment type.


The social care contact reason.


The type of person making contact with social services


The type of service that a person is receiving


The social care support reason.


The categorisation of the social care support reason.


The role which a person plays in a service user's support

UK Core Discharge Destination England

A set of codes that define the destination of a patient on completion of a hospital provider spell, or a note that the patient died or was a still birth. These codes and their descriptions represent concepts used in England and are copied from the content of the NHS Data Dictionary Discharge Destination web page on 18/11/2021.

UK Core Person Marital Status England

A set of codes that define the marital status of a person, as specified by the person. These codes and their descriptions represent concepts used in England and are copied from the content of the NHS Data Dictionary Person Marital Status web page on 16/12/2022.

UK Core Person Marital Status Wales

A set of codes that define the marital status of a person, as specified by the person. These codes and their descriptions represent concepts used in Wales and are copied from the content of the Digital Health and Care Wales web page on 17/11/2022.

UK Core Source Of Admission England

A set of codes that define the source of admission to a Hospital Provider Spell or a Nursing Episode when the Patient is in a Hospital Site or a Care Home. These codes and their descriptions represent concepts used in England and are copied from the content of the NHS Data Dictionary Source Of Admission Code (Hospital Provider Spell) web page on 18/11/2021.

UKCore Practice Setting Code

This is the code representing the clinical specialty of the clinician or provider who interacted with, treated, or provided a service to/for the patient. These codes and their descriptions represent concepts used in England and Wales and are copied from the content of the NHS Data Dictionary web page and NHS Wales Data Dictionary page on 20/10/2022.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.


Interweave Operation Outcome example