Interweave Implementation Guide
0.1.0 - ci-build United Kingdom flag

Interweave Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the STU3 profiles here.

CodeSystem: InterweaveSocialCareContactReason

Official URL: Version: 0.0.1
Draft as of 2024-07-15 Computable Name: InterweaveSocialCareContactReason

The social care contact reason.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

Generated Narrative: CodeSystem Interweave-SocialCareContactReason

This case-sensitive code system defines the following codes:

FOI Access to Records Request/FOI
AEI Adaptation/ Equipment Issue
AR Application/Registration
CAQ Care Act Query
C Complaint
CFW Concern for Welfare
CHC Continuing Health Care
DSR Data Sharing Request from Other Agency
FIQ Financial/Invoicing Query
HRF-2D Health referral pathway 2D/2E
HRF-EOL Health referral pathway 4 end of life
HRF-FT Health referral pathway 4 fastrak
HD Hospital Discharge
MHAAR Mental Health Act Assessment Request
MHTRR Mental Health Tribunal Report Requested
NRR Nearest Relative Request for MHA Assessment
NF Not For Adult Social Care
ND Notification that SU Deceased
OSF Online - Self Assessment Form
OTH Other
PUI Providing Update/ Information
RR Repeat Respite
R-SI Reporting a Safeguarding Incident
R-I Reporting an Incident
R-IPC Reporting an Issue with a Package of Care
REQ-AE Request for Adaptation/Equipment
REQ-ADVO Request for Advocacy
REQ-ASS Request for Assessment
REQ-CS Request for Carers Services
REQ-DST Request for Decision Support Tool (DST) Meeting
REQ-I Request for Information
REQ-PSPA Request for Permanent Support Plan Adjustment
REQ-R Request for Review
REQ-TSPA Request for Temporary Support Plan Adjustment
REQ-USC Request for Urgent Support - Carer
REQ-USS Request for Urgent Support - Service User
SA Self Assessment
TC Transitions Case
TRAN Transport


2024-07-15createChintan ChokshiInitial CodeSystem creation